August 16th 2005
Hey old friend,
The past few days have been really something. Sorry I have not written. I came home.. Everything was different then I was expecting. I came home to find a man living with my parents. He had his daughter move in and I fell in love with both of them. Before you say anything yes its only been a few days. I wont say the past few days were easy and no miss understanding did not happen but tonight he asked my dad for permission to date me. So corny but so sweet too. And Dad really likes him so he gave his permission. Really tired now so will talk later. Love you
December 25th 2005
Hey old friend,
Merry Christmas the past few months as you know have been so wonderful. They got even better this morning. Jake asked me to marry him in the most romantic way first he came in dressed as Santa Clause and knelt down and asked me to be his wife. I started to cry. Poor Kayla she got upset and told me not to cry. I told her that I was crying because I was happy and yes I would marry him. We are planing a May Wedding. I can't wait. Talk later...
May 8th 2006
Dear Friend,
To was a long day of trying on dresses and getting some of the last details together. Yes I still feel like I am in a fairy tale. Kayla has the most beautiful flower girls dress we could find. 10 more days and counting. Jenny has been so wonderful helping me with all the details. I just wish I could have been there for hers.
May 18th 2006
Dear Old Friend,
As you know today is the day. This day is more beautiful then when I told you about it before. And Kayla is the most beautiful flower girl in the world. I keep crying off and on all morning. I cant wait to walk down the isle with my dad. It was the way a wedding should be. Everything is so right this time/ Well have to go and finish getting ready. Later....
Everything is wonderful can't think of a day that would have been better. I am now Mrs Jake Freeland and the mother of Kayla. It is hard going to be a way a week with out her but I am going to love married life this time around. Later...
March 18th 2007
Not much time old friend,
Thomas is kicking hard and they are getting my bags for the hospital. It's hard to believe in just a few more hours I will have a son of my own and Kayla will finally get her baby brother she wanted Life is great and it all started with Coming Home....