The Restless Qin Yu !

Qin Feng came out of Zhuyin Mountain Villa and just got on his car.

When he was preparing to start the car, someone suddenly knocked on his window.

Press down the window, the girl in the cap was just outside.

"Hi ~ my name is Qi Linger. I was wrong. I didn't know he was your enemy. If you don't want me to get on the car, I solemnly apologize to you, and I want to talk about something by the way ~."

This Qi Linger changed his previous arrogant attitude and was very polite.

"Not interested."

Qin Feng's expression is frigid; he has just stepped into the realm of cultivation, for this kind of cultivator who doesn't know the background, he won't tie up at will.

Although not deeply involved, the impression given to Qin Feng by the cultivation world was all bloody and conspiratorial!

This girl looks talented. Who knows if she will murder him secretly.

What's more, he still has a lot to do.

She thought to herself that she was born of a noble family and was a lady of the hour in Xianling College. Everywhere she went, she has sought after. Now she talks so humbly that this person does not even give a damn to her!

Qi Linger jumped onto Ferrari's engine hood angrily and sat down on the windshield.

Qin Feng looked at the girl's ass and the small waist that was exposed.

Also, don't know whether it was an accident, or Qi Linger's movements were too large, Qin Feng saw Qi Linger's small underwear with a pink lesbian on edge.

"Pink, lace."

Qin Feng said without any expression, Qi Linger sitting on the glass heard these two words and stunned, then suddenly the face became red, suddenly stood up, looking at the Qin in the car.

At this time, the street outside the cemetery, although not many people, but also a lot, have been looking over here.

People are not afraid to join in the fun.

"Hop in."

Feng Qin saw more and more people casting eyes at this place, and Qi Linger, the angry young lady, was also speechless.


What makes Qin Feng feel funny is that this Qi Linger is still angry in the first second, the next second is to smile, quickly jumped off the hood, directly pulled the door and sat in the co-pilot.

"ok, what are you want to talk about?"

Qin Feng lowered the window and took out the cigarette box and lit it.

In the past three months, his smoking habits have been much more massive because of a series of incidents.

Thanks to the fact that he has now entered the ranks of spiritual practitioners, he does not need to worry about the health problems brought about by smoking.

"Do me a favor. To be precise, it is to kill a bad guy. Don't worry, and I will give you a good reward."

Qi Linger said with confidence.

"No way, get off."

Qin Feng refused without even thinking about it. He has not finished his work now. Who the fuck has time to help you kill some bad guys, and who knows if this is a trap?

Jumping out of this kind of shit is hard.

"I can give you a very generous reward. Say it, what do you want? Money?! I'll give you the money to buy ten Ferrari! "

Feng Qin was smoking a cigarette: "Is that all?"

"Get off the car when you have finished. I have work to do."

Qin Feng's calm, seriously, money? This thing is a string of numbers for Qin Feng, the most unattractive thing.

"Then the dharma-vessel? Dan medicine? Just say it, as long as you don't say too much, I can promise you! "

Qi Linger is like a local tyrant, continually giving the price.

"get off."

Qin Feng grabbed Qi Linger's shoulders, and the muscular physical strength allowed Qi Linger not to resist, and directly pushed Qi Linger down the car.

Then Qin Feng stepped on the gas pedal, and Ferrari went with a loud roar.

"I ...You... Do you think you can run away? ! "

Qi Linger stood on the street and looked at Ferrari, who was mad at the dust. This was the first time she was rejected in her life! And pushed down the car by the man!

As a young lady who has a place in the Immortal Admin, she is a young master from the Qi family. Young talents who go to her home in propose a marriage can break the threshold, and how many men to get her favor and repeatedly please her.

But the man in front of her looked down on herself.

"I remember your plate anyway. Just wait!"

Another snoring, Qi Linger paused, don't know why she just laughed, and her hands were behind her, and when she turned back to the cemetery with a song, she found that everyone around her was watching her...

Many people are pointing fingers, thinking that she is blackmailing or failed to gain a rich kid's heart.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen the beauty before?!"

Shouted, pulled down her cap, Qi Linger quickly ran into the cemetery.

At this moment, Qin Feng driving Ferrari did not think so much, and would not have believed that this Qi Linger would be entangled with him like a ghost in the future.

What he is thinking about now is the next thing.

Xu Hu, the first one.

Zhang Kaiyu, the second one.

Wu Lili, the third.

Sun Yi, the fourth!


It is Wei Hai!

Qin Feng's spiritual power swept through the five documents in the storage ring, the equity transfer agreement, and two signed ones, one for Zhang Kaiyu and one for Sun Yi.

There are three more without signatures, waiting for their owners!


Qin Hao!

Qin Yu!

The building of the Qin Group, the office of the chairman.

Qin Yu sat in his position, sitting for a while, standing for a while, walking back and forth in front of the window, it was difficult to hide the tension.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Qin Yu sat back at his desk, his secretary, a woman with heavy makeup, big wavy hair, and a professional short skirt. The figure was very slim, especially the pair of "double peaks," wrapped in business attire. Under the circumstance, it seems that this Yu Qin is very faithful to a sentence.

Secretary handles everything and the boss fucks secretary.

"How was it?"

Qin Yu saw the female secretary, excited to stand up and ask, eyes with a hint of expectation.

The female secretary shook her head: "I called the family of vice president Sun and several numbers he recently contacted. No one can contact him, including the woman named Wu Lili, who is always on the phone. "

Hearing this, Yu Qin was shocked ...

Fist tightly pinched up!

He has a hunch! Very strong premonition! Things are getting more and more out of his control!

The female secretary secretly peeped at the closed door behind her. After making sure that no one would disturb her, she unbuttoned her blouse in half, revealing the rosy bra and half of the breast.

Going forward, the expression became horny.

The hand began to surround Qin Yu's neck slowly, and the extremely flattering voice was in Qin Yu's ear.

"Chairman, don't worry, I am willing to use my body to bear all the troubles of the chairman, just do whatever you want on me ..."

That means, let Qin Yu give her a powerful output in this office!

"Fuck off!"

Qin Yu yelled and pushed away from the female secretary, especially the fierce beast's eyes of Qin Yu. She was too scared to say anything. This was the first time she saw Qin Yu like this, and even her eyes began to flush tears.

"Immediately notify all directors that the board of directors will be held tomorrow and the shareholders' meeting will be held in advance!"

Qin Yu said decisively.

The female secretary nodded in a tremble, apparently very wronged, but did not dare to say anything.

Just about to turn around.


Qin Yu's voice came, and when the female secretary turned her head, Qin Yu was unfastening the belt.

"Climb over."

The voice is cold, but the female secretary is extraordinarily obedient and slowly knelt...