Aisha decided to pay a visit to Stacy's father- Robert. She had to know the latest update about her sister. If she already regained her consciousness, if she was doing okay and when could she possibly come back. Aisha realized that as long as she was with Ethan and Eli, their lives would constantly be in danger. She didn't want to involve them coz she grew to love them from the deepest part of her heart. She also realized that she couldn't fully protect them if she was around them. It was better to protect them in the shadows. Yes, it's easier that way.

Aisha was thinking of leaving Ethan and Eli with her sister-- the real Stacy. She couldn't covet her family because they were not hers in the first place. She had to control her feelings towards Ethan. She had to block it before all hell broke loose. She had to leave them as soon as possible. But she needed her sister to come back completely healed.

The guard opened the gate to the Hertiz residence as they greeted the Stacy in front of them. She smiled at them then walked inside.

"Your father is in his study room talking to his brother." One of the maids told her.

She went directly to Robert's study room. She's about to knock however, she heard a man speaking to Robert about a plan.. what? A plan to destroy Ethan? But why? She listened intently.

" I already spoke to most of the investors of Saphiro Gentz Empire. Some agreed to dethrone Ethan, but some refused to join our plans. But we only need to convince the biggest shareholder in the company. As long as he joins our group, it is easier for us to destroy the Williams." She heard Robert spoke.

"Give me the rest of the names of those who oppose the movement. I will deal with them personally." The man answered.

"Yes brother."

"However, we must prepare with the plan B as well. In case that, we have to use it and then make sure to prepare our men." The unknown guy said.

'Are they planning to kill him?' She whispered to her head.

"Robert, I don't want our efforts to go to waste. We've been preparing for this for how many years now. We can't waste Stacy's efforts as well." Aisha held her breath. Did she hear them correctly? Stacy? Her sister was a part of this plan? No! It cannot be! They must have been using her all along. She had to see who this guy was.

Aisha knocked on the door acting innocently. They shouldn't know that she overheard them. She knocked twice.

"Who is it?" Robert called out from the inside.

"It's me, Aisha. I need to talk to you..." Aisha answered. Robert opened the door as he invited her in. She saw the other guy standing near the window. She couldn't see him since his back was facing her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you have a visitor. Did I interrupt you?" She candidly asked. Her gaze never left the other guy.

"We're almost done. May I know the reason of your sudden visit?" Robert asked.

"I---" She hesitated for a while. "I want to ask how's my sister? Is there's any update about her condition?" She continued.

Robert was stunned. "S-she's doing okay. My wife called me the other day. She said that your sister is recovering." He answered.

"Can I see her?"

"Not now Aisha. Your sister had just regained her consciousness the other day and she can't afford to have any surprises for now. It's not good for her health."

Aisha bowed her head in defeat. Aisha looked at the other guy's direction. She couldn't see his face completely but she was able to see a part of his face. Robert noticed her gaze towards his brother.

"Oh. He is my brother by the way. He's a little bit conservative. He's not into socialization but he knew you very well." Robert explained.

"I understand." She answered. "Robert, please let me know when my sister is coming back." She faced Robert. Robert nodded.

"I'll see myself out then." Aisha left the room in deep thought. Ethan seemed to have some foes. But how could she tell Ethan about what she heard? He would be suspicious about her for sure. She had to find another way.

As soon as she exited the gate of the Hertiz mansion, she dialed out his father's number.

"Dad!" She exclaim.

"Aisha! You ungrateful child! Why are you calling me just now, huh?! I already disowned you! Don't call me again!" She heard Demetrius yelled on the other line. She distanced her phone to her ears. She laughed.

"Haha… dad, I'm sorry. But I need your help." She explained.

"What did you get yourself again into huh? Are you asking me to clean your mess huh?! No, I won't!" He was hysterical.

"Haha... Dad, it's not that. I need your help." Aisha discussed the details to his dad.

*** Aisha finally went home at 6 in the evening. Ethan was not home yet, he texted her that he would be late tonight. She went to see Eli in the pool playing with his friend-Yohann, Mr. Tanner's son. He was 1 year older than Eli. When Aisha discovered that Mr. Tanner had a son, she immediately asked their driver to bring him along so Eli would be able to play with him. Eli was happy about it, so was Ethan. It has been months that Yohann have been visiting the Williams' mansion.

"Eli, Yohann… time for dinner." She yelled.

"Mom!" Eli ran to embrace her mom while Yohann was standing alone. He greeted her with a shy smile.

"H-hello, Miss Stacy."

"Yohann." Aisha frowned, "How many times do I have to tell you? It's Aunt Stacy, right?"

"Y-yes, A-aunt Stacy." He smiled.

"Come on Yohann, let's have dinner first. Your father will come to get you in a little while, okay?"

"Yes, aunt." The 2 boys held her hands side by side as they happily entered the kitchen.

After dinner, Mr. Tanner came to get Yohann. She also laid Eli in his bed. While sitting at the veranda, Mr. Antonio, the house butler approached her and handed her an envelope.

"A mail came for you this morning, Miss." He said. She took it then the butler left.

She held her breath and dropped the envelope with her hands trembling.

"NO!" She cried.