"Arigatouguzaimasu, Mr. Katana. We will do our best to meet your expectations. I'll make sure you won't regret your decision to support our company." Aisha bowed in respect before her meeting with Mr. Katana ended. They shook hands to seal their agreement.

"It's my pleasure doing business with you Miss Stacy. Your husband Mr. Williams is definitely lucky to have such a smart wife with him." Mr. Katana of Japan praised her.

"Thanks for the compliment." She uttered then they separated.

Aisha's appointment with Mr. Katana was successful. Thanks to Lisa who planned the meeting. After their meeting, Aisha asked Lisa to go to the hospital to watch over Caleb for the meantime since she needed to see someone in the afternoon.

" I'll be going then." Lisa bid goodbye as she drove to the hospital where Caleb was confined.

"Take care, Lisa. I'll see you later." Aisha hugged her then she left.

Aisha was about to go back to the company when she remembered that she needed to buy tea since she already finished the last pack yesterday.

*** Unknown to anyone, Angel resurfaced after her silence from the day that Ethan humiliated her in front of Stacy.

She was having a conversation over a cup of coffee with Johnny.

"You're not planning to harm Stacy, right?" Johnny was a little bit worried. He knew Angel very well.

"Don't ever get in my way, Johnny, if you do not want to hurt yourself. That Stacy is not the Stacy you knew anymore. She is somewhat possessed by an evil spirit!" Angel became delusional.

"No! I do not agree with what you want!" Johnny exclaimed then he exited the coffee shop with anger.

"Damn! That woman became crazy! I can't let her hurt my Stacy! Never!" Johnny reflected deeply. "I need to see her." He thought.

"Tsk! What a stupid guy!" Angel scoffed at Johnny's retreating figure. Angel picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Have you spotted her?" She asked.

"Yes Miss. We've been following her since earlier." The man answered.

"Beat all the crap out of her! Give her a lesson she won't forget so she will know not to mess with a Lockwood!" Angel ordered in annoyance.

She really hated Stacy since the day she came. She was about to marry Ethan with the help of Master Omni, but Ethan accidentally met Stacy during one of his business trip. She acted in understanding at first since she thought that they won't last long and that she could actually dispatch Stacy anytime. She only needed to bathe herself with positive reviews for the meantime. But she didn't expect to experience a strong willed Stacy at the moment.

***When Aisha was in her favorite Tea store, five big men also entered. They wore the expression of someone who was there to fight. Aisha ignored them. Some of the customers were frightened as they silently sit on their tables. The store was a combination of a café and herbal store so it was quite wide. Aisha was about to pay the tea in her hands when they suddenly surrounded her.

"Are you perhaps Stacy?" The leader of the men asked in a threatening voice.

"Do we have a problem?" Aisha raised her brow; she was not showing any sign of fear. This irritated the men even more.

The customers and even the owner were afraid. The leader was about to grab her hands but she slapped the man's hands away.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She was aggravated. The guy was annoyed. He was about to grab her by force but Aisha kicked him hard in the stomach. He growled in pain. The other men saw what happen so they started to attack her. However, the men fell one by one on the floor. They didn't even scratch her nor laid a hand on her.

"Whoever sent you, tell that person not to send dummy fighters!" She said with a scorn face.

"Mister," Aisha faced the owner. "Call the police and let these people pay for all the damage in your store." She spoke in an authoritative pitch. Aisha exited the store then she started to walk down the alley, suddenly a car stopped in front of her then a familiar face got out of the car.

"Johnny?" Aisha creased her brow.

"Stacy! Stacy!" Johnny rushed towards her and held her shoulders. He inspected her from head to toe. "Ahh! Good thing you're okay!" He heaved a heavy sigh. Worry was painted all over his face. He quickly embraced her unconsciously.

"You're okay, you're okay…" He laughed hysterically when he released her. Aisha's face was full of question.

"Johnny, would you mind telling me something?" Aisha asked, and then suddenly she remembered the men who attacked her so she pulled Johnny into one of the restaurant downside. Johnny followed obediently. They sat in a corner where no one could hear them.

"Stacy, I'm sorry. I tried to prevent Angel from hurting you but, but she's gone crazy!" He explained.

"So you are saying that Angel sent those dummies?" Aisha couldn't believe it. Of course! Angel was capable of doing that. That vixen! She was annoyed.

"Yes. You already know how obsessed she is to Ethan right? So she will do anything to get him even if it means hurting you." Johnny looked at her. "But don't worry Stacy, I'm here to protect you, just like before." Johnny tried to hold Aisha's hands but she avoided him.

Aisha was thinking when she heard him say "Just like before." Would that mean that--------- 'No! It's impossible!' She shrugged her thoughts. But she won't know the truth unless she asked this man. Aisha looked at Johnny's defeated face. Well maybe he could keep a secret. She didn't know but she would try to trust this person. He seemed to be a good person anyway.

"Johnny," She caught his attention.

"Yes?" He sadly answered while looking outside the glass wall.

"What's your relationship with Stacy?" She asked in a stern tone. Johnny raised a brow as he looked at her questioningly. Aisha saw his puzzled expression.

"Look, I know it sounds silly, but I am not Stacy!" She appealed. Johnny's eyes widened as he held his breath. "I am not Stacy and I need your help." She continued.