"So you already knew…"

That phrase echoed at Aisha's ears and with a puzzled expression, she looked at Rio.

"D-Dad… w-what do you mean?" she asked flustering. But then, after a few seconds, she gasped with her eyes widened when she comprehended something.

"Dad… you knew, isn't it?" she asked distraughtly.

Rio stood up and walked towards his table and pulled the last drawer and took something out. then he went back to his sit. He looked at the small picture frame for a second then he smiled. After a few minutes, he handed it to Aisha.

As soon as Aisha received the frame, she flipped to see who's on it. she was definitely surprise when she saw her mom. Yes! it was her mom. She can't be wrong. and the man beside her… is this Rio when he was on his twenties? What does it mean? She was trying to connect all the puzzle pieces.