Next Time, It's Gonna Be Your Life!

Qin Feng smiled.

At that time he was able to smoothly enter the curve for a simple reason. The reason why other people dared not enter the turn at such a fast speed was that the weight of the car loses friction with the ground, and so did not have enough for the centrifugal force in the curve, and when the centrifugal force was greater than the friction, the car would float.

However, at the moment when Qin Feng was turning, he applied a spell, Ground Stomp, to the car and instantly increased the friction between the car and the ground to the same level as the centrifugal force.

In this way, naturally, Qin Feng could smoothly enter the curve.


Li Zhuoran slammed the steering wheel. After decelerating and passing the curve, he could not see the back of the Qin Feng. He suddenly became angry.

"Everyone, slow the fuck down. When he takes the next lap, kill him!"

Li Zhuoran held his mobile phone with one hand and sent a message in the chat group.

Then, there were more than 20 cars, all of which slowed down their speed, waiting for the next lap of Qin Feng.

However...They underestimated him.

Qin Feng drives Ferrari. At this moment, there was 320km/h on the speedometer. This speed, whether it was a curve or a straight line, has never changed.

Even in the next lap, Qin Feng's car sped past before the others could react.

One lap after another...Ten laps, twenty laps, thirty laps, forty laps!

When Feng Qin was driving the 50th lap, he saw Li Zhuoran crossing the bend, and because that guy's speed was too high he hit the side of the road, but it just seemed to have smashed the front of the car, which should not be serious.

Regardless of him, Qin Feng finished the last lap.

The entire racetrack whipped up the warm music of the first person to reach the finish line!

The Ferrari stopped.

Qin Feng got out of the car, and Nangong Yiren also got out, her face was a bit white, apparently, the fifty laps scared her.

As for the rest of the people, most of them were only at twenty laps, but they didn't drive anymore. After all, Qin Feng had reached the end, and their boss had crashed. It would be meaningless to continue.

"Is he okay?"

Nangong Yiren looked at the place where Li Zhuoran had crashed. A large group of people, those who were rich kids and models, and the medical staff who were prepared in advance are all rushed up.

This was the only heir to the Tianzhuo Group. If something went wrong, their racing stadium was expected to be closed down.

Qin Feng also frowned, but he was not worried about Li Zhuoran, but Zhao Zixuan.

Qin Feng still wanted to get some news from Zhao Zixuan today.

How did those people plot against his father? Who else but the few people did?

Qin Feng wants to dig them out one by one, and then let them taste pain.

Every last one of them.

In the place where the crash occurred, Li Zhuoran creeped out from the wreck. Except for a bumped head, there was no major injury. The same for Zhao Zixuan.

This was a benefit of luxury cars, the security measures were absolutely top-notch.

"Fuck off! Fuck off! All you, get the fuck away from me! "

Li Zhuoran pushed the medical staff away. His face was covered with blood and his eyes were burning with anger. In his eyes, Qin Feng was the one who caused the crash.

"Bro, what you gonna do?"

Li Zhuoran pushed away all the people and stumbled towards the nearest sports car, a dark gray Porsche that had just stopped!

Not waiting for Juan to get out, Li Zhuoran directly pulled him out.

"Fuck off!"

Li Zhuoran roared toward Juan who wanted to dissuade him, and then he sat in the cab.

No one knew what he was going to do!

But Zhao Zixuan watched Li Zhuoran get into the Porsche with a fierce white face. She knew Li Zhuoran's character very well!

He does things…without considering the consequences!

Subconsciously looking towards Qin Feng.

"Die, motherfucker!"

Li Zhuoran, who had blood on his face, his eyes filled with hatred, and he laughed and started the car. With the roar of the motor, Porsche went straight at Qin Feng!

Just a few hundred meters away from Qin Feng, at the speed of the Porsche, he couldn't escape!

"Bro, watch out!"

Chow Hong, who just got out the car saw this in the distance, His face suddenly changed. He shouted loudly at Qin Feng.

And Li Zhuoran, already driving Porsche rushed over! Shouting in the car!

"Die, You son of a bitch! DIIIIIEEEEE!"

Nangong Yiren just reacted out and pulled Qin Feng behind her.


Porsche made contact, everyone was shaking, and thinking what was going to happen next was definitely a gory scene.

But then a shocking scene appeared!

Qin Feng was calmly stopping the Porsche with one hand, and Porsche's four tires squealed against the ground and burst into smoke, but it couldn't move half an inch forward!

"No way! No fucking way! NO WAY!"

Li Zhuoran is roaring in the car, his accelerator was already to the bottom, but no matter what, nothing happened.

Everyone watching was completely stunned...

Was he even human?

Even an elephant might have been badly injured by the impact of a Porsche at full speed, but why did Feng Qin not have a scratch?

"Enjoying yourself?"

Qin Feng pressed down on the front of the car, calmly watching Li Zhuoran.


The two front tires and the windshield, burst in an instant, and the engine caught fire!

Li Zhuoran in the car was completely stunned at this moment, with blood on his face from the broken windshield.

Looking at Qin Feng, his previous anger all disappeared, overcome by sheer horror. And there was a constant cold sweat. He doesn't know why and looked at Qin Feng at this moment and felt fear, fear from the depths of his heart.

This is not a human!

Qin Feng slightly lowered his eyes, glanced at Li Zhuoran, took his hand off the car, and then put his hands in his pockets.

"It happens again, I'm taking your life."

The voice was very gentle, but Li Zhuoran was shocked. He believed that when Qin Feng said it he meant it.

Then Qin Feng walked past the car and over to the crowd.

Originally those arrogant young masters now dared not look at Qin Feng again and behaved themselves, especially Wu Zijian who scolded Qin Feng earlier, he almost pissed his pants.

However, Feng Qin also didn't take this guy seriously. This kind of rubbish would only dirty his hands.

When Qin Feng came over, these people stood by each other and looked at Qin Feng with a look of pure terror fearful look.

Until Qin Feng came to Zhao Zixuan.

"Follow me".

He spoke without any emotion. Two simple words.

After that, Qin Feng walked over to the lounge which was not far away.

Zhao Zixuan was only slightly bruised, not a big deal. Looking at the back of Qin Feng, there were complex emotions in her eyes, and she has been entangled in the back, but finally, she followed Qin Feng.