"She won't be able to move her left arm for 2 weeks. Though it's a good thing that she didn't have any severe injury on her head or spine." Doctor Sonny explained to Ethan.

"Young lady, be careful next time. Next time might be an unlucky day for you …" The doctor faced her.

"Thank you Doctor. I'll make sure that there would be no next time for such a thing like this." She laughed sheepishly.

"I'll see my way out then." He excused himself.

"Thank you Doctor." Ethan bid him goodbye. He looked at her with disappointment. Aisha looked away.

"I'll just call Larry to tell him that I won't be able to go to work today." She mumbles.

"Don't bother calling Larry coz you don't have to work at the White Lotus Store moving forward." He said as he sat on the bedside beside her.

"B-but why? Are you terminating me?" She probed.

"Yes." He was firm.

"Ethan!" She cried. Ethan stood up as he strode to one of the cabinets in the room. He looked for a certain document.

"From now on you will assume the position as the Chief Manager of White Lotus. You will be working directly at Saphiro Gentz Empire as soon as you're completely healed.

"Y-you mean at the same company? With you?" She asked.

"Yes." He smiled at her. Aisha's eyes glinted with excitement.

"B-but I don't know what to do, yet …" She frowned. Then Ethan handed to her the document he took at the drawer.

"W-what is this?" She asked.

"It contains all the information that you need to know about your department. Study that for the next 2 weeks. After that, I will personally help you when you assume your responsibility." He tapped her head. She smiled at him.

"Okay, I will."

"I'll go ahead then. If you need anything, just call our household staffs to assist you. Don't stress yourself too much." He kissed her before exiting the room. Aisha blushed with his sudden affection.

***Since Aisha cannot leave the house due to her injury, she dedicated her time for the whole week taking care of Eli. While assisting Eli, she was able to finish reading all the documents that Ethan handed her. She furthered her knowledge by reading more books for her reference. At the same time, she was also in contact with Hunter. She needed information about the bounty hunters and if he had any information using the phone that she took from one of them. The night that she went to Hunter, she gave him all the details of what transpired during her conversation with the bounty leader. She also left the phone that she took in hope that the client would call. But according to Hunter, no one called the phone. Seems like the people who wanted her dead knew what happen. They were not easy to deal with. They knew what they're doing. They were smart. Whoever these people were, they surely knew how the underworld operates.

**After the first week, Doctor Sonny removed the cast on Aisha's arm. She could move it but not to the full extent. She then decided to visit Ethan in his office. She wanted to surprise his husband so she cooked some meals for their lunch. She asked Mr.Tanner to drop her off at the company.

"Whoa! It's definitely the biggest and tallest building around the city." Aisha was so amazed. She was about to enter the building but the guards stopped her.

"Sorry Miss but you can't enter the building." One of the guards told her. She creased a brow.

"I'm here to see Mr. Williams. Ethan Saphiro Williams." She said casually. The guard eyed her from head to toe. The lady in front of him was just wearing a plane white V-neck shirt paired with gray tight jeans. But she was definitely pretty. She was bloomingly gorgeous.

"Do we have a problem?" She asked when she noticed how the guard eyed her.

"N-none miss. It's just that-----" He didn't know how to tell her without any intent of insult. He just pointed at the ladies who were about to enter the building. Aisha followed his finger. Then she saw the ladies outfit. They were all wearing business suits, if not, they are all dress up with heavy make-up. She understood what the guard meant. She looked at herself and mocked her outfit inside her head. She laughed.

"Sir, I totally understand what you mean." She laughed. "But can you at least consider me just this once? I came here to bring my husband's lunch."

"But miss I thought you're here to see Mr. Williams?" He was confused.

"Yes." She smiles at him. Then realization hit the guard.

"I-I'm sorry Miss. Are you perhaps----?"

"Stacy. Stacy Hertiz Williams." She smiled. The guard held his breath.

"I-I'm sorry Miss Williams. Please forgive my rudeness. I didn't know coz I haven't seen you in person." He stammered as he explained himself.

"It's okay. I know you're just doing your job. But can you show me the way to his office?" She answered politely.

"O-of course Miss Stacy." The guard called another personnel and directed him to guide Stacy to where Ethan's office was.

The other personnel went with her but he left her when they reached the front door to the secretary's desk.

"Please get inside Miss Stacy. His secretary will guide you through."

"Thank you." She said before the personnel left her.

Aisha knocked on the door before entering. She found Dorothy at her desk talking on the phone. Dorothy signaled her to come in. So she did. After her call, Dorothy led her inside Ethan's office and then she left her there. Stacy placed the paper bag on top of the sofa table then she roamed around the office. It was huge. He probably slept there sometimes since there was a big fluffy couch inside. There was also a widescreen LED TV adjacent to the couch. The walls were made of clear glass. She could see the beautiful blue sky outside. The other houses and buildings seemed so small when you look at it from where she was right now. The people looked like little ants. She smiled.

Dorothy told her that Ethan was in a business conference and he would be back in the office after an hour. She told her not to inform Ethan about her waiting inside. She wanted to surprise her but she felt sleepy while waiting, so she laid her body down the couch for the meantime but she dozed off to sleep.

After A while, Ethan came in but he didn't notice Aisha who was sleeping on the couch. Angel was with him. Ethan had a foul mood at that moment because one of the clients refused his entry at the North Side Country for his coastline project.

"Damn that client!" He punched his table. Aisha moved. She heard Ethan but she also heard a woman's voice. She didn't wake up. She was curious. Then she heard the woman spoke.

"Don't worry Ethan. We will definitely get that project soon." Her voice was somehow seductive. Aisha was annoyed.

Angel stood behind him. "Let me ease your stress for a while." Then she touched the back of his shoulders and gently massaged it. Ethan leaned on his chair with his eyes closed. He was enjoying her hands. Aisha saw them at the television screen. Her heart stung a bit.

Aisha stood up with her annoyed face.

"Stacy?" Angel was surprised. As soon as Ethan heard her name, he opened his eyes. He looked at her.

"Stacy? What are you doing here?" Ethan asked in surprise.

Aisha glared at him. She looked like she could murder someone anytime. She stared at Angel's hand still holding Ethan's broad shoulders. She glared at them full of contempt.

She took the paper bag and hurriedly went out. She banged the door!

"Stacy! Wait!" Ethan quickly stood up and chased after her.

"Dorothy, please take this. I believe you haven't taken your lunch yet!" She was irritated.

"Stacy!" Ethan approached her. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here." He said in a calm voice. She was holding in her anger.

"How would you know when you're busy flirting with another woman!" She yelled at him.

Ethan was surprise while Dorothy wanted to laugh but she held it in. Love quarrel in front of her? It's very new.

"I-it's not what you think okay. Stacy, look at me!" Ethan grabbed her shoulder so she could face him. She look away, still mad at him.

"We were not doing any---------"

"I don't care!" She cut him off. "I don't care what you do or what you're doing and I don't care what you wanna do. It's your life anyway. If you want to flirt with her then fine! Go! I was a fool to think about surprising my husband with this damn lunch!" She was yelling like a child.

Dorothy can't contain her laugh any longer.

"Jealousy is in the air … hmmm …" Dorothy hummed mockingly.

"Stacy! I told you it's not what you think, okay?" Ethan patiently explained.

"What am I thinking anyway? She's just your employee? Fine! She's just a friend? Fine! And I am just a bothersome wife! So I'm going home! Then you can continue what you were doing!" She removed Ethan's hands from her shoulder and then hurried towards the door. Ethan laughed at her childishness. He chased her and pulled her arm. He embraced her.

"I'm sorry, okay … I'm sorry. I'm sorry that your husband is so handsome." He teased her. Aisha pinched his side.

Angel heard the commotion outside his office so she came out.

"Stacy, I'm sorry. It's not what you think. I'm just relieving his stress a while ago. I didn't know you were there." Angel explained. Aisha looked away. She was embarrassed.

"I'll see myself out then." Ethan smiled at her apologetically. Then Angel left.

"Am I still going to eat this? Coz I am super starving." Dorothy smirked while looking at them.

"I'm sure your boss is full since he was enjoying that woman's massage!" She pouted after glaring at him. Dorothy laughed but Ethan raised his brow.

"Are you jealous?" He was laughing. He quickly pulled her close and then he kissed her lips for God knows how long. She blushed at the thought of Dorothy watching.

"Would that be enough to compensate my wife's effort?" He teased her after he released her lips.

"I dont care. I'm going home." She looked away as she crossed her arms on her chest. Ethan was enjoying looking at her wife's jealous reaction. He looked at Dorothy.

"Dorothy you can have a 2 hours lunch-break for today, but make sure to clear my schedule for that 2 hours. I don't want anyone to disturb "US" for the next hours." Ethan said. Dorothy jumped in happiness. She was overwhelmed.

"Yes!" She shouted and then went near Aisha. She held her hand then she embraced her.

"A big thanks to you Miss Stacy!" She said happily. "You're an angel in disguise!" She kissed her cheek then exited the office jumping and dancing.

"Were you that strict to your employees?" She asked Ethan curiously. He laughed.

"As for my thoughtful wife, please stay with your handsome husband today." He pulled her to his chest as he planted a kiss on her forehead. He took the paper bag at Dorothy's table then entered his office.

*** Angel was in deep thought while walking out of the building.

"What was that? Stacy never gets mad before. Not even if she sees us so close at each other. Hmmm … What happened? There's something wrong with her ... I just can't point it out yet … I guess I'll be watching her for the time being." Angel told herself.