The Mystery of Spiritual Power

Qin Feng walked out of the lounge, and the rich kids watching him with fear in their eyes.

Just now, the picture of Qin Feng stopping the Porsche with one hand completely stunned them.

Li Zhuoran who was still in the Porsche, he had probably not recovered yet.

For everybody watching, there was only one word that could describe Qin Feng.


"Come with me".

Qin Feng ignored the people and instead of taking the hand of the Nangong Yiren and walked toward the Ferrari F12.

Before the eyes of everyone present, Qin Feng and Nangong Yiren got in the car and roaring off.

Chow Hong looked at the Ferrari that was far away, now...He now knew why Qin Feng was all right yesterday. Even a Porsche could be crushed with one hand, let alone some gangsters. He could probably crush them to death with one finger.

However, he was even more worried that Qin Feng knew that he had deliberately arranged them to kill Qin Feng yesterday. He had asked those gangsters and got the answer, no.

And it was also strange...when did Feng Qin become so strong, it was like waking up to become like Superman in American movies. He couldn't think of anything but non-human!

Qin Feng does not give a damn about what these people thought.

Now, he took Nangong Yiren and drove out of the racetrack. Ferrari returned to the main road. When entering the street, Ferrari's harsh roar caught the attention of large groups of people on both sides of the street.

When the car stopped at a traffic light waiting at an intersection.

"Where are you going?"

Qin Feng looked at Nangong Yiren.

"I ...I."

Nangong Yiren couldn't say a word. Her whole day's schedule today was arranged for this "exhibition". Now she really didn't know where to go.

"I'm heading to Puhua Hospital."

Subconsciously, Nangong Yiren said the name of the hospital. Her younger brother was receiving chemotherapy there. Since her schedule was empty, she wanted to see her younger brother.

"A hospital?" Feng Qin was slightly shocked: "Why you are heading to the hospital?"

When Nangong Yiren mentioned the hospital, she looked sad and choked back with a smile: "My brother has leukemia, and he is undergoing chemotherapy."


Qin Feng was a smart person and instantly understood why the gentle and shy Nangong Yiren would want to be a model.

A joke made by life and fate.

The treatment costs for Leukemia were extremely high!

"You, is there anything else? Actually, you don't have to drop me there, I just can take a taxi. "

Nangong Yiren said.

"I only have work tonight so I am free during the day."

Qin Feng said with a gentle smile. The light was green now, Ferrari roared again.

In that smile was a hidden cold...

Xu Hu would go to the 'Hilton Couple Hotel' at night, and Qin Feng comes for him.

For Qin Feng Xu Hu was just the beginning.

He would to dig up all the people involved in his father's murder one by one, and take back everything that those people took from his family!

Jiangzhou Puhua Hospital.

A Ferrari entering a place like a hospital attracted a lot of attention.

When Nangong Yiren got out of the car, she instantly drew the eyes of all the men, with her long white legs, cute waist covered by a jacket, her delicate face and dressed like a basketball babe.

Those men who had just been circumcised and were walking down the corridor upon seeing Nangong Yiren, narrowed their eyes and then their trousers were dyed red instantly. They covered their crotches and they cried out in pain. The wound that had just been sewed shut, opened up again.

The general ward was very noisy.

There was no way out without money. It would be nice to have a hospital bed.

Feng Qin looked at the seven-year-old boy named Nangong Fan, who was lying in a hospital bed with a shaved head, white face, and no color because of chemotherapy.

"This relapse was very serious, but fortunately he was delivered without delay and temporarily stabilized, but ..."

The attending doctor to the side of Nangong Yiren said in a slightly low tone was.

"You'd better be mentally prepared."

After speaking, the doctor turned and left, but everyone could understand the meaning of the words.

The life of this little boy would soon be coming to an end...

When Nangong Yiren heard this, who looked like she had been shocked by a bolt from the blue, stayed in the same place as wait for a while, with tears swirling in her eyes.

She only had one relative left in this world.

No one else...

If her younger brother also died she would have lost her only spiritual support and would have to live with endless loneliness.

Qin Feng looked at Nangong Yiren, his brows wrinkled, and then walked to the side of Nangong Fan, grabbed his hand, and tried to introduce his own spiritual power into the body of Nangong Fan.

He was just going to give it a try, but something unexpected happened...

Qin Feng suddenly discovered that his own spiritual power could help cure Nangong Fan. Leukemia is a blood disease. Actually curing this it was very simple for Cultivators!

No matter how advanced and sophisticated the instruments of this world where they were definitely not half as powerful as spiritual powers.

He just needed to use the spirit power to clean his bone marrow and blood a couple of times.

Nangong Yiren looked at Qin Feng's unpredictable behavior. She didn't know why she had such high expectations of him

Feng Qin attentively guided his spiritual power throughout Nangong Fan's body. At the end of the day, Nangong Fan's illness had recovered by 20 to 30 percent. According to Feng Qin, as long as he did this a few more times, he would be completely cured.

However, Qin Feng did not continue, the child was tortured by illness, his body was too weak, and he could not withstand the baptism of too much spiritual power at one time. Once a week was the limit.


Nangong Fan slowly opened his eyes.

Nangong Yiren could not conceal her joy. She looked at the Nangong Fan with surprise and joy and then looked at Qin Feng. She could not help crying while covering her mouth.

Tears of a beautiful lady touch the heart.

"You will go through the discharge formalities for him later, and I will treat him over the next few week, and he will be well soon." Qin Feng lowered his voice and said in the ear of Nangong Yiren

With that, before Nangong Yiren could even react, Qin Feng had left the ward.

In fact, Qin Feng himself was very surprised.

He felt it for the first time...The mystery of spiritual power.

Leukemia, for the average person, was an almost terminal illness, but if they were baptized by spiritual power over the course of a few weeks, it could be cured.

And he was still only a cultivator who was practicing with low qi.

If he had knotted his dan already, he would be able to cure Nangong Fan's illness.

The gap between cultivators and mortals in Qin Feng's heart once again increased!

Age with heaven and earth, shining forever like the sun and the moon.

Qin Feng remembered what Sun Wu Kong had said to him before, and his heart suddenly became fired up!

With the inheritance of Sun Wu Kong, Qin Feng was destined to be transcendental!

Of course, he still had a lot to do before he goes all out in practice.

Qin Feng went straight out of the hospital, drove the Ferrari and went straight to the most expensive cemetery in Jiangzhou City.