Heavenly Soldiers Tour!

This night, it was very quiet.

All the noise during the day, under the night, is becoming quiet.

Only, compared to the previous family of three.

Now there is another woman, and there is a "dog". Qin Chuxue gave the big black dog a name, which is called Xiaohei. It is also simple, and it is unexpected to Qin Feng that Qin Chuxue especially likes this big dog. Qin Chuxue especially liked this big black dog, took a bath for him, and then hugged him until fall asleep.

After Qin Xuexue and Song Yu had fallen asleep, Qin Feng was lying on the lounge chair on the open-air balcony and watching the sky.

Lin Yuechan went back to her room early and learned about Evergreen all night.

"outside world…"

Feng Qin looked at the sky. He used to think that the outside of the sky was the universe, but now he knows ...That is vain.

thirty-six universe!

The interface of the earth is only a small one among 3000 interfaces of the thirty-six universes.

It is small as dust.

At the thought of this, Qin Feng has a burning fighting spirit in his heart. He is a person who has never liked to be a subordinate.

Now that he has embarked on the path of spiritual practice and with Sun Wukong's inheritance, what is the point if he does not spend his whole life in this way?

What's more, Qin Feng thinks of the two requirements that Sun Wukong gave himself.

First, step on Lingshan.

Second, go to the Qiulan zone of the seventh universe to find a flower.

If not wrong, the flower should be the woman.

Both of these things are sworn by Qin Feng. If he doesn't finish, he will die and all of his power will be gone, so Qin Feng has to go.

Looking up at the sky, thinking in the mind.

But at this moment...

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly shrank, because he suddenly found something strange in the sky!

This is an ordinary person, and even the general cultivator cannot see the same!

The flame jumped out from in the eyes of Qin Feng, Goldeneyes!

When he opened the goldeneye, the scene in the sky began to slowly clear in the eyes of Qin Feng.


The sky was suddenly thunderous, with rain and pouring down. There was no premonition of this thundercloud.

But this rain could eliminate the shock in Qin Feng's heart.

Because he saw a different existence from the Thundercloud...Heaven soldiers!

See it for himself! The legendary Heavenly Soldier!

Above the thunderclouds of the sky, there are three people wearing silver-white armor, so powerful, standing in the clouds, holding the blade in their hands, scanning the world.

Then, Qin Feng felt the electric shock, which is a powerful spiritual power.

To be precise, the cultivators of the entire earth were scanned by the consciousness of these three heavenly soldiers at this moment.

These three people, the one standing in the middle, now frowned, slightly glanced, actually confronted with Qin Feng!

Across thousands of miles!

Qin Feng fiercely retracted his eyes, and the eyes of the fire suddenly disappeared. He stunned and he vomited blood suddenly.

They...are here to find Sun Wukong!

He doesn't know why, in Qin Feng's mind, the first thought that came out was this, and his heart suddenly slammed.

Qin Feng almost forgot something that Sun Wukong said.

He was hunted by the immortals and Buddha all universes!

Now Sun Wukong has turned himself into a heritage and saved himself in the sea of the knowledge. Will it be recognized?!

At this moment of Qin Feng, the heart jumped wildly.

Just a glance, he has become like this. If the three Heavenly Soldiers want to pick up a fight with him, he couldn't resist at all...

He has just stepped into the practice of self-cultivation. Compared with this soldier, there are still too many differences!

Above the thundercloud.

The three heavenly soldiers, the one in the middle, had a sly smile in his eyes.

"A minor cultivator in the lower bound, is it worth?"

The Heavenly Soldiers beside him, squinting at the position where Qin Feng is located, said.

"when the heavenly soldiers' patrol, the cultivators in the lower bound are not allowed to look at them. This is a heavenly rule. Although there is no strict discipline, it is no harm to give him some lessons."

The heavenly soldier In the middle said, he didn't pay attention to Qin Feng at all. He just deliberately hurt Qin Feng, not because he found something.

"Well, let's go to the next interface for inspections. Recently, things have been going on in the Heavenly Kingdom. I heard that there was something wrong with Xiantin."

The third heavenly soldier was very tired to say, although the patrol team was not only three of them, they have also patrolled hundreds of interfaces.

The small interface is ok, it can be scanned by the spiritual power, if the interface is slightly larger, it needs to be searched carefully. That kind of labor is not pleasant either.

"We can't do this even if something goes wrong. It used to be a one-hundred-year tour, but now it is changed directly to a one-month tour. There are 3000 interfaces in thirty-six universes, plus 700 big interfaces. It will take a long time to make a full-term tour and start again before taking a break. Is this killing us? "

Three Heavenly Soldiers, cursing one by one, then disappeared into the thundercloud.

Forty-six universes in Wanjie, Heaven kindom is established in every universe, and in the first universe of Wanjie, it is Xianting, which is the legendary heaven in the world, where the Jade Emperor is.

Thundercloud, soon dissipated, and the rain stopped.

For the ordinary people on the earth, it was just a thunderstorm, just not surprising.

However, for Qin Feng, it is almost the same as walking around the ghost gate.

When the Thundercloud dissipated, Qin Feng's heart was relieved a little. When the soldiers left, means his identity was not revealed.

He quickly sat down and started to adjust his breath.

In his eyes, there is a touch of twilight.

Since this heavenly soldier did not find traces of Sun Wukong on his body, it is a statement that the soldier was deliberate!

This hatred is temporarily in Qin Feng's mind.

One day, he will personally go back and pay it back.

At this time, Lin Yuexi also came to the balcony, it is estimated that the sensation of the patrol was just forced her out of enlightening, and saw the appearance of Qin Feng, nervously ran over.

"What happened here?"

Lin Yuechan asked.

"Nothing, just take a break."

Feng Qin said and fiercely cough up, blood spit it out.

The soldier's glance was too harsh.

Of course, the most important thing is that because Qin Feng is too weak now, can't stop the look of the Heavenly Soldiers, these people are just a soldier, but they are also the servant in Heaven Kindom.

"There was another Heaven soldier patrol. I heard Master says that the Heavenly Soldiers' patrols were once in a hundred years, but since the beginning of six months ago, they have been patrolling once a month, and I don't know what happened."

Lin Yuechan looked at the sky and said with a sigh.

She did not know, Qin Feng is very clear, just now, he has quickly found this answer from the Sun Wukong's Heritage.

In the last half of the year when Sun Wukong felt that he could not hold it, he used his method to completely eliminate his breath, so that the heavenly Buddhas and even the immortals in the Heaven Kingdom could not find him.

Since they can't find it, they have to patrol the world!

An inspection campaign that caused a stir in the world began.