She looked at the sea in front of her, damn! Where is this? a lone island in the middle of somewhere? She muttered within. How could she possibly escape without being notice? There are tons of men guarding the coast so she can't simply sneak on any of the boats out there or else, she will be caught instantly.

How could she escape? Ah, she had already walked around the whole island and saw how heavy the security is. She also witnessed how the other group was killed and buried somewhere around the ground just because they lost her. Ah, poor kittens!

She doesn't have any armors to defend herself from anyone or any wild animals on the island so she must be vigilant enough.

After a minute, she stared at the motor boat nearing the coast. She stayed to see who would it be but to her surprise, it was her uncle Liam.

"Uncle Liam!?" she exclaimed. "What is he doing here?" she thought.