They had enough for their shopping spree.

Stacy and Sherry spend the whole day strolling around the mall. At first, Silver was following them but he gave up after an hour. His knees surrendered at the two women's vigor so he ordered his men to carefully watch them while he waits at Starbucks cafe.

After a few hours, they decided to go home. Stacy has been lost in her own thoughts since they were in the car. So when they reached their room, Sherry approached her.

"Is everything okay, dear?" she was worried.

Stacy faced her with determination. "Miss Sherry, we can scape! I have a plan." Her eyes widened.

Sherry was surprise as well. "W-what do you mean?"

"Miss Sherry, I think we can escape together. Remember when we were out for shopping?"

Sherry nodded. "Yeah… what about it?" she asked. Stacy suddenly held both of her hands.

"Have you seen what happened to Silver?" Stacy was trying to shove her observations to her.