"Aisha, this is already the 5th flower that arrived for today. Are you really going to ignore his act of apology?" Lisa told her when she entered her office.

"Coz you know what, before this day ends, our office will turn into a flower shop." Lisa joked. Caleb was sitting at the couch reading magazines when he suddenly laughed at Lisa's joke.

"I agree with her." He said. "Why don't you give him a chance to explain himself?" Caleb spoke. "Because I'm telling you, guys like me and Ethan is very susceptible to temptations." He added.

"Hey! So you are saying that since men are naturally lustful that we, ladies have to accept your unfaithfulness? No way! Can't men be faithful to just one woman?!" Lisa was aggravated.

"Hey woman, that's not what I mean! It's not that we are unfaithful, it's just that we cannot avoid those flirty ladies coming to us!" Caleb yelled at Lisa.

"So what's the difference of you being unfaithful to your wife, huh?! Men should know how to say no, especially if he is already married!" Lisa insisted. Caleb put down the magazine that he was reading. He faced Lisa.

"Lisa, you're a woman, that's why you don't understand men like us-------"

"And you're a man Caleb that's why you don't understand women like us. Don't you know women don't want to share their man with others?!" She yelled. "If it is my husband who did that I will surely cut his manhood, I swear!" Caleb gulped.

Aisha heard their arguments. They had their own points but she was having a good time watching them fighting. They looked good together. She smiled.

Aisha understood Ethan's situation, but she just don't want to see nor talk to him for the meantime. Her mind was full of worries for now. Moreover, she was trying to control her emotion towards Him. She didn't want to fall for him that much coz she might have a hard time leaving him sooner or later. Robert told him that Stacy- her twin sister already regained her consciousness, so she could return to her place soon. She had to be ready to let him go anytime soon.

She also needed to concentrate on her mission, so she didn't have time to care for her growing feelings.

***On the other hand, Clint was laughing at his best friend Ethan. He looked like a lamb ready to be slaughtered anytime soon.

"Where is the mighty Ethan that I knew before? Why are you sulking in a corner?" He teased him.

"Clint! I called you here to my office to ask for your help! For your advices! I didn't call you here to mock me!" Ethan was irritated and impatient.

"She's not answering any of my phone calls. And I already sent her 5 different flower bouquet but Lisa told me that she never looked at them. What am I supposed to do?" Ethan continued.

"Hmm… I understand if she is still mad at you. Of course, who wouldn't get mad if they saw their husband flirting with another woman? Haha! One thing you should understand about women is that, they hate sharing their husband with another woman. I wouldn't be surprised if one day she will divorce you." Clint laughed. Ethan threw him his stress ball.

"Damn you Clint! You're not helping me at all! He burst.

"But I wonder though. This is the very first time that she got mad at you. If you think about it, Stacy never gets angry even if you sleep with another woman before. Hmm… I wonder when did she bang her head?" Clint spoke his curiosity.

"Clint if your not going to help me with her then you can go back now." Ethan pointed at the door sarcastically.

"Haha… Relax my friend okay, just relax. The solution to your problem is so simple--- Just court your wife again!" He laughs hilariously.

"Ask her out, go to a fancy restaurant and have a dinner date. Or if not, cook her a delicious breakfast. Give her gifts and just do everything she told you to do." Clint continued.

"I can try that but I don't think it will help." Ethan sighed.

"Then just talk to her, that's it." Clint suggested.

"But she doesn't want to talk to me." He answered.

"Then make a way! Make an effort. Show her that you're serious about getting her forgiveness!" Clint encouraged him.

*** Aisha turned off her phone and handed it to Lisa for the whole day. Unknown to her, Ethan texted her that he would be waiting for her outside the building. It's been an hour but Aisha hadn't responded yet and that he didn't see her come out of the building. When Ethan saw Lisa who just got out the building, he approached her.

"Sir Ethan, I'm sorry but her phone is with me. The battery is dead so I have to charge it and Miss Stacy forgot it when she went out early." Lisa lied.

"She went out early? Where did she go to?" He asked.

"I-I don't know sir. She didn't tell me."

"Is Caleb with her too?"

"Yes, Sir Ethan." Lisa hesitated.

Ethan was annoyed. As far as he remembers, that Caleb was so close to Stacy. He was with her every time, since he started working as her personal assistant. He knew that they were just friends but he was frustratingly annoyed whenever they saw them together. Was he being jealous?

Lisa had to lie to Ethan about their location as well. She knew that they went at Hunter's place. They've been going there from time to time to discuss some of their plans.

*** At the moment, at the Lockwood residence, Angel was being treated by their family doctor. She got cuts on her lips and her face was swollen due to the impact of Stacy's slaps earlier. She also got some bruises on her forehead and her arms were swollen when Aisha once pulled her hands tightly.

"She will definitely pay for what she did!" She cursed. She took her phone and dialed a number.

"I'll send you her picture. Make sure to beat the crap out of her!" She screamed in frustration.