Ethan went to the resto-bar that he used to visit after his work. He was so upset the whole day when he discovered how Aisha kept the threat on Eli's life from him. That morning he went to the police station to interrogate the man who took his child the other day. He didn't get any answer from him. He was telling the truth when he said that someone paid him. Ethan did an investigation on the man's background and found out that he was working as a bartender in an unknown bar, so he asked the Chief Police officer to release him, but they should continue monitoring him. The real culprit might contact him again. He also lost an important project deal in Japan. It seemed like this day wasn't his day at all.

He drank an amount of alcohol. He was trying to drain all his emotions. After a while, a woman sat behind him caressing his back.

"Looks like you had a very bad day." She talked sweetly. Ethan looked at her. He didn't care.

"Is that the way you greet your drinking buddy? I came to join you because you look so pitiful." She insisted.

"Don't mind me, just go home." Ethan motioned her to leave but she inched closer to him.

"I can't. I hate to leave you Ethan." She tried to kiss him; but Ethan avoided her.

"Don't do this Angel. I can't betray my wife." He was trying hard to avoid her advances but she was so persistent.

"But it seems like your wife doesn't care. We had this kind of relationship before, right?" She pulled his head to face her. "Don't worry babe, I'll take good care of you tonight." She kissed him passionately.

**At the mansion, Aisha tried to call Ethan numerous times but he was not answering. His phone was off. She took her smart phone and tried to locate his whereabouts. She was worried since she didn't see Ethan when she woke up at around 1am. Where could he be? He was not home yet. She tried to call Larry but Larry told her that they separated at around six in the evening and that he went directly to the resto-bar. Larry gave her the address.

Her tracking device pinned his location---- he was at the Omega Hotel? But what was he doing there? He didn't have any schedule tonight as far as she remembered since Larry gave a copy of Ethan's schedule. Was he still angry at her because of what she did? Aisha put away the tracking phone. She went back to sleep. Guess he didn't want to see her then.

***Aisha woke up early and prepared breakfast for Eli. Ethan hadn't come home yet. He must have been really angry at her. Aisha decided to give him space. She would be leaving them anyway after a couple of weeks, maybe?

Ethan stoked his forehead. He had hangover last night as far as he remembered. He was about to stand up but he noticed that he was in a different room. It was not his own room. Where could he be? His attention was directed to the naked woman beside him. She's not Stacy! His eyes widened when he recalled what transpired last night.

"Angel?" He shrieked. Angel suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Ethan, you woke up." She smiled. She stood up flaunting her naked body.

"D-did we…?" He unsurely asked. Angel chuckled. She grabbed her robe as she covered her nakedness.

"Ethan babe, what do you think?" She approached him. "A naked man and a woman inside the hotel?" She inched closer, "What do you think happened?" She reached his lips swiftly. "Should we do it again, Ethan? Coz last night, you looked like a hungry wolf wanting for more…" Angel smirked as she tried to reach his lips again. Ethan stopped her.

"Angel, whatever happened to us last night was not intentional. I hope it won't happen again.'' Ethan stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Where do you think you're going?" Angel asked.

"I have work to do."

"Ehm… okay. Let's go together then." Angel smirked.

*** At the Saphiro Gentz Empire, Aisha felt the sudden craving for an ice cream so she asked Caleb and Lisa if they wanted to join her. The two definitely liked the idea so they all went down to the company's café. They were enjoying the ice cream while taking a rest at the VIP lounge. They were laughing at Caleb's silly stories. Suddenly, they noticed that the employees were unexpectedly silent for the time being. Then they noticed where their gazes were. Aisha directed her eyes to where the employees are looking. Her eyes widened for a while but she tried to calm herself.

"What is that woman doing in here?" Lisa was aggravated. Aisha took his eyes on them. Lisa and Caleb looked at her. They creased a brow. Last time they saw her; she was ready to murder that woman.

"Hey, Aisha! Did you see how clingy that woman to your husband is?" Lisa tapped her hands.

"Ehm...'' She slightly smiled.

"Did you two fight again?'' Caleb asked.

"Ehmm…" It was her only response.

"Aisha, just give me the signal so I can skin that woman alive!" Lisa yelled.

"It's okay Lisa. Just don't mind them." She interrupted her.

"Oh well, look who's here." A woman approaches them.

"Angel.,!" Lisa was about to stand up to bitch slap her but Caleb seized her arms. Aisha didn't even bother to look at her.

"Guys, let's go..." Aisha commanded the two. She stood up first as she walked towards the lounge exit but she froze. Ethan was standing in front of her. They just stared at each other. Ethan was holding a cup of coffee when Angel held his arm. Angel was trying to provoke her but Aisha didn't even look at her.

"Oh by the way, in case you were looking for your husband last night, don't worry we're -----''

"Angel!" Ethan stopped her. He shrugged Angel's hands on his arms. Then Ethan walked inside the lounge. Aisha heard her but she couldn't freak out. So she decided to pass by her, however, Angel was able to whisper in her ear in a quick manner.

"He was with me the whole night." Angel smirked. Aisha paused then she looked at her then back to Ethan. Ethan looked away.

Aisha felt her heart sting a bit. No! It was not just a simple sting. It hurt. She continued to walk. Instead of walking back to her office, she decided to go outside the building. Caleb and Lisa followed her. They were just standing behind her. They understood what Angel was about to say and they know Aisha was not stupid to not understand what she meant.

Aisha heaved a heavy sigh.

"Come! I know exactly where we should go..." Caleb smiled. He held her hands then the three jogged towards the road then grabbed a taxi.

Ethan saw how Caleb held her hands. He was looking at them intently until they rode a taxi. He clenched his fist.