He was fixing his suit when his phone suddenly rings.

"Clint, what's the update?" he responded.

"Ethan, I don't know what's happening but I've been watching the Gray's house since yesterday but I haven't seen Stacy went out at all. Also, the house was heavily guarded. It looks like she is being guarded as well." He explained.

"Are you sure about that?" Ethan creased a brow.

"Yes I'm sure. it looks like she's under house arrest. But I will try to look into it further. It looks like she's going out with a gentleman tonight." Clint reported.

"Okay. follow them silently. and whatever happens, make sure to protect her for Aisha's sake."

"I will." Then Clint disconnected the call.

Ethan was thinking about Clint's statement. Looks like Silver knew about Stacy and Aisha's identity. If so, then why is Stacy with him? What is he planning to do? then once again, his phone rings. He looks at the caller id and smiled.