"I'm begging you." Silver pleaded Stacy. "Please help my wife recover from her trauma."

"But Uncle Silver I can't do that. I can't stay here for a long time. I need to see my sister as soon as possible. she's in danger." Stacy stated. It was after their breakfast that Silver asked to talk to Stacy privately.

Silver asked her if she can stay with Sherry for a couple of days. It'll be good for Sherry to recuperate from the pain of knowing about her dead daughter. Silver also told her the same story he relayed to Sherry so there would be clarity and unity on his story.

"Everyone was saying that she's dead, but Johnny said that she's not." She continued.

"What did you say? Your sister isn't dead?" Stacy didn't see the darkness on Silver's face.

"She's not. She contacted Johnny before to stop me from coming back."

"Are you certain about that?"

"Yes I am. And I think the Williams are hiding her." She clenched her fist. "I need to see Ethan as soon as possible."