Plot: A Warrior. A Hero. A Legend. Elros Anitos crashes onto Earth after fighting in a devastating galactic war. Entering Kara Zor-El's life with a bang, bonds will be forged, enemies will be fought and pasts unveiled. Will light shine or will darkness devour? Kara x Elros. Rated T for action, violence, some gore.
Pairing: Kara-OC
NOTE: It seems like this novel is abandoned, though i recommend it because the idea behind this novel is exceptionally good. So do not read if you don't like incomplete projects with no notions or sign of continuation in the near future.
Prologue - The Journey Across the Stars
Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl or any of the other franchises/T. V shows I will be using in this story in any way shape or form! This story is made purely for entertainment purposes!
Hello everyone. I'm back with the rewrite for "Stronger United", now called "United, We Rise". I have written all of the notes and know how the story will be written so you can be sure for constant updates and the completion of this story.
Now onto some of the changes that will be in this story when compared to the old "Stronger United". For one, the chapters will not be long as the older story. The chapters will typically be around 10k words because this will allow me to write 1 episode from cannon or an original episode and it will increase the frequency of the updates of the chapters.
Regarding the plot, the prologue will be different when compared the original. The entire prologue will be in this one chapter but this chapter will be much, much longer and it will be detailed. Also, some of the concepts I had introduced in the older version will be changed so make sure to read the prologue carefully. This will be the only chapter that is very large in terms of word count. This is because I do not want the prologue to spread out over multiple chapters. For the rest of the plot, I have many things planned out which I believe will make all of your readers interested and engaged until the completion of this story.
Now about Elros, I felt as if I did not show any character development for him considering what I made him go through even taking into consideration he is an alien and is more genetically evolved and has a stronger mind. As such, I will be making Elros' fate much, much worse in this story before he reaches Earth which you will find out about when you read the prologue. I will be showing a steady progression of Elros' character changing and him recovering from what he went through. Regarding Elros and Kara's relationship, I did say in the previous version that I would try to show a nice development and I failed to meet that promise so I will try to do that in this story. I know in the cannon they show Kara falling into relationships pretty quickly if you look at her interaction with Adam but I don't plan on doing that. I think it would be nice to show a nice development in their relationship as it keeps growing stronger before they get together as I feel this would make the love between them much stronger. And I will be keeping the relationship as Elros x Kara only. Again, with the idea of no betrayal or moments of weakness as I like loyalty.
Also note that I WILL BE INCLUDING LEMON SCENES IN THIS STORY BUT IT WILL BE LATER INTO THE STORY! I WILL GIVE WARNINGS OF WHEN THESE LEMON SCENES WILL COME! Also, the sexual relation between Kara and Elros will be a bit different then normal but it won't affect the story. I just want it the way I wrote it just for the sake of it.
The lemon scenes along with the fact that there will be heavy violence, combat, action and gore in the story is the reason this story will be rated T for now but I will change it to M Rating once I do add lemons but until then its rated T.
Also, Kara's personality will just be slightly changed, just so it fits with the story but not overly so, so please don't worry about that.
Despite this I still wish you all readers give this rewrite a chance as I strongly feel about this story and think it will become quite the read. I promise I'll make sure to minimize the grammar errors as I know there was a SHIT tone of grammar errors in the previous version. Also, there a few changes that you may find, one being that the Varaxxi will now be called Xenomorphs and the main reason for this is because the Varaxxi forms were based off of the Xenomorphs and I just found out that the alien from the movie Alien are called Xenomorphs so yeah. Another change is regarding some information on the Void Legacy so make sure to read the prologue.
Also, big shouted out to Ryu otsutsuki for not only being my beta reader but also for helping me out with many ideas for this story. He is playing a big part in the makings of this story and I could not have done it without him!
Methods of Interaction:
"Normal speech"
"Speaking with telepathy or soul bond"
"Demonic Voice"
("Other language being translated to English")
[Robotic voice]
~Play this music video~
The universe. Infinite in its length, holds an unfathomable number of galaxies which each hold billions upon billions of stars, giant balls of gas of extreme heat and varying colors of light. Some of these stars have planets orbiting them and some of these planets house life. Sentient organisms that were created by the god of life since the dawn of creation.
In one of these infinitely numbering galaxies, there lays a planet known as Valeron orbiting a giant white star that shined white rays of light, in what humans call the Cygnus star constellation. This planet is one of sheer beauty that is unparalleled and could truly be called the pinnacle of creation not just because of the nature on the planet and its rich green and blue coloring due to having plants, oxygen and water, but also because of the race that inhabits the planet. Valeronians.
The Valeronians are a very advanced species of humanoids that looked exactly like humans except for a few key differences. One was that their canine teeth were a bit sharper and longer than humans. Two, their tongues were a bit longer and three, they were very far ahead in their evolution as they were genetically advanced, allowing them unique psychic abilities and a natural ability to heal themselves and others.
In addition to being genetically advanced, the Valeronians were also very advanced in terms of their technology. They had cities that could fly and even space travel, ships that could take on armies by themselves, the most advanced medical technology, and power sources that could provide infinite amounts of energy. This alone made them very feared throughout the galaxy among any alien species that knew of their existence, however this fear had been quickly dispersed when they had learned what type of a race the Valeronians are. In what could only be described as the most noble race in the galaxy, the culture of the Valeronians was something that made them very respected.
The Valeronian culture was very unique if you take into consideration how far advanced they were, in terms of both technology and evolutionary. The Valeronians did have a belief in god which they called "Heiron" who they believed that created the universe. However, they did not have any temples in Heiron's name nor did they have any prayers. They believed that as long as they held the belief in Heiron's existence in their hearts, it was enough and it would be better to follow Heiron's teachings rather than pray. As such, they used their advanced technology to help all other races in any way possible. Some races welcomed this help while others didn't and the Valeronians had accepted that.
One particular race that they had forged very close relations was the Kryptonians which were another race of humanoids just like them, except for a few small differences such as their technology and difference in genetic evolution. The Valeronians had encountered the Kryptonians around, 75-thousand Earth years' ago when the King and Queen who had ruled at that time, by chance picked up the distress signal from Krypton as they were passing near their planet. The Valeronians had found an armada of huge ships that were flat and ovular in shape, dark blue in color and entirely organic in nature.
The Xenomorphs are a endoparasitoid species and are around usually around 7-8 feet in height, except queens that can grow up to 100 feet in height. Their physiology consists of large curved, oblong head, long muscular tails, a very powerful exoskeleton around their bodies and very sharp and powerful teeth and claws. They are a very powerful, and possess very high speed and intelligence and most usually are under the command of a queen. But the Xenomorphs were very hostile and their only goals were to survive at any costs and become the most powerful race in the galaxy, which was why they were trying to grow stronger, little by little to one day defeat the Valeronians. As such, they had assembled their entire race and had been traveling across the galaxy to different worlds for food and collect any valuable resources they could and their current target had been Krypton.
The Xenomorphs had descended on Krypton without any warning and began invading their cities and eating their people alive. Despite being caught by surprise, the Kryptonians had used their somewhat advanced technology to fight back but the sheer number and superior physical bodies of the Xenomorphs had them cornered and they could do nothing about it. A distress signal had been launched by accident from their planet and it was their luck or the will of the universe that the Valeronians had picked up the signal as they were passing by.
The ships had arrived at Krypton and within a few minutes had determined the situation. The Valeronians had known about the Xenomorphs and had been hunting them down since they were a threat to the galaxy and its inhabitants. As such, they wasted no time in vaporizing the huge motherships with only one escaping. The soldiers and the King and Queen then beamed down to the surface of the planet using their teleportation technology and began wiping out all of the Xenomorphs on the planet. Once they had all been eliminated and the Kryptonians had been saved, the Valeronian King and Queen had met the rulers of the Kryptonians since their society was a monarchy as well, and a strong alliance had been formed.
The Kryptonians had been very thankful to the Valeronians for saving their race and were looking for different ways to repay them but the Valeronians had told them that they never needed to repay them. This had made the Kryptonians respect them even more and over-time their alliance had formed into a powerful friendship/relationship. The two races had exchanged culture, religion and languages with each other and learned a lot from each other…well mainly Kryptonians learning from Valeronians. Even interbreeding had happened in between the races ensuring that their close relationship would last for ages to come.
Along with the Kryptonians, the Valeronians had helped the highly advanced races with many of their problems which had gained their respect and loyalty. The Valeronians had saved the Asgard race from certain extinction because, in their pursuit to defeat death by cloning themselves and transferring their consciousness from clone to clone as the clones died, they had suffered from irreversible genetic degradation. This was due to their mistake of using the DNA of their clones to make more clones rather than preserving their original bodies and using their DNA. This had happened around 30 thousand years after the Valeronians had saved the Kryptonians, the Asgard had only around 1 thousand years left to live before their race as a whole would perish. The Valeronians had learned about this and had gone to them to offer their help and using their advanced healing powers and technology, they had restored a few of the male and female Asgard's frail, thin and short gray bodies back to before they had started cloning themselves which made their appearance look much like humans, Kryptonians and Valeronians except they had blue skin and no hair.
Not only this but the Valeronians had saved the Asgard from the enemy they had been fighting for years, the Replicators. A small spider shaped mechanical robot of unknown origin that had only one purpose to do for eternity: Replicate. They replicated by consuming technology and resources and making more of themselves, with these replicated versions taking on the properties of whatever technology they had consumed. The Asgard would have been wiped out very quickly but thankfully the Valeronians had offered their help with this situation as well and they had soon discovered that whoever had created the Replicators, had designed them in such a way that an overarching mind would be able to control them. As such, they tied the Replicator to an artificial consciousness with enough memory space that it bordered on the infinite, allowing the Valeronians to take complete control of the little robots.
This of course increased their overall power to unimaginable levels with the Replicators under their control, but they mainly used them to construct cities and help out the Asgard in repairing their broken home world before putting the Replicators to sleep.
In addition to the Asgard, the Valeronians had helped the Protoss, another humanoid like race but they had blue colored skin, were typically 7-9 feet in height, had their knees bending backwards and a triangular face with a thin sharp shin and no mouth as they communicated using their psionic abilities, with fighting the Zerg. The Zerg was a unique race had many different forms and rather very peculiar DNA, enabling to quickly adapt to any environment and develop any beneficial traits of organisms that they consume. The Protoss and the Zerg had been at war for quite a while and it was only because the Zerg had wanted to try and attack their world and other worlds to consume their DNA. This was the reason Protoss fought back but were losing due to the Zerg's immense numbers until the Valeronians interfered, defeating the Zerg invasion force and helping the Protoss rebuild their society and forge a strong friendship with them. It helped that the Protoss believed in respect and honorable combat which was why the Valeronians had got along with them quite well.
The Green Martians, a green colored large humanoid race of shape shifters, that had sharp and short oblong heads, red eyes and muscular bodies, had received aid in their development with the Valeronians providing small amounts of technology but no weapons or anything that could be used as a weapon. In return the Green Martians had offered them a chance to study their ability of shapeshifting which had advanced the Valeronians technology of cloaking and inserting the armor of their soldiers with shape shifting capabilities.
Another race that the Valeronians had close relations to were the Furyans. The Furyans are a humanoid species and they have a very similar physiology to the Valeronians and Kryptonians as they looked almost human except for their black eyes that had yellow irises. The Furyans were a unique race as they had grown and evolved on a very harsh planet causing them to evolve to have extremely high physical capabilities and incredible durability as well as a high regenerative factor. They also had a primal state they called 'Furyan Rage' in which they became extremely powerful and dangerous but lost all rational thinking and follow the only goal they set before they went in this state. The community of Furyans followed a pack system where there was an Alpha male and Alpha female that were the strongest of the entire race since the Furyans valued strength more than anything so whoever is the most powerful was their leader. This was why they respected the Valeronians so much as many of the soldiers in their army were very strong and could stand up to some of the stronger Furyans although the strongest soldiers in the Valeronian army seemed to surpass their Alpha leaders as well.
The relations between the Valeronians and Furyans had formed by accident when the Valeronians came upon their harsh world and discovered their race and saved them from a natural disaster of a huge asteroid about to crash into their planet which would have wiped out all life living on it. After, that Valeronian culture which included lots of fighting integrated somewhat with Furyan culture and the two races had formed strong bonds but not as strong the bond Valeronians shared with Kryptonians.
The final two advanced races that the Valeronians had met throughout the many thousands of years were the Nox and Galadorians. They were races that looked almost like them, Kryptonians and humans in terms of their physical appearance and physiology and except for the fact that the Nox tended to have rainbow colored afro styled hair while the Galadorians had no hair and rather the top of their head was transparent making their blue brain visible to see and streams of energy that passed around in it. These two races were very closely related as they have originated from the same planet but had diverged in their evolution at some point in time. The Valeronians had nothing to help the two races with the two races had nothing that they wanted since they were a very pacifist race which was the main reason their relations were the weakest. The Valeronians had understood the need for fighting but if they lived by the attitude of the Nox and Galadorians, then they would have let millions upon millions of lives suffer and die already.
The Valeronians while kind hearted in wanting to help other good races that were merely seeking to advance, they did not tolerate races destroying other races for advancing their own and as such, they held no mercy in either wiping them out if necessary or reducing their numbers to the bare minimum. It may seem hypocritical that they hated races destroying others when they themselves were doing it but they only did it to protect other good races and they never harmed a soul for their own benefit.
The Valeronians had desired peace and to create such a thing, they had decided to form the Empyrean Alliance. This alliance was made so that all of the technologically advanced races would have strong bonds between each other and would come to any of the other races aid, if the need ever arose. Furthermore, any of the lesser advanced races can join the alliance to get its protection and join in on the trade of resources that happened between them. With this idea, the Valeronians had proposed, to the Kryptonians, Asgardians, Protoss, Green Martians, Nox, Galadorians and the Daxamites to join the alliance. All except the Daxamites agreed mainly because the Daxamites were a very laid back and party all day type of race and they held a grudge against their sister race, the Kryptonians so they refused to be apart of anything they were apart of.
The Empyrean Alliance has now stood strong for 35 thousand years and peace has reigned throughout the entire time. Races had advanced far in technology, previously primitive races have made tremendous advancements in their development and a general acceptance of the various races among most of them. Many other animals have evolved into sentient beings and had developed quite a bit such as the chimpanzees having now evolved into humans on Earth.
However, throughout these 35 thousand years, an evil had been growing in the shadows. The Xenomorphs who had been brought to near extinction, spend the millenniums rebuilding their race and even created the Wraith which were a hybrid of primitive humans from earth and an insect called the Iratus Bug from the Xenomorph's home world, to serve them. The Wraith sucked the life out of humans or other humanoid organisms through an organ on their right arm and also used that to transfer the energy they gained to the Xenomorphs. With this, the Xenomorphs' population had recovered from nearly being wiped out and their grudge had remained as strong as ever. As such they had recruited many of the hostile races that also had a bone to pick with the Valeronians or wanted their rule to be over and created what was known as the Chthonic Alliance. This alliance consisted of the Xenomorphs – the leaders of the alliance, Wraith, Boglodites, Dominators, White Martians, Knish, and the Zerg.
It was only in the past few years that the Empyrean Alliance had received information about this alliance and they had been on guard ever since, preparing for a war which they knew was coming. The current King and Queen of the Valeronians had also prepared their home world for the war and had left some automated defence ships on all of the planets under the protection of the alliance.
Planet Valeron
Currently, the King and Queen, Ramas and Elena respectively were sitting in a large room with their 3 kids, Silara, Elros and Ronan in their home in the capital city of their home world called the City of Optimus. The King is a rather big muscular man, standing at a height of 6'4". He had black hair, brown eyes, a thin beard with sideburns and a few scars on his face. He wore a white cloak with a thin crimson stripe along the edge and the symbol of the Valeronians which was crimson in color and consisted of 4 circles, connected to a square in the center and a dot in the middle of the square. The Queen is a 5' 10" beautiful brown-haired woman with hazelnut colored eyes, a beautiful face and curvaceous figure.
Silara is 16 and the oldest among her 2 siblings. She takes after her mother with her brown hair and hazel colored eyes and an even more curvaceous figure then her mother and was quite tall at a height of 5' 7". She has a very serene, gentle and kind personality and loves spending time cooking with her mother and younger brother Elros and occasionally hide the youngest of her siblings, Ronan when he gets in trouble for trying to pull off some pranks. She is the next in line to rule the Valeronian people and hence has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders but knew with her family by her side, she could do it. However, she and her parents thought that Elros was more suited to lead then anyone.
Ronan is the youngest of the 3 siblings for the royal Anitos family as he is 14 years old. He has brown hair, bound into long dreads, held together by a band, brown eyes that usually held a mischievous look. Ronan loves to play pranks on other people and occasionally convinces his older brother to join him while using his puppy-eyed look into convincing his sister Silara to occasionally hide him when necessary. He also loves to train and spar with his older brother and father as like most Valeronians, he loves to fight.
Elros is the younger brother of Silara and older brother of Ronan, with an age of 15. Elros was an enigma even among his own family but they loved him more because of it. Ever since he had learned to fight, Elros had been able to learn and fight better then some of the most veteran soldiers of the Valeronian army. And when he did enter combat, Elros' nature always had changed. He went from a kind-hearted boy to a fierce warrior that knew only how to win. When he wasn't fighting however, Elros loved to spend time with his family like cooking with his mother and older sister Silara, or fighting with his little brother Ronan and his father. Another, very interesting thing that everyone noticed was that Elros was a natural born leader. He had an aura filled with charisma and authority that made Ramas, Elena and Silara think that he would be fit to lead the Valeronian people, perhaps more than anyone.
This belief was only confirmed when Elros was the first person in their family since the birth of the Anitos house to have lifted the "Gladius" or as it would translate to in English, "Eternal Edge". The Eternal Edge is a sword that was discovered by the founder of the Anitos house, Asuma Anitos.
Ever since the sword was discovered by Asuma, he had brought it back to his home and had left it on a small stand. He had also written down a message for the sword but the message was lost in the ages. The strangest thing about the sword was that it could not be lifted or transported by any means. No matter what technology was used or who tried to lift the sword, it would not budge. Not until Elros somehow managed to lift the sword and swing it around like a toy when he was only 7 years old. Ever since then, only Elros was able to lift the sword and if someone else tried to or if technology was used on it, it would not move.
But even that was not why Elros was considered very special although it was quite a big part of it. What baffled everyone was how unique Elros' DNA is. Elros, rather than having one DNA strand, had two. The first DNA strand was what made him Valeronian but the other one was a mystery. It was a completely different from the DNA of any species in the galaxy. The DNA expressed nothing and played no role in the daily function of the body. Yet it was present in every single cell in Elros' body. Not even the smartest scientist or most advanced technology in the Valeronian arsenal was able to figure the purpose of this DNA nor were they able to extract it.
This had only gotten even more confusing when a 6-year old Kryptonian girl who was the daughter of Zor-El and Alura, named Kara Zor-El, all members of the house of El that was the previous royal family before the Kryptonian council was formed, was discovered by accident as she seemed to be in a similar condition as Elros. She too had two strands of DNA, one the made her Kryptonian and the other that was a mystery. When the two unknown DNA samples were compared, the results only raised more questions, and gave no answers. The two strands among the Kryptonian and Valeronian were completely different.
Despite the confusion among the parents, family and many scientists, Elros and Kara could care less and this discovery of their unique DNA had led to the two meeting and a very strong bond of friendship had been formed. The two had talked and went to all sorts of places when they visited each other's worlds. At one point, they went to the "Segara Bae' al", or translated to English, "The Well of Stars." It was a very beautiful place that contained numerous stars of varying sizes and colors, all resting in a large dust cloud, remnants of a supernova that happened ages ago.
When Kara had visited Valeron, she was captured by the beauty of the planet like every being of every race had when they visited Valeron. There were flying cities, cities that rested on sparkling bodies of water, cities that laid on large grassy plains surrounded by large mountains, and cities that rested in fields of "Xomil" which was a type of clear crystal that was used in the majority of Valeronian technology. The cities always seemed to bathe in white light that radiated from Valeron's shining white sun.
But what further caught her and many other beings' attention were the huge 4-legged lizard like creatures that usually had massive wings – Dragons. Kara had been astounded to learn that Valeron had dragons just like Krypton but the ones on Valeron seemed much more beautiful, diverse and just bigger. Not only that she learned that the dragons on Valeron had a long rich history which she knew she would love to learn when she grew up a bit.
Other then that, Kara spent a lot of time playing around with Elros and he did much the same. The two-previous royal family of Krypton, and the still running family of Valeron had noticed the closeness of the two and couldn't help but smile at their innocence. Kara who was 6-years old and Elros who at the time of this was 8-years old, had grown very close, best friends and their friendship would continue throughout the years. But what they didn't know was that something beautiful had also formed between them. They were too young to understand it but they did notice it. When they were around each other, they always felt so happy. They felt something else which they couldn't figure out but at their age, they couldn't bring themselves to care. They loved playing and spending time with each other when they could and that's all that mattered to them.
Throughout the years, the two had chatted using long range communication technology between their worlds whenever they were on their home world, and when they visited each other given the closeness of the El and Anitos house's ever since Krypton was saved from destruction, the two would spend every waking moment playing with each other. Sometimes their families would join in on the fun.
At one point, during each other's birthdays, Elros had gifted Kara with a necklace made of a very special metal found on Valeron and the metal was a shiny white silverish colored that sparkled quite a bit. The chain of the necklace was curb styled and the necklace held a circular locket that had held the pictures of Kara with her entire family on one side and the other side with Elros and his entire family while the locket itself also played a song Elros had written. Kara in return had gifted Elros with a bracelet, made of a rare metal found on Krypton that was known as the hardest and toughest substances they had. The bracelet was white gold in color and the chain was Figaro styled. Kara had also carved the names of all of the people of the house of El, along with all of the members of the Anitos house onto the bracelet, with Kara and Elros' name being right beside each other.
The day this special event had happened is when something very beautiful had formed between them. Something they and everyone else around them had noticed. Both Kara and Elros had felt strong feelings inside them and it grew as they older. That day had become a treasured memory for the two and they had valued the gifts they had gotten more then anything and never took it off. Their families found this adorable but even they saw that the two were very special and the bond that had formed between was something very powerful and special.
Since that moment, Elros always had Kara on his mind and Kara had Elros on her mind. Just thinking of their friend and now someone they had a strong bond and feeling towards always brought smiles on their faces.
Shaking his thoughts away from Kara, although she stayed at the back of his mind, Elros looked at his mother and father, wondering why they had called a family meeting. The only thing he could think about was the war that was about to come or the crisis Krypton was facing as a result of harnessing energy from their planet's core. ("Why did you call for a family meeting father?") asked Elros with curiosity and lots of anxiousness in his eyes.
Ramas sighed before a very serious expression came on his face. ("I wanted to discuss the upcoming war with all of you. This will be the first fight we have in quite a long time and I fear with how long we have known peace, we may not survive. I fear for us and our people.")
("But father, aren't we very advanced in our technology? Won't that allow us to easily beat all of the Chthonic Alliance.") asked Ronan.
("Even so Ronan, we can't allow us to become too confident. Underestimating our enemy is something we must never do.") came the melodic voice of Elena.
("How can we help?") asked Silara in a calm voice.
("For now, there is not much we can do until the Chthonic Alliance strike because we do not know of their location. They have remained evasive even from our probes scattered throughout the galaxy so until they start the war we are not able to do anything. Until then I wanted to inform you that if anything happens to us in this war, Silara will take up the throne and lead our people and I want you Elros and Ronan to help her.") explained Ramas which made the 3 kids frown as they realized how serious he was.
("We understand father, mother.") came the unison reply of the three.
("KING RAMAS! QUEEN ELENA") shouted a man who had just burst into the room through the advanced automatic doors. ("THE CHTHONIC ALLIANCE HAS LAUNCHED AN ATTACK ON ALL OF THE HOMEWORLDS OF THE MAJOR RACES OF THE EMPYREAN ALLIANCE!")
Everyone instantly recognized the man who was very muscular and big, had no hair on his head and had black eyes, and a flat large nose. He stood at a height of 6' 6" and wore the standard military uniform of the Valeronian army which consisted of white skin-tight clothing, with special red colored thin yet very tough stretchable armor on top and a white cloak with a thin red stripe going around the perimeter signifying the man's rank. This was Khor Doxa, the current general of the Valeronian army, and the second member of King Ramas' special squadron of warriors (Dwayne Johnson).
After, processing the information they were just told, Ramas immediately reacted, ("Tell all of the ships to launch and the army to prepare. We need to defend their home worlds right away.") The man nodded and was about to leave with King Ramas, Queen Elena, Silara and Ronan following.
("WAIT!") shouted Elros, getting everyone to stop and look at him. ("You're making a mistake.") said Elros in a serious tone with authority in his tone that his family knew only happened when they saw Elros as the natural born leader he was.
("What do you mean?") asked Ramas in a serious tone that demanded answers as he was like Elros when it came to innocent lives being at, very serious and deadly.
("Ever since you have told me about the Chthonic Alliance, I have studied them and the individual races very carefully as well as all of our past battles with them. While they are currently aiming to attack the home worlds of all the powerful races in our alliance, their true target is someplace else.") explained Elros with a fierce tone and radiated an aura that made even his parents want to submit to him.
("So, what do you believe is their true target is?") asked Khor.
("From what I studied and some visions I had, I believe their target is us…or more specifically something on this world.") said Elros in a grim tone.
Elros' family knew about the visions he gets which sometimes have ended coming true making them believe he has some precognitive abilities. ("Are you certain?") asked Ramas receiving a nod from Elros. ("Okay, then leave behind a portion of our army here to defend our home world in case they do attack.")
("That would be a mistake father.") Ramas and everyone else looked at him with confusion on their faces. ("By leaving a portion of our army here, many of the other worlds will suffer heavy losses and it could be that I may be wrong. The best course of action would rather be to let our entire army defend the home worlds of the Empyrean Alliance. But we will also tell our people to initiate our planet wide evacuation protocol and have all of them as well as all of the dragons gather at their nearest warp station around the planet and warp to our hideout bases on various worlds. This way we can evacuate all our people, and partners and set our planetary defenses to automatically fire at any and all targets while also launching our disruption technologically that will make the enemy sensor's think our planet is still completely populated.")
Everyone's eyes widened in realization and at the genius plan Elros thought of within a few moments. ("Very well Elros. Khor, activate our planet wide evacuation protocol.") said the Valeronian king to which Khor nodded. ("Elros, you come with us as Krypton is also being attacked and I know you would want to go fight for it.") said Ramas as he looked at Elros knowing how Krypton held a special place in his heart since it was Kara's home world.
Elros nodded his head as he did not want any harm to come to Kara's world. ("Yes. I think it would be best if I went with you and mother for the battle while Silara and Ronan stay behind and make sure the evacuation is complete. That and I believe the Chthonic Alliance maybe after something else other than just our lives. Even though they most likely hold a grudge against us, they are not foolish enough to attack because of it and are most likely after something that will ensure their victory in this war.") explained Elros as a part that he had seen in his vision where he saw Wraiths, Dominators and Xenomorphs on Valeron running around looking for something.
("But I want to come help in the battle too!") complained Ronan as he loved to fight.
("Ronan…it's better if you stay here. We need you to protect our people and protect our sister as well. Can you do that?") asked Elros as he put a comforting hand on Ronan's shoulder and gave him a pleading look that showed how much trust he was putting in his little brother.
("I can take care of myself you know.") pouted Silara but was ignored by the two brothers causing their parents to chuckle a bit even in this grave situation.
("I understand brother. Please take care.") replied Ronan after he saw that Elros was trusting him and he would not let him down.
("I will!") promised Ronan receiving a grateful look from Elros.
("Khor, you and our squadron will stay behind and aid Silara and Ronan with the evacuation of our people and the defense of our planet.") The Valeronian army general nodded. ("Elros, because of our army being spread so thin with trying to help with the defend many worlds. I will only be able to spare one mothership and an army of our automated fighters. But with your custom ship and battle prowess, along with the Kryptonians advanced ships and planetary defense system, I'm sure you'll be able to hold off the invasion.")
Elros nodded before running off to his ship as his mind was on Kara.
('May Heiron's light guide our way.') thought everyone as they headed off to do their part in the battle ahead. The galactic war for the galaxy had begun.
In hyperspace, on the way to Krypton….
Elros was sitting in a ship specially made for him called Ra Furi – God's Wrath. The ship was an equilateral triangle in shape which allowed for maximum maneuverability with the strongest sublight thrusters Valeronian technology had to offer. Also, since the ship was meant to be piloted by only one person, it did not hold any extra space that would be required to house multiple crew members. Hence, the ship was filled to the brim with all sorts of technology such as beam weapons, plasma pulse cannons, a triple shield defense system, automated small fighters, etc. The ship is pitch black in color with crimson red outlines throughout the ship, making it very fierce and deadly looking.
Elros was currently sitting in the only sit in the very small and tight bridge room where he was looking at various holographic screens displaying the status of Krypton thanks to the long-range sensors on his ship. The projector was showing at least 3 Hive Mother ships of the Xenomorphs and their servants, the Wraiths along with 18 of their cruisers surrounding their ships, and 2 Exter-Mother ships of the Dominators. The Hive ships were ovular in shape and were completely organic which allowed certain abilities such as hull regeneration which provided considerable protection, and they had very unique weapons that fire Baryon particles which were highly unstable and hence immensely powerful but they weapon needed to be in close range of their target to hit and thankfully this was their only weapon.
The Dominator Exter-Mother ships were shaped with a circular area in the middle, 3 protrusions coming out of the two sides of the circular area and attaching to 2 large crescent shaped portions of the ship. Unlike, the Xenomorphs and the Wraith, the Dominators' ships were built from their advanced technology. Their shield technology in particular was extremely powerful, quite possibly rivaling Valeronian shield technology. This was mainly because the Dominator's weapon system needed high shielding as they were a charging based weapon that built up large amounts of power before firing.
Elros studied the information shown to him and saw that the Hive ships had taken up key points around Krypton, right above heavily populated areas and firing on the cities below while the Dominator ships were circling the planet and slowly building up power in their weapons and firing at the Kryptonian motherships that were trying to leave the planet and engage the Hive-ships. Despite the technologically advanced Kryptonians, they had been taken by surprise, despite knowing the attack was coming but just not when. This was resulting in some losses and if the ships weren't stopped soon then those small losses will start becoming very large and Krypton could very well perish.
'Kara…' Elros thought before his eyes narrowed. His mind now in a permanent state of war, had come up with a plan.
("FURI, hail Blood Reaper.") said Elros to which the artificial intelligence system installed in his ship did immediately as commanded.
Within a few seconds, the holographic screen in front of him showed a woman with black hair, red eyes and a scar on her cheek. This was Suna, the commander of the Keel Xer mothership – Blood Reaper mothership, along with the army of small fighters and soul mate of Khor. ("What!?") Said an annoyed fierce feminine voice as she did not like the fact that a small boy was commanding a veteran soldier like her despite not being in that many battles due to years of peace.
("I know you don't like me commanding you but I don't care. Listen, and listen very well.") Stated Elros having read her facial expression very easily. His voice had radiated such authority and fierceness that it made Suna lose her annoyance and internally whimper as she felt as if she was an ant talking to a god. ("I'm sure you have already viewed the ships attacking Krypton. Based on the situation, I have come up with a plan. You and the Blood Reaper will go after the Dominator ships as they are the biggest threat and have enough power to even take us all out if not taken care of. Now from what we know of the Dominator ships, their weapons charge a large amount of power before they fire but when they do fire, there is a small 0.005 second time frame in which their shield fluctuates to let this burst of energy pass. In this time frame, if you can time it correctly, you can get an attack past their shields and if you aim it for their hyperdrive engines, you may be able to destroy their ship entirely. While you go after the Dominator ships, I'll take some of the fighter ships with me and take care of the Hive ships.")
("Very well. How will you manage to defeat the Hive ships?") asked Suna as she had finally managed to regain her composure.
("The same way you will defeat the Dominator ships. But I will be aiming for their dart bay as it will most likely cause secondary explosions, making it easier to vaporize the rest of the ship with my beam weapons.")
Suna nodded before shutting off the transmission while wondering how Elros' eyes can show much ferocity and his mind could work so well in under the pressure of war.
Meanwhile, Elros sighed as he began powering all of the systems in his ship and setting FURI in final combat mode to where the AI would automatically go through all sorts of scenarios to provide the best solution to any of Elros' plans.
'I'm coming Kara.' thought Elros.
In the space around Krypton….
That was the only word to describe what was happening on Krypton. The three major cities of Krypton were being bombarded from space by Hive ships while the Dominator ships quickly took out any ships trying to launch from the surface. Kryptonians were in panic and lives were being lost in great numbers.
A few smaller ships managed to get into the air and tried to fight the Hive ships but they had just sent out their darts and their cruisers to destroy the incoming ships. Planetary defenses had been targeted and destroyed the minute the ships had entered Kryptonian space. Hope was being lost quickly among all Kryptonians but thankfully, help had arrived.
Elros along with the armada behind him, exited hyperspace before activating their sub-light engines at maximum power and racing after their respective targets. Elros saw Suna and her ship heading after the nearest Dominator ship that was powering up its weapons to take out another Kryptonian mothership attempting to get off the ground. Seeing them after their targets, Elros went after his first target which was the ship hovering over the capital of Krypton, the city of "Kandor". It was also the same city Kara lived in, hence he urgently flew his ship and a squadron of 30 small car-sized fighter ships that were controlled by FURI rested inside his ship until they would be commanded to come out and fight.
As he approached the Hive ship hovering just above Krypton's atmosphere, he knew they had long since detected all of the ships that had just exited hyperspace, as they had a huge army of sharp looking ships called darts and 6 medium sized ships called cruisers that held armies of darts surrounding the ship.
The holographic screen showed warning signs of the Xenomorph Hive ship and Cruisers powering its weapons and the darts were coming towards him. Elros knew this would be only one of many tough battles that will be coming and he may not even survive this one but many lives hung in the balance including Kara.
('I will protect everyone. I will protect my family. I will protect you Kara.') Thought Elros with fierce determination before speeding towards the oncoming darts.
Despite his ship being a bit smaller than the Cruisers, it was technologically advanced and possessed large amounts of advantages over his enemies' ships. One of them being his ship had lots of various weapons to deal with all sorts of foes along with the best engines to allow for top speed and maneuverability.
("FURI, activate Decimator!") Commanded Elros to which all sorts of small cannons appeared over his triangular shaped ship. The cannons then proceeded to rapidly fire bullets of white energy that were half-the size of cars. The bullets traveled at light speed and with such ferocity that none of the oncoming darts could evade the very fast attacks. Hundreds of Darts were destroyed in the first few seconds and the numbers just kept increasing as explosions filled the space around Elros' ship.
Of course, he had to evade the large amounts of attacks being sent his way via the Hive ship, Cruisers and Darts. Furthermore, it seemed the pilots of the Darts seemed to realize the error in trying to overwhelm the small but powerful ship and hence broke off from heading straight towards the ship. Elros' ship kept firing at the Darts that tried to fly away but he got hit from a powerful attack from the Hive ship and it rattled his ship.
("Shield status!")
[Level – 1 shield at 75% strength]
Elros was surprised that the first of his 3 shields had lost that much power from just one attack. That's when he realized that focusing on the Darts was a mistake and that the biggest threat was the Hive ship. The Xenomorphs and Wraiths all had responded to a Queen that held mental superiority over all of them. Without the Queens, the underlings were mostly all drones and very unorganized.
('I need to take out the Hive ship. Then taking out the other Cruisers and Darts will be much easier. However, I won't be able to get anywhere near the ship if I focus on trying to maintain my weapons and out maneuver them with the power being divided in my ship. Maybe I can turn their weapons against them…Perfect!') Elros grinned, having thought of the perfect plan to take out the Hive ship without having to use up too much power in his ship given the fact that there were still 2 other Hive ships.
("FURI! Shut down all weapons and divert all power to the Sub-light engine and maneuvering thrusters!") Commanded Elros to which the AI did as told.
Now Elros focused with complete concentration and unknowingly tapped into the gift his second DNA provided him with. He then launched his ship full speed towards the Hive ship. This caused the Darts that were trying to evade Elros' ship to stop running and go right after him. The Cruisers put themselves in between Elros' ship and the Hive ship. The Cruisers and Darts then all began to fire at Elros' ship but that's exactly what he wanted. Elros then began to maneuver his ship with such skill that it evaded every single attack being sent his way. This caused the attacks from the Cruisers to hit the Darts chasing Elros down while the attacks from the Darts hit the Cruisers.
As Elros flew past some of the Cruisers and kept on heading towards the Hive ship, the Cruisers and Darts kept firing and Elros kept evading. This ended up to only hurt them and by the time Elros had gotten past the Cruisers and was heading for the Hive, 4 out of the 6 Cruisers had been destroyed, the remaining 2 had been heavily damaged while only around a 500 Darts remained. The Hive continued firing large blasts of Baryon particles which Elros easily dodged. This ended up destroying the remaining 2 cruisers but the Darts had managed to evade attacks. As Elros got closer to the ship and within range for his ship's powerful beam weapons, he maneuvered his ship to head towards the area of the Hive ship where the Darts can be launched.
(FURI! Activate Beam weapons!) commanded Elros to which FURI began diverting power from the engines and activated the ship's Beam weapons.
Elros' ship now lost some of its maneuverability but was still just as fast. Two large cannons then appeared on his ship and he began aiming them towards the Hive ship's dart bay. He then fired the weapons and two large beams of pure white energy got launched from the cannons and hit an area of the dark blue colored Hive ship where the Darts rested. The beam easily penetrated the hull of the ship that allowed entrance into the Dart bay as the hull in this area was the weakest.
A huge explosion then ensued as the beams tore through the ship. After, the initial explosion, many more smaller ones started happening around the ship as the damage caused by the beams had caused many secondary explosions and this was tearing the ship apart. Elros fired twin beams of white energy from his Beam cannons again while flying away from the Darts chasing him. These two beams tore through the Hive ship which caused a large explosion and the Hive ship was vaporized, causing a small shock wave to ripple outwards but not causing any damage to his ship.
As soon as the Hive was destroyed, the Darts started to become disorganized and fired randomly so Elros launched the 30 fighters he had and ordered FURI to control them and destroy all of the Darts. It had only taken a few minutes before all the Darts had been destroyed and all that remained afterwards was the silence of death that always came after a battle and the remains of the destroyed ships that floated in the space around him.
The silence however did not last long as his sensors started beeping alerting him that the two remaining Hive ships that were originally attacking the other two major cities on Krypton, "Bondar" and "Uval" were now heading towards him. It seemed that the Hive ship had managed to get off a warning signal to the other two Hive ships just before it was destroyed.
Seeing the two ships heading for him, he knew that it would be far more difficult to out maneuver 12 cruisers and the thousands of Darts along with the weapon fire of two Hive ships. ('The only way I can win this quickly and efficiently is to turn those two Hives against each other which should be fairly easy to do considering Xenomorph and Wraith Queens usually do not get well with each other and their instincts rule them more than their intelligence.')
Creating a plan in his head, Elros recalled back the small fighters into his ship before cloaking his ship, causing it to be invisible to the naked eye and to the sensors of the two Hive ships.
The Hive ships had stopped dead in their tracks upon seeing the ship that had destroyed a fellow Hive ship had disappeared from their sensors.
Meanwhile, Elros flew right in between the two Hive ships while preparing his shields and thrusters. ('May Heiron guide my way.') thought Elros before decloaking his ship and fired a few blasts of white plasma from his ship's plasma cannons straight towards the Dart bays of the two hive ships. This had caused quite a bit of damage to the two ships and multiple secondary explosions. The ships immediately began firing at Elros' ship but they did not think about him dodging the attacks which made each other get hit with their Baryon particle blasts.
The resulting chaos and destruction that followed was just what Elros wanted as the cruisers and Darts turned on each other and began firing everywhere while forgetting their common enemy was right there. Using the distraction, he had easily created, Elros flew through the battle while using his Decimator weapons to hit every target in sight. Eventually he reached behind the two Hive ships which he decided to destroy since the Dart bays were not possible to fire at the moment given the chaos. Elros then powered up his beam weapons and fired at the Hive ships' hyperdrive and sub-light engines which he knew were more unstable and less advanced than their own design and hence counted on hitting them to cause more secondary explosions and destroy the ship.
The result was as expected as the moment he had launched twin beams of white energy from the cannons on his ship towards the engines of the two Hive ships, FURI immediately warned him of the incoming explosion so Elros had powered his sub-light engines to the maximum and flew out of the way. A huge explosion went off behind him, vaporizing all of the Cruisers and Darts before silence ensued. Elros turned his ship and saw the destruction and it was not a pleasant sight, especially with the few Xenomorphs and Wraith bodies flying around, some half torn while others were missing huge chunks of their bodies. His thoughts were taken out of the gruesome sight as he was hailed by the Keel Xer.
("Prince Elros!") Suna shouted.
("What is it?") asked Elros in worry as he heard the fear and anxiousness in Suna's voice.
("We managed to take out the first Dominator Exter-Mothership but it had taken us a while and we had to chase it down. But we had not realized that the ship had lured as into a trap as the other Dominator Exter-Mothership had gotten behind us. We managed to time our weapons right so we managed to destroy the first ship but the ship behind us had managed to strike us hard with their most powerful weapon. We are crippled and I the Dominator ship is getting ready for another attack. We won't survive if it hits!") Suna explained rapidly and frantically.
("I'm on my way! See if you can stall by out maneuvering them or launching your fighters.") commanded Elros as he used his sensors to fly his ship towards the other side of Krypton where the Keel Xer is.
After, a few minutes had passed, Elros arrived at Keel Xer's location and was not happy at upon seeing the grim situation. Suna's ship was running from the Dominator ship but was heavily damage and hence was not able to put much distance between them. Also, according to his ship's sensors, it would be 5-minutes before the Dominator ship fired its weapons and destroyed Keel Xer. He had to think of something and he had to do it fast or else Suna and everyone on the ship would die and he will not let anyone die. He will protect them.
("FURI, how good is our Draining shield?") asked Elros, referring to a new type of shield Valeronian scientists had been developing that may be capable of draining energy based attacks and using that energy to power their own ship.
[Not complete. The Draining shield is still in its beginning stages of development and will not be able to handle the full blast from a Dominator Exter-Mothership.] replied FURI in a robotic voice.
("I had no intention of draining its full blast. How much power can you divert from the blast to the Beam Cannons before the Draining shield cannot hold?")
[Diverting the power will overwhelm our ships power system in a few seconds but I will be able to get approximately 30% of the blast from the Exter-Mothership before our shields cannot hold.]
("Plot a course to intercept the Dominator Mothership and activate the Draining shield. When attack hits the shield, drain the attacks power and divert it to the ship's Beam cannons and fire them the moment you detect the shield failing. Override all safety protocols and get this done.") said Elros while his last command overrode any and all of FURI's safety protocols.
FURI then flew the ship behind the retreating Keel Xer and in front of the Dominator Exter-Mothership. A thin translucent energy barrier then surrounded his medium sized ship that paled in comparison to the massive Dominator ship but Elros was not in the least bit intimidated.
("Prince Elros! What the hell are you doing!?") shouted Suna as her face appeared on a holographic screen.
("Saving you apparently. Land on Krypton and help the Kryptonians with the Dominators, Xenomorphs and Wraiths on the ground. I'll take care of this ship.") Elros saw Suna was about to protest so he hardened the look in his eyes. ("Go!") Elros said in demonic voice that made Suna immediately comply and she quickly shouted orders to land on Krypton.
Elros smiled that Suna and the Valeronians on the ship were now safe so he could focus on destroying the Dominator Exter-Mothership before joining the fight on the ground on Krypton. Said mothership had stopped dead in its tracks and was now preparing to use its fully powered attack on Elros ship as their scans had told them this ship was very advanced and could pose a threat.
[30 seconds until the Dominator ship fires.]
Elros gripped the chair he was sitting on, in his ship as the holographic screen counted down to the attack. Eventually a large blast of crimson red energy was fired from a large cannon located on top of the circular center of the ship. The blast headed towards him with immense speed, ferocity and power. As soon as the attack made contact with his shield, Elros' entire ship shook violently.
The attack was tearing through the shield and the shockwaves was hurting the ship immensely. Soon enough, Elros saw that the Draining shield had absorbed 30% of the attack from the blast and FURI had transferred all of the power to the Beam cannons. The Beam cannons had then fired as Elros had ordered and just like he had predicted, the twin beams of white energy with a few hints of red, 3 times their regular size had intercepted the Dominator's attack just before it hit his ship. The two attacks were at a stalemate but Elros' beams were gaining ground slowly.
However, the ships warning systems went off when the sensors had detected numerous smaller attacks coming from the small guns located all over the Dominator's ship. Elros quickly reacted and immediately launched the automated fighter ships which he controlled seeing as FURI was busy powering the Beam cannons. He maneuvered the small fighter ships manually and fired the small Plasma cannons on them to deflect all of the oncoming attacks. It was a few minutes later, of intense fighting and non-stop deflecting of bullets using the fighter ships which he only had a few left, did the beam weapons finally overpower the Dominator's original attack.
The Beam weapons tore through the attack and sped towards the Dominator's ship and tore through their shields and ship like butter mainly due to the fact that the properties of the energy from the Dominator's attack had been integrated into the beams and the Dominator ship's shields had already been quite drained from their battle with the Keel Xer. Soon after the beams tore through the ship, a large explosion ensued and the entire Dominator Exter-Mothership was vaporized.
Seeing as how is task was accomplished he called back then fighter ships back into his ship. ("Damage report!")
[Shields are completely down. Beam weapons and Plasma Cannons are now offline. Hyperspace engine is offline.]
Elros sighed seeing as he now only had sub-light engines and his Decimator weapons. But given that all of the ships have been taken care of and all that remains are the enemies on the planet, it should be more than enough. So Elros then maneuvered his ship to head towards Krypton.
After making the entry into Krypton's atmosphere, Elros made his way towards the capital city of Kandor seeing as how his ship's sensors detected Suna and her ship along with a huge squadron of smaller ships were in the other two cities. Elros saw smoke coming out of many different places in the city and saw many damaged structures, a few darts flying around and Kryptonian soldiers attempting to shoot the ships down with any weapons they had available. His ship soon hovered a little above the ground as Elros viewed his sensors.
Seeing many Xenomorphs, Wraith and Dominators on the ground, the former two species having gone berserk given the fact that there was no Queen controlling them, Elros decided to let FURI control the ship.
("Destroy all Xenomorph, Wraith and Dominator ships. Launch the remaining 8 fighter ships and control them to do the same. I will be heading down to take care of all of the remaining enemies.") commanded Elros before he ejected himself from his ship and landed on the ground before FURI took control of the ship and began firing at all of the Darts and small Dominator ships flying over Kandor.
Elros looked around as he viewed what could be the definition of war with only destruction, and bloodshed around him. Elros was currently in a white armored suit with red veins of energy around the edge of the suit (Think of Vali's Balance Breaker from Highschool DxD except without he wings). He also held the Gladius strapped to the back of his suit. Elros activated his armor suit's anti-gravity field generator which allowed him to take to the skies and fly around the city and through his mask in his suit, a map of the city was displayed where it showed around a total of one-thousand Xenomorphs, Wraiths and Dominators were in the city. Two small cannons appeared on his back and Elros took out two hand guns that fired short and small bursts of Qartz particles which is a type of a fundamental particle that the Valeronians had discovered and were able to make small weapons that use it but not big weapons seeing as it was impossible to gather large amounts of Qartz to fire.
Elros then continued to fly around the city at immense speeds and fired his guns non-stop, not missing a single shot as he killed the 3-alien species that were harming the Kryptonians by the hundreds. Soon enough he had killed 950 of the remaining aliens and only 50 remained. The Kryptonians had long since noticed him flying around and after seeing him kill the hostile alien forces and the Valeronian symbol on his suit, they started cheering for him and thanking him.
Elros had ignored the cheering as his eyes narrowed at the 50 remaining aliens that were seemingly grouped up at an area. After, he realized they were all at the main residence for the house of El, his heart raced. ('Kara!')
Elros raced at full speed towards the house of El and after a short while he arrived at a large tall gray colored building with dull black glass windows. Elros had immediately saw that the entire house of El was on the roof of the building and was surrounded from all directions by the remaining 50 aliens, 20 which of were Xenomorphs, 20 were Wraith and 10 were Dominators.
Elros' eyes then landed on Kara who despite being scared, held a brave face as she held a typical Kryptonian firearm in her hand that fired short bursts of plasma energy. He felt proud of her that she had such strength to stand up and fight but also a strong sense to protect her sparked within him and although this sense had been there ever since he had met, her it was now stronger than ever.
So, seeing that the hostile and berserk aliens were about to attack and most likely kill the entire house of El which consisted of 33 members, Elros began firing at the Dominators and quickly killed the 10 that had remained since they would have been the greater threat since they weren't berserk and they could coordinate against him.
This had also garnered the entire attention of all the members of the house of El along with the remaining 40 hostile aliens. The hostile aliens could feel the power and aura radiating off of the being and immediately determined him to be the biggest threat. So, when Elros landed on the ground with the Gladius in his right hand and a Qartz gun in the other, all of the Xenomorphs and Wraiths ran after him but Elros did not even flinch.
Meanwhile, Kara had felt the same connection she felt with Elros with the person under this suit and this made her think, ('Elros…is that you?'). A strong emotion sparked within her, a connection, a bond only she and Elros could understand. She was broken out of her thoughts when he saw the man in the very intimidating Valeronian white suit of armor shaped like a dragon, prepared to attack the incoming small army of hostile aliens.
Elros soon began running towards the Xenomorphs and Wraiths and had his sword by his side, prepared to attack or defend while his left hand was outstretched in front of him as he fired numerous blasts of Qartz energy, easily killing 15 of the Wraith soldiers before they even reached him. There were two Xenomorphs currently in front of him that were aiming for his neck with their claws but Elros ducked under their swipe and swung the Eternal Edge around him, easily cutting the Xenomorphs in half despite their exoskeleton being extremely strong. That sword swipe had also managed to take out 2 nearby Wraith so that was a plus.
Elros then saw a Xenomorph had launched itself into the air and was descending on top of him while 2 other Xenomorphs were aiming to impale him with their long tails. In response, Elros fired his Qartz gun at the Xenomorph in the air, easily blasting its head to smithereens, before twisting his body around so the two tails ready to impale him from both sides, passed by him, one in front of his chest and the other behind his back. He used his left hand that held the Qartz firearm and blasted one of the two Xenomorph's head to pieces once again while using his sword to cut the tail of the other. He then swung his sword to cut the Xenomorph whom he had just cut the tail of, in half.
Elros saw the three remaining Wraith charging at him as they were in a berserk like state much like the Xenomorphs but the Xenomorphs were being much more cautious in their approach. Hence just as the three Wraiths were just a few feet away from him, Elros swung his sword in an arc in front of him, decapitating the Wraiths as their heads and bodies fell to the floor separated from each other.
Elros then saw that the 15 remaining Xenomorphs had surrounded him and were growling menacingly as they were on their hands and legs, preparing to pounce on him. After, a few moments of tense silence, during which everyone could feel their very blood pumping through their veins and arteries, a few of the Xenomorphs behind Elros pounced on him. Elros' sharp instincts allowed him to immediately react as he jumped a few feet forward to avoid them but landed close to another small group of 3 Xenomorphs. Hence, he quickly and fluidly swung his sword around, cutting through the Xenomorphs he had landed next too while aiming his Qartz gun at the creatures who had pounced on him and fired a rapid succession of 5 bullets that went through their head and killed them.
Elros then saw the remaining 7 Xenomorphs had grouped up as they might have realized that they were stronger in numbers using the small amount of intelligence they had left in their feral state. Seeing this, Elros decided to go on the offensive and ran towards the 7 at insane speeds thanks to the enhancements given to him by his armor.
The Xenomorphs all simultaneously tried to spear him with their tails but he front-flipped over them, dodging their attacks. The Xenomorphs instantly reacted and turned around with the sharp clawed hands to try and tear the Valeronian apart but Elros had sensed this and spun around while ducking to evade their attacks while having his arm that was holding his sword outstretched. This caused all 7 of the Xenomorphs' legs to be sliced off however it did not stop there as Elros continued to spin one more time but this time Elros had stood up and his sword ended up cleaving through his enemies' heads, causing them to drop and roll on the floor.
Came the sound as the 7 headless and legless bodies dropped to the ground. Elros remained on his guard as he knew never think all enemies were defeated as there could be anyone hiding in the shadows. He accessed the life signs detector in his mask and it showed a display of the map of Kandor city and he saw there were no more hostile aliens present and so he sighed in relief but didn't let his guard down.
("Um…thank you Valeronian. You saved our lives.")
The voice broke him out of his thoughts as he looked upon the face of a man he instantly recognized. Zor-El or as he better knew him as, Kara's father.
("No need to thank me Zor-El.")
("You know who I am?") asked Kara's father in surprise.
Before Elros could respond, Kara came beside her father and looked at him with calculating eyes all the while ignoring the fact that Elros' armor was drenched in black blood. ("Is that you Elros?") Everyone else looked to him with wide-eyes.
Elros' eyes widened under his armor has he was quite surprised Kara was able to recognize him so quickly but they had always been very close and they always felt a strong connection when the other was close. ("Guess I shouldn't be surprised you recognized me so quickly eh Kara?") The front part of Elros armor opened up, allowing him to step out, revealing him to them and Kara. He wore the typical Valeronian army outfit consisting of white skin-tight clothing with a red striped running on the side and hard armor pieces covering key portions of his body such as his chest, legs, crotch, etc.
Kara gasped upon seeing him and immediately ran to him and enveloped him in a tight hug. Elros blushed a bit at the contact especially when he felt her already quite developed body pressing against him through the beautiful red dress she was wearing, but he instantly reciprocated the hug.
They eventually broke off the hug before they gazed into each other's eyes as the red sunlight from Krypton's red sun made Kara and Elros look divine to the house of El members but all Kara and Elros could noticed was the beauty of each other's eyes. Elros warm yet fierce brown eyes and Kara's beautiful, warm and loving blue eyes.
Elros cupped her cheek, ("I'm so glad your alright.")
("I have you to thank for that?") Kara said as a heavenly smile came on her beautiful face.
("I would have gotten earlier but destroying the 3 hives ships and 1 of the Dominator ships took some time to do.") said Elros in a sincere tone.
Kara and many of the house of El members gasped. ("You destroyed 3 Hive ships and 1 Dominator ship by yourself?")
Elros looked confused at their surprised expression and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand. ("Yes…why is that so surprising?")
Many of the house of El members had their jaws dropped while Kara just giggled. It was so like him to act so innocent and modest when he did something so outstanding that it was unbelievable. It only made Elros so much more amazing and loving in her eyes. Yes, she recognized the feelings she felt for the man in front of her and although she knew they were not at the love stage yet given how serious love is among Kryptonians and Valeronians, she knew it won't take long to reach the point where her body, her heart, her soul, her very being would belong to Elros. And she could see in Elros' eyes that he felt the same about her. She wanted to tell him about these feelings now especially since she knew she could have died today if he hadn't shown up but she could not find the words to express what she was feeling.
So, she followed the Valeronian saying that "Actions speak louder than words ever could". She gazed into Elros' eyes as her eyes showed were filled with very strong emotions for him and she saw the same thing in Elros' eyes and so closed the gap between them and captured Elros lips in a loving simple kiss.
Elros although surprised at first, immediately reciprocated the kiss as the strong emotions in his heart and the strong emotions he saw in Kara's eyes showed him just how much he cared for her and how much she cared for him in return. They were a way away from saying they love each other but they knew what they were meant for each other. The emotions they felt being sent to them just from the simple lip contact alone was more than enough to tell them that they belonged to each other.
And boy was the kiss out of this world. Kara felt Elros lips and the peppermint taste with a hint of peach and it felt divine. Elros felt Kara's soft lips and their strawberry and a hint of rose, taste and it felt so amazing that no words could ever be enough to describe it. It was a simple meeting of lips yet the amount of emotions shared between them, made it the most amazing experience. It was about a minute before they broke off and gazed into each other's eyes.
("Wow.") was the only thing the two could say to describe what they were feeling.
("I guess you feel as strongly for me as I for you?") asked Kara.
("Of course. I always feel this strong connection with you and it just kept growing and it still keeps growing. I know I have read about love but feeling what I feel for you and what I know you feel for me, I think what we have between us transcends love itself.") said Elros in a sincere tone and Kara gasped and nodded in response.
("Maybe when this war is over we can truly be together.") asked Kara and Elros nodded.
("As soon as this war is over, I will come for you. I want nothing more than to spend eternity with you.")
("Eternity with you…I want that more than anything.") replied Kara.
Little did the two know how true those words would become but how many difficult challenges they would have to go through to get there.
The house of El members had watched the scene with awed eyes as even they could feel the amount of strong emotions the two had for each other and the red light of Krypton's sun only made the scene seem more divine and majestic.
However, all good things have to come to an end as the communication system in Elros' armor activated and Suna called him. ("Prince Elros, are you there?")
Elros sighed and very reluctantly let go of Kara's hands as he went to his suit to talk to Suna while Kara watched him with loving eyes. ("Yes, I'm here. I have eliminated the hostile aliens in Kandor city. Have you done the same in the other two?")
("Yes, all of the hostile aliens on this planet have been taken care of but that is not why I called. I have just received a long-range communication from King Ramas and Queen Elena. It seems your prediction was correct. Valeron had been attacked by an overwhelming force from the Chthonic Alliance. We have been recalled and asked to meet at the designated rendezvous point.")
('So, I was right after all.') thought Elros while Kara and the other house of El members gasped upon hearing that Valeron of all planets was attacked.
("Elros?") softly said an unsure Kara not knowing how to respond to what they just heard.
("I have to go now Kara.") simply stated Elros to which Kara nodded knowing he was going to fight in the war.
Elros then whistled and less then minute later, Ra Furi in all its glory came and hovered over the house of El, causing the members of said house to look at it in awe.
Kara looked at him one last time and gave him a small peck on his lips before whispering in his ear ("Good luck and come back to me. I'll wait for you…I'll always wait for you.")
("I'll come back to you Kara. I'll always find you.") simply stated Elros before he stepped into his suit of armor and beamed aboard his ship and flew towards Keel Xer to board his ship on it given his hyperdrive was offline.
Scorpius star constellation: Planet Radiance
A previously uninhabitable planet due to the harsh environment, in what humans call the Scorpius star constellation, was now the rendezvous point for the Valeronian people in case the world-wide evacuation protocol was activated. The planet had been terraformed using Valeronian technology to make habitable and very rich in all sorts of resources.
The planet now also contained a Warp Gate which is a technology created by the Valeronians and spread throughout the Milky Way galaxy to allow transportation between worlds much easier. The Warp Gates are large round rings made of a very special mineral found on Valeron and on the asteroids in their solar systems. The Warp Gates created artificial wormholes to whichever other gate they dialed based on a 7-symbol gate address. 6 symbols which specified the location of the other gate in space while last symbol was the origin point.
Currently, a few hundred large ships were parked either on the planet or above its atmosphere as they held not only the Valeronian people but all of the dragons of their world which thankfully were shrunken in size thanks to some technology. At the moment the King and Queen of the Valeronian people, many of the smaller generals of the Valeronian army, leader of civilian populations and the King of the Dragons of Valeron Gandora awaited the arrival of Prince Elros and the commander of Keel Xer, Suna.
It didn't take long for them to arrive since the Replicators aboard Keel Xer had fixed the broken ship quite fast from the resources they had gathered from Krypton. The ship exited hyperspace right above the planet before they landed on the ground where they had detected a large number of ships gathered. They had then beamed aboard the mothership of their entire army that the King and Queen usually commanded and had immediately appeared in the meeting room which consisted of a huge round white glowing table with chairs all around it. The table was round as it provided no one person more importance than the other.
("Now that Elros is here, care to tell me Khor where Silara and Ronan are?") asked Ramas with an edge in his voice as Khor had a guilty look on his face and had refused to say anything until Elros arrived.
Elros upon hearing his narrowed his eyes and looked at Khor who sighed and looked at them with guilty eyes which made Elros, Ramas and Elena's heart clench knowing they are not going to like the words that come out of Khor's mouth.
("Princess Silara and Prince Ronan…they are dead.")
Those words felt like the weight of an entire world had fallen onto Elros, Ramas and Elena. Their heart's clenched as unimaginable pain went through them. Tears started to form in their eyes as the grief that was brought by those few words felt unbearable.
("How…?") Elros managed to say through a raspy voice.
Khor lowered his head at the sheer pain coming through Elros voice because losing family members for Valeronians was like being stabbed through the heart with a sword, something that became hard and for some impossible to live through. ("Silara and Ronan…they were in charge of evacuating everyone from Optimus while I and King Ramas' squad spread out through all of our cities and evacuated our people. The Chthonic Alliance had come in full force and with such overwhelming numbers just as you had predicted Prince Elros. We all had managed to evacuate our people in time but since Optimus was more heavily populated, it took longer. Many of the Chthonic Alliance had landed on our world leaving Silara, Ronan and the few soldiers we had left there to fight for enough time for our warping stations to transport our people.
Silara and Ronan had contacted us and we had left to aid them right away but by the time we got to near city, we saw from our ship's sensors they were alive and fighting near the city's main power area but before we could get close enough, the entire city was bombarded by the ships from our atmosphere and eventually completely vaporized. I am truly sorry I was not able to protect your family. I offer my life to you for repentance.")
("As do we.") said the remaining members of the squad under King Ramas. The squad consisted of two Green Martians that were mates, named Zhen Z'on and Frumin Vi-villez, a Kryptonian named Xan who was Kara's uncle, Xan's soul mate who is a Valeronian named Hilri Konzo, and the Alpha male and Alpha female of the Furyans named Shred 'on and Hin'er respectively.
("Is there any chance they are still alive?") asked Elena through sobs as she couldn't believe her 2 out of her 3 beloved children were dead.
("I do not believe so Queen Elena.") said Khor in a grim tone.
Meanwhile Elros was in an inner turmoil. ('If I hadn't asked them to stay on Valeron, the would have been alive. I told them to stay and help with the evacuation and they died because of it. I killed them…I killed my brother and sister.') Elros looked down as the world around him disappeared and he fell further into despair, feeling responsible for his sister and brother's death.
King Ramas and Queen Elena noticed the change in air around Elros and saw in his eyes, he was blaming himself for this and while they wanted nothing more than to go and comfort him and tell him it was not his fault, they were at war at the moment and they were leaders of an entire alliance. They had to steel their hearts and honor their daughter and son's memory and fight and when the war is over, then they will grieve.
("Give me the status report on our losses.") asked Ramas which brought Elros out of his self-loathing as he knew the type of pain his parents must be going through.
(My King…) said and unsure Khor.
("NOW!") Ramas commanded in a serious tone, not wanting to discuss the loss of his oldest and youngest children at the moment.
("We successfully managed to defend all of the home worlds and lost a total of 3 motherships which would have been 4 had it not been for Elros and him saving the Keel Xer from certain destruction and almost single handily defending Krypton from its invaders.") said Khor in a neutral tone as he read the report on a holographic screen displayed in the center of the table.
Many of the Valeronians read the report with wide eyes upon seeing that Elros apparently took out 3 Xenomorph Hive ships and 1 Dominator Mothership by himself. However, Elros could care less at the moment as he was hating himself for telling Silara and Ronan to stay behind.
("What should be our next course of action?") asked the commander of a group of soldiers that specified in defending and taking hits.
Just as King Ramas was about to reply, Suna opened her mouth, ("If I may King Ramas, Queen Elena…") said King and Queen nodded, ("I would like to propose prince Elros to be nominated to the rank of Imperium.") This got startled gasps from everyone, mostly Khor who knew that if Suna was proposing such a thing then Elros must have gained her respect and that was a difficult thing to do.
Imperium was a hypothetical title that had never been given as it was said that it would only be given to a worthy leader during a time of war and this leader would gain control of the entire Valeronian army to command to win the war.
King Ramas and Queen Elena gave a bittersweet smile as though they would be proud for their son to gain such a title, the fact that they had just lost their oldest and youngest children and this was a time of war and bloodshed, it was not something they wanted Elros to be burdened with. ("You have read my mind commander Suna. While I am not partial towards my son just because he is blood, he has shown extreme skill in the art of war and has displayed a strong sense of leadership…perhaps stronger than the founder of Anitos house, Asuma Anitos himself.") said Ramas, gaining shocked gasps to hear such praise from the King. ("Elros has saved our people from certain destruction and had seen through the false attack the Chthonic Alliance had launched from the very beginning. Not only that but from the report given by commander Suna, he had saved Krypton almost single handily with his quick thinking. Elros has always been a gifted boy and I'm sure everyone had always seen it and while I did not want his gift to flourish during a time of war, it seems it just maybe our galaxy's salvation.
As such, I will hold a meeting with all of the leaders of the Empyrean Alliance and if they agree then I will have Elros become Imperium not of the Valeronian army but of the entire army of the alliance. That is if you agree Elros.")
Elros heard every word that was said and while he did feel happy everyone had such faith in his abilities, he did not have faith in himself. He didn't know if he was ready to hold such a burden on his shoulders where the fate of the entire Galaxy and its inhabitants would be up to him. Especially, with Elros decision regarding Silara and Ronan had resulted in their deaths was the major blow to his heart and mind. But as he looked into the eyes of everyone in the room, his gift of being able to read anyone kicked in and he saw that many of them were looking at him with hope in their hearts. Hope that he would be able to save them in this time of need. Hope that they would be able to protect their families under his guidance.
With those looks, Elros realized that despite his own self-doubts he couldn't be selfish and back down but he also needed them to know that just because they wanted to put him in charge didn't mean that victory was assured.
So Elros stood up and took a deep breath, steeling his nerves as all eyes fell upon him. ("I appreciate the confidence you all seem to show in my abilities and deem me worthy to give me the position of Imperium. However, you must know that this is war. And in war there will be losses. I will not be able to protect everyone. I can try my best but I, like everyone else am mortal and hence I will make mistakes. Some may grow to hate me with the decisions I may make but I give you my word and swear on my sister, my brother and my ancestor's graves that I will try my best to lead our race and if the other races agree, every race in the Empyrean Alliance to victory. Knowing my best is all I can assure you, do you all still want me to lead in this war?")
All of the Valeronians were in awe of the speech he had given and the honesty in his words especially with his oath on his family and ancestor's graves as for Valeronians, that is one of the strongest oaths anyone can take. They all felt the aura he radiated and they saw how that boy…no that man was a natural born leader and would soon become the hope of the Empyrean Alliance.
After, a few moments of silence, Elena spoke up, ("All in favour of Elros becoming the first Imperium!")
Everyone, put their right hand on their heart and their left hand up in the air showing that they agree with all their heart with this decision.
("You have the Furyans' support.")
("And I'm sure the Green Martians will support you as well.")
("I King Ramas Anitos…")
("I King Elena Anitos…")
("Name you Elros Anitos as Imperium of the Valeronian army. May Heiron guide your way in this dire time.") said the Ramas and Elena in unison as Elros bowed his head in respect.
("Now as we were saying, Imperium what would be the best course of action to take?") asked a shrunken Gandora. The Dragon had golden scaled covering his whole body, silver slit eyes, massive 10 wings on his back and was standing on his 4 legs.
Everyone got serious looks on their faces as they turned to Elros who took a deep breath as he brought his mind out of his sibling's death so that he could honor their memory and fight in their name. ("First, I want to assess the situation. The Chthonic Alliance had invaded our world knowing our planetary defenses and from the report, it seems that nearly 1400 of their motherships of the 1500 that invaded Valeron had been destroyed. This means that whatever they were after, on your world must have been worth the immense loss. Based on the ground movement recorded, I can see that the majority of the hostile aliens were headed towards the center of all our cities. And that's where our Zero-Point-Modules (Zero Point Module) lie which is our main power source. Even one of these in enemy hands can make them deadly as their ships will be much more powerful with such a strong power source. And since we have no idea exactly how many they were able to get their hands on, or how they intend to use them, our enemy has the advantage of surprise on their hands while we currently have no such element.
So currently we are at a severe disadvantage with not knowing our enemies plan. The only advantage we do have is our superior technology and soldiers. For now, the best course of action will be to divide all our forces throughout the various home worlds of the major races of the Empyrean Alliance and leave 1-2 mother ships on each of the minor worlds since they do play a big role in the amount of resources we have. That and humans that inhabit many of the smaller worlds are a big target for the Chthonic Alliance as they will provide great food sources for the Xenomorphs and Wraith, while being great test subjects or spies for the other races. And we have sworn to protect these worlds so it is also our duty.
Now once our army and people have spread out to these worlds, we will hold a meeting with all the leaders of the major races in the alliance but it will not be a face to face meeting as that is far too risky to have. In this meeting, if the Empyrean Alliance agrees for me to be Imperium of the entire army of the alliance, then I will assign a role to each race based on their technological advancement and physical evolution.")
Everyone nodded before they proceeded to talk about other matters of the war such as resources, rebuilding their lost ships and where would the safest place be to relocate civilians or if the civilians should now be trained and join the military to increase their might.
4 Earth weeks later….
…. Chapter too long to be fully copied