Picking up Kayla

Jake had trouble sleeping that night and what made it worse were his thoughts of the girl next door. It did not help that when he went to take a cold shower she walked in on him. This made him want her more and kept his mind fixed on her.

How could anyone leave such a beautiful women like that. What type of man was her ex husband to take her away from her family and leave her alone so far from home? Then again he never understood what went wrong in his own marriage.

He was just falling to sleep when the sunlight started to peak through the trees. He heard the phone ring and then there was a knock on his door.

"Phones for you, son, sounds important." Henry said.

Who would be calling him this early in the morning? He looked at the clock it was 6 am. He walked down the hall to take the call.

Becky heard her father come down the hall and tell Jake he had a call. She looked at her clock. Her body was still on LA time. It would be 6am there and she would be up and about. She quietly followed Jake down the hall and stop to listen to him on the Phone. She wishes she knew who he was talking to.

"Hello?" "Do you know what time it is?" "What do you mean?" "Slow down!" "That's a stupid question; yes I love her and want her." "Give me a break Maggie you have kept her from me the past year and now you just want to give me full custody." "Yes, I will, be there at noon to get her." "Bye" he hung up the phone.

"Everything okay son, you look like you were hit by a jackhammer?"Henry asked.

"Yes and No, Henry sorry I am just in shock." He took a deep breath, "That was Maggie on the phone she wants me to come and get Kayla today. She is getting married this week and moving to Paris. Says Kayla will just be in her way and her new husband does not want children."

He put his hand through his hair. "I have been dreaming of this for a long time. That's what I have been saving all my money for. Now to have Kayla to myself, and I did not even have to fight for her. I hate to ask but until I can find another place can I rent another room for Kayla. It won't be for long I hope."

"Don't be silly son; Kayla is welcome in our home anytime. I won't charge you anymore. We can set up Jenny's room for her. Mary will be thrilled to fix it up and help out with Kayla. She is like one of the family."

"Thanks Henry." Jake turned to go down the hall to get dressed and ran right into Becky. She smelled like sunshine. He put his arms around her to keep her from falling over. He looked into her eyes and lost his train of thought. He noticed that her eyes were brown with flakes of gold in them.

It wasn't until Henry said 'don't run my little girl over' did he realize he was still holding her.

"Sorry, did not see you there." he said smiling down at her.

"No, it was my fault, Hi Dad." Jake let go and she walked by him to hug her dad.

"Want me to make you some breakfast?"

"Sure Honey. You're up early."

"Well in LA it is am, so it does not feel that early to me. That's when I would get."

She went to the kitchen and started making pancakes. By the time she was finished, her mom was up and helping. She heard her father explain the phone call that Jake got and she was thrilled making planes for Jenny's room. They all sat down for breakfast.

"So what plans do you have for work Elizabeth?" Her Dad asked.

"In LA, I was a teacher. I would like to continue doing that. Jake said he would introduce me to the supernatant about the third grade job opening. That is what I taught there too." Becky said.

"What made you decide to become a teacher as I remember you hated school? It was hard to get you to go sometimes." Her Dad asked.

"My friend Lonnie talked me into taking some classes with her. It was something to do and I got a job at the school that paid well and help me with my classes. Then one summer I took a student teaching class and feel in love with it."

"I just seemed too clicked with the students and because I was one of the ones that hated school I could see things from both sides. The instructor said I have a way of getting through to the students that would not normally understand things and turn them to wanting to learn."

"Well, I think that is great" he said then getting up. "I better get to work myself. Have an early truck coming sure hope it has my paint on it." He then walks out to the driveway and left.

Becky and her mom cleared the table and did the dishes She could see Jake out on the deck. He looked deep in thought.

When she fished helping, Becky walked out on the deck. Jake was looking out over the yard at some squirrels playing.

"Hi" she placed her hand over his arm. His hand went over hers. "I am sorry about last night. I forget that I no longer live alone. Anything I can do?"She asked.

"That's Okay." he did not know if he should ask her to go with him or not he hated to see his ex all by him self, " I hate to ask; we don't even know each other; but will you come with me to pick up my daughter. I have a way of putting my foot in my mouth when it comes to my ex Maggie. I would ask Mary but she has her book club today and I don't want her to miss that." His eyes pleaded with her and her heart could not say no.

"Sure, no problem." She said.

"After that I will take you to meet Josh about that job." He smile at her then went back to watching the squirrels.


After about an hour drive with little talking they pulled up to a large house. It was Beautiful like a picture in a magazine. Jake opened her door and they walked together to the front door. He knocked and a beautiful blond opened the door.

"About time you got here." she said as she turned and walked down the entry hall.

They followed behind her. In the Hall were six boxes and four suitcases. She had her daughter all packed and ready to get out of her life. "Kayla dear you father is here to get you." She yelled up a long stairs.

"Maggie, this is Beth Highland the Jones daughter. She came to help Kayla move but I see you already have her packed." Becky touched his arm to stop him from saying more.

"Charmed I'm sure." She said not even looking at her. She walked over and took out a folder.

"Here is the paper the lawyer said for you to sign given Kayla to you. It also says that I will not be responsible for any child support payments to you in return for full custody." She handed the paper to Jake with a pen.

Maggie reminded Becky of the snobby girls in school that believed they were better than everyone else. She hated them growing up and wanted to slap her. How could Jake marry someone as shallow as this woman seems to be?

A pretty young girl came running down the stairs. Her blond hair was like her mothers with lots of curls. However, Becky noticed the eyes; they were the same as Jake's.

This was Kayla the little girl that was coming to live in the house she grew up in. Becky's heart went out her knowing that her mother did not want her in her life.

"Daddy, Daddy, Mom says I can come live with you isn't that great? Right Mom?" she went running into her Dads arms.

"All her things are here in the foyer. Since you brought help you won't need mine. Kayla come kiss mommy good bye." Maggie lean down and pointed to her cheek.

Kayla ran over and kissed her mother then ran back to her Dad. With that Maggie turned and went into another room.

"Kayla, this is Beth. Remember Mrs. Jones." Jake said kneeling down to talk to his daughter.

"Yes, but she said to call her Ms Mary." Kayla said.

"Okay, well Beth is her daughter." He said.

"No she is not. Ms Mary has two girls. One is in far away land, which is Princess Becky. The other is Miss Jenny." Kayla said.

"Princess Becky is me. I just moved back from far away." She laughed at the thought of her mom calling her princess.

She continued, "But to make my Dad happy just call me Ms" she looked at Jake, he called her Beth and she liked that, "Beth."

"Okay, let's go" With that Kayla and Jake started to load Kayla things in the car and Beth followed. Soon they were on their way back home.

After Kayla was tucked into her new bed for a nap, Jake found Beth out in the swing. "May I sit" he asked, she smiled and patted the seat next to her just as he had done the night before.

"Back at Maggie's' you introduced me as Beth why?" She looked him in the eyes.

"You did not like me calling you Elizabeth and your farther does not like Becky so I just thought Beth would be good, is that okay?"

"Yes, I think that is a good name. I guess Princess Becky really is dead." She laughed.

He placed his arm around her and they sat there in silence, swinging back and forth.

* * *

At two Jake drove her to School. Josh was very impressed by her credentials and made a few calls to Oklahoma City. They faxed him some papers.

"Fill these out Mrs. Highland take them to Oklahoma City at this address. You may need to take a few tests, so give yourself time there. The lady on the phone was unclear on that. Make sure you take copies of all your documents along with the original. As soon as you have that done you will be our new 3rd grade teacher." He said handing her the papers that were faxed over.

"Thank you, I'll go there tomorrow" Beth was excited.

The drive back to the house was almost in silence. As they pulled into the driveway Jake said. "I would go with you but I have Kayla and I don't want to leave her with your Mom so soon. Plus I will need to enroll her in kindergarten and buy school supplies."

"That's alright. You've done enough just getting me the job. Josh was a nice man. I can see why you would be friends with him." She said smiling at him.

"Yeah, Josh and I go way back. We were like brother." He loved the way her eyes sparkled.

"That's how I felt about Lonnie" she said looking down into her lap.

He put his hand on her leg. "Thanks for your help to day." She turned so he could see her eyes again. He wanted to kiss her. All he could think about was to reach over with his arms and pull her into his brace. He wanted her like he never wanted anything so bad.

"Can I ask you something personal?" Becky said.

"Sure, but know I may not answer it." He winked.

"Why did you marry Maggie?" She looked at him to see if he would answer the question.

"She was different when I met her. We were young and seemed to be in love. She worked at the restaurant I ate lunch at. I made great money in the Stock market. I was a broker. I gave her everything she asked for. House, car, everything her heart desired."

"I just got tired of the rat race and quite one day. I went back to school to be a teacher. My friend Josh was one and that is what I wanted to do. Plus that would give me more time with my family.

I never saw them much. I worked 60, 70 hours a week. However somewhere during those years Maggie changed. Things became more important than people. She did not understand why I would leave a sixty thousand dollar a year job for an eighteen thousand dollar job.

We spent the next year separated by rooms. I finished up my degree. Then Josh got me the job I have now and we were divorced. The first year I was teaching I lived in the motel. Then your mom offered me a room and I've been here."

"Maggie wanted more money than I could give her so she kept Kayla from me the past year. I was saving my money to fight for her. Maggie never wanted Kayla. She told me this many times. She said all her friends had kids so she thought she did too. Now it's your turn, Why Lance?"

She took a deep breath he told her his story then her story was needed too. "I never dated much growing up by the time I was 19 there was only two guys.

Lance was the dreamer my farther hated. Lance convinced me we were in love and should run away together. I guess even then I knew what I was doing was wrong but did it anyway."

"I thought life would get better but it just got worse. The only reason it is over is because he said it was. We never had much of a marriage. His money was his and my money was his. I had to ask to buy simple things."

"The last 2 years he was gone 90% of the time. Traveling to location shoots but I found out he was having an affair with a woman more beautiful than me." She hung her head.

He took his hand and lifted her face. "It was his loss, remembers that, because you are gorgeous."

"Thank you." She wished that was true, but she really did not believe him.

They sat there for a few minutes when Kayla came running out of the house with Mary right behind her.

"Ms Beth, Ms Beth do you want to play candy land. Ms Mary said it was one of your favorite games." Kayla was holding the ginger bread pieces in one hand.

"Sure if I can have the Blue one." Beth laughed. Candy Land was her sisters favorite game not hers. Jenny would never let her be the blue one.

"Daddy, do you want to play too?" Kayla handed him the yellow one.

"Sure baby let's go play" He picked her up and carried her in the house as she giggled.

They played three games of candy land when Mary said it was dinner time. Kayla sat on Henry's lap as he read her the funnies. Beth and Jake sat the table for dinner. It seemed nice to her to be part of a family again.

After dinner Jake gave Kayla a bath and put her down for the night. Beth had gone for a walk with her parents. When she got back Jake was in his room sitting at his desk. She knocked lightly.

"Hi, Kayla sleeping?" she asked.

"Yah after two books and a tickle fight." Jake turned to look at her in the door way

"I was just wandering if I could jump in the shower first tonight. I would not want to make the same mistake as last night. I really am sorry about that." She looked down at the floor the thought of last night still made her body tingle.

"That's alright. Just let me know when you're done." It was going to be another sleepless night with the thought of her naked body in the shower before him. He turned back around and she walked out of the room.