The Second! Nine Tails Wolf!

 Zhang Kaiyu subconsciously wanted to reach out and pick up the photo.

 His hand was just about to touch the photo.

 "Ah ah ah!!!"

 The howl of pain, because Qin Feng stepped on the back of his hand and crushed all the bones!

 "Who the fuck do you think you are, what makes you think you can fucking touch it?"

 Qin Feng slowly squatted down and picked up the photo. The left-hand storage ring was slightly lit, and the photo was put inside.


 Cold eyes, staring at Zhang Kaiyu.

 Zhang Kaiyu's head was covered with hot sweat, and the sharp pain from his left hand almost made him lose consciousness.

 "Say, say what..."

 Zhang Kaiyu, sprawled on the ground, looked up at Qin Feng and saw his cold eyes, like a glacier and he began to panic...

 For the first time in his life, he felt close to death.

 "Last warning, don't fucking mess with me."

 Qin Feng's hand slowly lifted up, a fire appeared in his palm.

 "On the count of three, if you don't give me a satisfying result, I'll cremate you from, saving you from going to the crematorium."

 The flame defied the light, and in the eyes of Zhang Kaiyu, he really couldn't bear it.

 Everything that Qin Feng had shown was far beyond the level that mortals could understand. Zhang Kaiyu's fear had reached its limit.

 "I…I... Wei Hai, Wei Hai found me, said he would give me 50 million if I arranged a car accident. I did not agree until he promised to give me 0.1% of the shares of the Qin Group, I accepted it, I, I also know afterward, before I really did not know that the target in the car accident was Qin Xiao. "

 "I didn't know, I really didn't know. If I knew that it was Chairman Qin, I wouldn't dare to do such a thing!"

 Zhang Kaiyu's eyes were filled with tears and looked at Qin Feng. He hoped that Qin Feng could spare him.

 "Wei Hai..."

 Qin Feng muttered to himself, for Wei Hai, this person must have participated, but Qin Feng had never known what kind of role he played.

 Now, it was clear.

 With a clench on Feng Qin's left hand, the fire dissipated. Then, pointing towards Zhang Kaiyu's front, a document immediately appeared in front of Zhang Kaiyu from the storage ring.

 An equity transfer agreement, this document out by printed by Qin Feng in the middle of the road. Anyway, Qin's group has tons of documents like this. Qin Feng randomly selected one from Qin Xiao's U drive and changed a few numbers.

 "Sign it."

 Qin Feng said.

 Zhang Kaiyu looked at the share transfer agreement, and he was paralyzed...He knew very well what this meant. Once he signs it, he will have nothing.

 However, looking at the person in front of him, he has no other choice.

 If he doesn't sign, he will die!

 He was lying on the ground, and quivering wobbling signed his name on the document with his intact right hand.

 After Zhang Kaiyu signed the contract, Qin Feng took the document and stood up.

 Zhang Kaiyu looked at Qin Feng who stood up and turned away, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief...

 Although the shares are decent, the loss of shares is always better than losing his life.

 Qin Feng turned around and walked in the direction of the door. Behind him, Zhang Kaiyu tried so hard to get up, and he was glad in his heart that he survived.

 But at this moment...

 A flame suddenly fell and shrouded him.

 That mourning, the painful cry echoed in the villa, but after a dozen seconds, Zhang Kaiyu completely turned to ashes.

 "The second".

 Qin Feng lit a cigarette, and there was light in his eyes!

 Ferrari, galloping down the street.

 For killing, Qin Feng seems to have gotten used to it, the fat gangster at the beginning, Yuan Peng, Xu Hu, Shen Wan, and now Zhang Kaiyu.

 Qin Feng had no sense of guilt.

 Perhaps these people are originally his enemies, originally...They deserved it.

 Thinking about what Zhang Kaiyu said just now.

 According to Zhang Kaiyu, he did not know in advance that the person who was going to hit that day was Qin Xiao.

 In other words, he is only responsible for a small part of the whole thing.

 There must be someone responsible for another part, such as...Why did Qin Xiao go out to talk about business at that point by that route?

 That day was the 20th anniversary of his parents' wedding anniversary. According to past practice, Qin Xiao should go home to accompany his wife. It can only be said that this trip is suddenly adjusted, and the arrangement is extremely difficult to get rid of!

 For example, the signing ceremony for commercial cooperation with a large group must be attended by the chairman himself.

 This must be well planned in advance, or else it will not be so accurate.

 However, it was only his assistant who was able to arrange a changing schedule for Qin Xiao. He deliberately arranged this trip at this point.

 Moreover, Qin Feng had always remembered a very important thing.

 In the event of a car accident, the airbags in the car did not activate!

 The accident report spoke of airbag failure. Why it failed exactly at that time?!

 Someone must have done something!

 The person who brought Qin Xiao at that point, the person who did the trick to the car...Qin Feng, will not let go!

 Just as Feng Qin was thinking, a shadow flashed before his eyes.

 He slammed on the brakes subconsciously

 However, there is still no brake, BOOM.

 Qin Feng stopped the car and pushed the door open.

 With doubts, he got off the car and walked slowly toward the front of the car. He only saw a...Dog?

 A black dog, lying on the ground, motionless.

 Qin Feng slowly walked over to the 'dog' and checked it, something was wrong!

 The speed of the car is so fast, how can this dog have no blood at all, if this is a normal dog, under this collision, even if it was not dead, it would still be mangled.

 And what's more,

 This dog was still lying still!

 According to the normal death process, even if it's going to die, it has to take a few strokes before it dies. Or this dog is killed instantly?!

 If it is not dead, there is only one answer.

 Pretend to die!

 Qin Feng, slowly walk towards this dog.

 In the eyes, there is a flame, and the eyes are shining, golden eyes!

 In the glory of the golden red flame, Qin Feng...saw a different 'dog'.

 In other words, it was a wolf, and the image of this big black dog was completely opposite!

 Nine tails, the whole body is white, and the hair is flowing.

 Full of loneliness and arrogance.

 In the inheritance of the Sun Wu Kong, Qin Feng madly searched for the monster about this form.

 Finally, locked a word!

 Nine-Tails Wolf!

 In the thirty-sixth worlds, there are countless monsters, and the monsters practiced for a lifetime, and finally, they became human beings, and even became immortal.

 However, after all, it is a minority. The monster's practice is much more difficult than human practice.

 There can be a class of monsters.

 They are born with strong strength, these monsters, even if they don't eat and drink and do nothing, they can reach the fairyland after adulthood.

 Nine tails wolf is one of them!

 Nine tails are the symbol of them, and it's said that they can devour the sky.

 Of course, this devour thing is just an exaggeration, but anyway...Found a treasure!