It's a violation of the employee's code of conduct!

She was wearing the hotel employee uniform and she dared throw her shoe towards the customer. The front desk manager glared at the woman standing confidently after hurting one of their customer. She seems to have no remorse of what she did. What is she possibly thinking?

"Who did that?!" the middle-age man uttered in contempt. He was looking everywhere when he spotted a smirking woman.

"You!" he was aggravated.

"Sorry, I slipped!" she was taunting him. the man's wife also glanced at her and beamed sending a thank you gesture.

"How dare you? I'm going to file a suit against the managemen! I'm going to sue you, woman!" the man was so mad that the manager and employees were trembling in fear.

The manager instantly called for an ambulance and after a few minutes, it arrives.

"Ah, yeah, why don't you try to sue the CEO. I will support you on that." she said annoyingly.
