It was 10am when Aisha decided to go and see Ethan to present the revised project proposal, however Dorothy, his secretary said that he was currently in a meeting and would be in his office after seven minutes. Aisha decided to wait inside his office. After a while, the door opened, but to her surprise it was not Ethan.

"Angel!" She clenched her fist. The other woman looked at her from head to toe. Angel snorted.

"Stacy! It's nice to see you. I heard you broke up with Ethan. I hope you don't mind my presence here." She was provoking her.

"I really don't know how and where did you get your story line, but just to correct your statement, there's no such thing as break-ups when it comes to our relationship. And whatever our misunderstanding is; you're out of it. So If I were you, I better hurry outside if you still love your life." Aisha was calming her nerves.

"Huh! You're one to talk Stacy! Did you forget that you were the one who insisted on divorce a few months ago before your accident? The whole world knew about your infidelity towards your husband! So I just want to remind you that it was you who started everything!" Angel exclaimed.

"What exactly are you talking about, huh?" Aisha was surprised. She knew her sister asked for divorce but the infidelity was another shock for her. Angel raised her brow. She was surprised at Stacy's innocent look. Did she forget about her past?

"Play dumb all you want Stacy, but there's an end for everything! Even when you married Ethan, you've been seeing some unknown guy. Worst thing? It was not just one but three men! Stacy! You've been sleeping with three men! Ethan knew about that but since he was stupid, he kept forgiving you!"

"N-No! T-That's not true!" She staggered. Aisha felt an ice bucket was thrown at her. She froze. No, her twin sister was not like that. She was innocent, yes, just like when they were young, Stacy was always innocent. She encouraged herself. Angel was annoyed to see her surprised look.

"God must have punished you because of your infidelity so he made you infertile. If we really think about it, Ethan considered you a lot of times! He even hired a surrogate mother so people won't ridicule you because of your barrenness! But despite the things that he did, what have you done?" Angel wanted to insult her further.

"You should be thankful to me after all. I'm giving your husband the happiness that he needs. I guess she can't get enough from you since he seems like a hungry wolf consuming me during that night," Angel taunted her a little more.

"So you are saying that I should be okay with what you're doing to Ethan, is that correct?" Aisha was trying her best to maintain her composure.

"No! It's more than that." Angel went near her then she whispered in her ears. "I want you to divorce him!" Angel fell down instantly. The force of Aisha's palm in her cheeks was hard enough to make her sit on the floor.

"How dare you slap me, you slut?!" Angel screamed. Aisha sat on top of her, and then she held her neck. Angel was chocking, but she slapped her other cheek as hard as she could. Then she slapped her again—then again—then again. Angel tried to reach for her hair, she tried to pull it but Aisha was able to regain her composure. Aisha stood up then she grabbed her hair and pinned her to Ethan's desk. Angel was trying to fight back. She was able to graze Aisha's arms and a bit of her neck but she got some cuts and bruises already on her face. Her face was as red as a tomato due to Aisha's slap earlier.

Dorothy could hear glass breaking inside. She knew that the moment Angel stepped inside Ethan's office -- with Stacy there, it would be a disaster. She decided not to call Ethan. There's at least 3 minutes before the meeting finished. Anyway, Dorothy had the confidence that Stacy would be able to handle herself.

Ethan's office was a mess, as well as the two women fighting inside. Aisha pulled off a lot of angel's hair; even her extension was fully ruined. Aisha finally locked her on the wall.

"I can definitely kill you right now if I wanted to." Aisha said, "I already warned you before not to get close to my husband but you didn't listen. I don't care what happened in the past and what happened to you before, but I care about what is happening now! Once again let me tell you in case you have forgotten it, what's mine is mine! Don't you dare go near him again or else I will definitely kill you with my own hands!'' She threatened her. She kicked her sides before letting her go. Angel glared at her as he fixed herself. Her dress was ruined as well as her make-up, she got bruises all around her body. She was so upset when she saw that she only grazed Aisha.

"And one more thing, I'm not actually convinced if you really had a great time that night with my husband. Coz I think I heard the bartender of that bar who clearly told me that my husband was very drunk that night. He couldn't even distinguish what's real from what's not. So are you really sure that something happened THAT NIGHT?" Aisha was taunting her. The bartender told her that Ethan dozed off to sleep at the counter that night.

When Aisha turned around to leave her, Angel picked up a broken glass and was about to stab Aisha but she dodged it by using her arm as a shield, Aisha kicked her hard in the stomach then she gave an all-out punch on her face. Angel spat some blood when she landed on the floor.

The door finally opens and Ethan was so surprise to see how messy his office was. Broken glass was everywhere. Larry and Dorothy were shocked as well.

"Stacy? Angel?!" He roared. Angel stood up hastily then she ran towards Ethan then she held his arm.

"It was all her fault!" Angel talked pitifully as she pointed out towards her. Aisha was holding her arm that was stab. The glass was still under her skin. Blood was oozing from her arm. Ethan's eyes widened.

"Stacy!" He got rid of Angel's hands then he ran towards Stacy. "What are you doing? Bring me the first aid kit!" He yelled at Larry and Dorothy. Ethan made her sit on the couch as he removed the glass in her skin. Aisha yelped in pain. Ethan pulled his handkerchief and put it on her wounds to prevent blood from coming out. Angel was dumbfounded. Did Ethan just ignore her? She was also hurt.

Dorothy brought the first aid kit to Ethan, while Larry was calling their company doctor. Angel was just standing in a corner. She was upset. After a while, the doctor and a nurse came. The doctor treated Aisha while the nurse assisted Angel.

"What exactly happened?" Ethan was angry. Aisha didn't answer but Angel was quick to sabotage her.

"It was Stacy! Can't you see what she did to me?" Angel said sarcastically. Ethan looked at Angel disappointedly. What was she even doing here? He didn't invite her at all! Then he averted his eyes to Stacy, she looked away.

"Serves you right!" Aisha mumbled as she rolled her eyes. But still, they were able to hear her. Ethan caressed his head.