Someone like Her

After the commotion in the storage room, they proceeded with their conversation in the living room. They happily ate their dinner and decided to drink for a while before going home, still teasing Rei about the picture they saw earlier. The box was still in the living room after they scan the content of the photo book. Shiori was still whining as she chugs on a can of beer, wanting to see him again in that type of dress. She slammed her head on the coffee table, glaring beside her where Rei was sitting.

"I told you, I am not going to wear that ever again. I just dressed up like that since I was asked to be a fairy in a play before." Rei sighed, his palm on his face. "It's not like I wore it because I want to."

"Yako!" Shiori pouted, turning to the woman on her other side before laying her head on Yasuko's shoulder.

The brown-haired woman in return patted her shoulder, softly smiling at her. "Stop forcing Rei, Shio."

Rei shook his head at how Shiori hugged Yasuko, whining and mumbling to herself. She glanced back at her red-haired friend, squinting her eyes and thinking hard. 'Fuck.' The red-haired cursed inside his head. He didn't even want to know what she was thinking inside her weird brain. Who knows what she was thinking? Maybe considering kidnapping him and making him dress up like a girl for her pleasure. He also may not be wrong though. Shiori was glaring at him at this point that he visually shivered, immediately turning his head around, and trying to find an escape.

'Where is Yuu anyway' He thought, internally panicking and stopping when his eyes met with a pair of bright yellow eyes. He watched how the black-haired Alpha quietly gulped down the last shot of his beer with a small photo book in his hand. Should he ask for his help? Rei has to think of a way to leave or else she won't end the topic. He caught glimpse of the table where their snacks should be, smirking as he thought of something.

"Hey, Kyou. Follow me." Rei stood up, ignoring Shiori and standing up from his seat.

"Hey! But we're not finished!" Shiori shouted, releasing Yasuko and standing to her knees.

She was about to grab Rei's shirt but failed when the Omega grabbed Kyou's wrist, pulling him up his feet, dropping the photo book on the floor, and causing the latter to almost stumble as he stands. "Wait!"

"We're out of beer and snacks," Rei shouted to them with his back facing the group as he runs, dragging Kyou towards the hallway.

The four namely Yasuko, Shiori, Dai, and Sen looked at the number of empty plastic bags scattered on the coffee table with a large number of empty beer cans. Dai and Sen, who were just watching the whole scene earlier, were sitting across the two women and minding their own business. The light brown-haired Alpha lifted his beer towards his lips. The metal side of the beer can touch his soft pink lips as he hides his grin.

'It's nice that they're so close. I wonder what 'he' thought about it though..." Dai wondered, cheekily grinning as he took a sip from his beer and glanced at the three from across the table. He then glanced onto his side to see the person sitting beside him. He blinked and stopped drinking when he saw the yellow-haired Alpha, gulping down his beer then slamming it on the table and wiping his mouth with the back of his other hand.

"So jealous..." Sen mumbled to himself, sniffling and crushing the empty can between his hand.

Dai shook his head at his friend, placing his beer on the table and glancing at the two girls. He watched Yasuko rub Shiori's back as she hiccuped, finding Yasuko's caring side cute. He smirked to himself, contemplating whether to follow the naughty little plan in the back of his mind. It is indeed in contrast to his soft and charming face. He looks nice, he acts nice but is he 'nice'? Even with other people, Dai does look like someone you can trust but he cannot fool his friends. Since who would he trust with his dirty little secrets other than them, right?

Yasuko then gives Shiori a glass of water as she patted her back. "You're drunk already, Shio. You should stop drinking."

"I'm---Hic!" Shiori hiccuped, covering her mouth before shaking her head. "Not drunk."

Yasuko shook her head, softly smiling. "All drunk people say that."

"Hey, Yasuko. I'm just wondering..." Dai called, leaning forward to Yasuko as he smirked. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Yasuko turned her head to look at Dai, solemnly scanning his face. Now that she noticed it, he has his medium-length light brown hair that stops on his shoulder now tied in a ponytail. His eyes have a mischievous glint in them as he smirks, tilting his head to the side and seductively squinting his eyes. If other people see him close as Yasuko have right now, they will definitely have their underwear fall because of the way he stares. But definitely not Yasuko.

She blinked at him before turning her attention back to Shiori. "Boyfriend? No."

"Stop flirting with Yako, Dai!" Shiori growled, glaring at the Alpha as she wrapped her arms around her friend.

"Chill!" Dai laughed, raising both of his hands and leaning back. "I'm just asking."

Dai smiled at how Shiori was glaring at him. She honestly looks scary and intimidating with her 'Don't-fuck-with-me' glare but the way she is glaring at him right now that she's drunk? She looks like a child who has her candy taken by her enemy. In fact, it's kind of cute. She was even pouting her lip glossed lips.

"And why are you asking her that? Do you think I didn't know huh?" Shiori huffed, sitting properly before crossing her arms.

Dai sighed, smirking. "About what?"

"You, Dai Fujimori." Shiori squints her eyes, leaning closer to Dai and pointing her finger at him. "Are a womanizer!"

Dai sighed, dropping his shoulder. "Come on, Shiori. Stop ruining my reputation in front of your friend."

"For your information, you're not Yasuko's type. I hate guys like you. Hmph!" Shiori huffed, turning her head with her arms still crossed.

Dai absent-mindedly nodded before shaking his head. He is used to Shiori being blunt but if it's someone else? He thinks she shouldn't be drinking with other people. After all, she can't stop herself from speaking out about whatever she thinks. He then glanced, raising a brow when he saw Sen whose eyes widened.

Yasuko softly laughed, covering her mouth. "Stop being rude, Shio."

"What?! It's true though!" Shiori shrugged, raising both of her hands with palms facing the ceiling.

Sen slammed his hands on the table, leaning closer to Shiori which made the people around him turn in his direction, shocked. "Then what kind of guys do you like, Shiori?"

"What kind of guys? I don't particularly like guys though..." Shiori mumbled with a raised brow, placing her thumb under her chin as she thinks. "But maybe someone like Yasuko."

"What?" The three of them blinked, shocked at her revelation but Sen was the one who was most shocked.

Sen raised a brow at her and pointed at Yasuko. "Why her?"

"Well, Yasuko is kind, caring, and cool." Shiori blinked, looking aloof. "And didn't you know? She is the captain of the Karate team. She is also the first woman and her second year to be the captain. Even girls like her! 'I' like her."

"She's a girl though?" Sen tilted his head, confused about what Shiori is saying. "And a Beta?"

"So? It's not about whether she is a girl or not..." Shiori blinked, feeling her eyes getting heavy. "Or even if she is an Alpha or Beta. I just like her..."

Yasuko raised a brow at how she started to sway from side to side. "Shio? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just sleepy..." Shiori sighed, leaning her head on the table and slowly closing her eyes, mumbling. "I think we should get married..."

Dai laughed hard, grabbing onto his stomach and patting Sen's shoulder. "I guess you have a new rival, Sen. Good luck!"

"No waaay!!" Sen groaned, grabbing onto his hair which made Dai laugh harder at his friend's misery.

Across the table, Yasuko was quietly staring at Shiori who was now breathing softly and looked so relaxed as she sleeps. She put her arm on top of the table before laying her head on her arm with her face, facing Yasuko. Yasuko then brushed Shiori's hair off her face, mumbling to herself as she chuckled.

"I'm not the one you wanted to marry though. Silly."