I m God Damn Powerful!

Damn it!

The force of the impact pushed Qin forward.

But fortunately...

There were two balls of white meat supporting him, and the meat was rather comfortable and really soft.

Sooooo big!

The first word that came to mind was "big". Looking at the woman who was under him, he didn't expect that there was real stuff under her sportswear

"shit, it's so hot!"

The roaring flames almost burnt all Qin Feng's clothes away.

But what was strange was that the woman under him did not look like she was burnt at all. It is obviously protected by a magical spell.

Qin Feng pulled his shirt off and threw it away, which helped him rid himself of the fire covering him.

"Can you get up?"

The woman under him was staring at Qin Feng a fit of intense anger raging in her eyes. She had never been crushed by a man in her life.

"I am protecting you, don't you know how to be grateful?"

Qin Feng licked his lips and then stood up. The woman also stood up, but when she looked at Qin Feng, she was a little surprised.

"You haven't been burnt at all?"

"What is it? Do you wish that I were dead? "

Qin Feng himself was surprised that, though he was hit by the fire, he felt nothing but the warmth.

Although the clothes on his upper body were burned away, his skin was untouched by the fire. Even his hair was fine.

"Die? You will indeed be dying today. "

From outside the fire circle, the middle-aged man was wandering over to them.

Carrying himself with a cocky air.

Indeed, before him was a woman who refines the middle Qi, and a boy who refines the low Qi. He indeed had nothing to fear.

"He has nothing to do with this, let him go." the woman said.

This surprised Qin Feng. The one who previously took the initiative to get him involved, now suddenly said this.

It seemed that this woman must have felt that he had a higher level of cultivation before, and then she wanted to use him to defeat the middle-aged man. Who knew that he was just had low-level cultivation.

It was just that...was she a loser deviant? It should be said that it was a stupid plan.

Because if this middle-aged man didn't have mental issues, and he would definitely not let Qin Feng go.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man heard this and couldn't help but laugh: "Lin Yuechan, you are indeed stupid."

"What you want is me and the elixir. Killing an unrelated person holds no benefit for you."

Lin Yuechan moved slightly and blocked Qin Feng's route of escape.

"I don't have any problem with that, what I want is to kill, the elixir and you."

The middle-aged man grinned. Then he waved his hand and three flames suddenly appeared and sped toward Qin Feng.

"Step aside."

Qin Feng's pupils contracted. Motherfucker, this was fucking disrespectful, just attacking without warning?

He pushed Yuechan away.


The three flames all hit the body of Qin Feng.

The fire was burning!

"Well, the ant was crushed. You're next. Give elixir to me darling and come back with me to be my furnace, and I will guarantee you endless riches and honor in your life."

The middle-aged man didn't look at Qin Feng at all, he just didn't give enough of a fuck.

Lin Yuechan looked at the fire on Qin Feng's body, feeling guilty because she pulled Qin Feng into this.

Though it was just a fire spell, it could be used to kill a low Qi practitioner by an upper Qi practitioner, nine times out of ten.

"I'd rather die than give it to you!"

Lin Yuechan's eyes were red as she glared at the middle-aged man.

"This's not up to you."

The middle-aged man was running out of patience. He no longer wanted to play cat and mouse. When he waved his hand, he suddenly had nine flames, and they flew at Lin Yuechan.


Qin Feng, who was originally burning within the fierce fire, rushed out of the flames and stood between Lin Yuechan and the nine flames which all fell on him.

"You are not dead yet?!"

Lin Yuechan looked at Qin Feng as he was surrounded by fire and couldn't help but freeze

"Not today. Not ever!"

Qin Feng's heart was beating quickly. To be honest, just a moment ago he really thought he was going to die.

But when the three flames hit he felt nothing, except for a little warmth.

"No shit."

"Die! Fucking die!"

When the middle-aged man saw that Qin Feng was fine he suddenly became angry. He once again made nine flames and launched them straight at Qin Feng!

"This is all you've got? It's not enough to warm me up! "Qin Feng shouted at the middle-aged man.

"What the fuck! How!?"

This middle-aged man was completely infuriated by Qin Feng!

One after another, flames slammed into Qin Feng with the same power and more than 30 flames were slamming into him in the span of a few seconds.

The flames were burning fiercely! And the ground ten meters around Qin was scorched.

With so many flames, he couldn't see the figure of Qin Feng at all.

Lin Yuechan looked at Qin Feng fifteen meters away, with surprise and worry.

The middle-aged man's magic, after throwing so many flames, was almost empty and he was holding his waist and gasping for air.

"Fucking dead yet a little boy? How dare you stand before me?"

The middle-aged man gasped for a few breaths, then he looked at Lin Yuechan: "It is your turn."

There was an evil glint in the eyes.

"Not yet."

At this moment, the sound of Qin Feng came out of the raging inferno.

The middle-aged man was shocked and turned his head sharply, looking at the place where Qin Feng was with a look of utter disbelief.

How was this possible!

He saw the fire...

disappearing at a very fast speed!

More precisely, it was swallowed!

Qin Feng took in a deep breath, and actually swallowed all the burning fires into the stomach!

Eighty-nine Xuan Gong protecting his body, swallowing a little fire is nothing.

"Oh, it tastes good."

Qin Feng barked his mouth and wiped.

"You, you, how is this possible!"

The middle-aged man is completely surprised to be dumb, and he has never seen such a mighty person!

"Shut the fuck up and die for me!"

Qin Feng grinned, his feet slammed, and the body rushed out like a cannonball.


Punching the face of this middle-aged man, even smashing through his defending light.

By taking this fist, the man's body flew backward with the howling sound of a pig and crashed directly into a tree.

One punch made it so his five senses were distorted.

"Holy...shit! I am so powerful! "

Qin Feng looked at his fist and glanced at the middle-aged man who fell from the tree and could not stand.

Even Qin Feng was amazed by himself. This guy had upper Qi, and he even broke his defending light with a single punch?

There was, in fact, no need to be surprised. He was practicing the Da Pin Tian Xian and the Eighty-nine Xuan Gong, whether it is refining Qi or the body, this is best practice. How can it be compared with the earth, which is a small world of cultivation?

It is unnecessary to say that Qin Feng's low qi is enough to fight most of the other cultivators on the earth!