Can't be Cultivated? Dust off Dan!

Money, one million, for Qin Feng, a master of billionaire, is not a big deal.

The one million that he left for the Nangong Yiren was purely out of pity, and the unique identity of the Nangong Yiren.

Holy lady.

Although Qin Feng is not a good gentleman, he will never be a beast to use the Nangong Yiren as a furnace for himself to practice.

But no matter how this woman to stay at his side, will undoubtedly have great use in the future, this is an omen of Qin Feng.

Ferrari galloped on the street.

Qin Feng sent a message to Zuo Yingjie. The content of the information is straightforward. Whatever it takes, help him to lock at Wei Hai.

Qin Yu is the chairman of the group, and certainly will not run, but this Wei Hai may slip.

After all, the previous Sun Yi is an example. If it was just happened to be met by himself, this Sun Yi ran away.

Thinking of Qin Yu, Qin Feng's eyes, with a touch of cold.

Presumably this time, his own uncle should be like an ant on a hot pot, anxious.

At this time, the phone ringing.

It is a strange number.

Qin Feng frowned slightly and then connected.

"Is, is this Qin Feng?"

The voice at the other end of the phone is conscientious, for fear of the wrong number.

After listening to this voice, he knew it was Nangong Yiren. Looking back, when he first sent her home, he did give her his phone number.


Qin Feng's mobile phone is on speaker.

"That money..."

"For you."

Before the completion of Nangong Yiren, Qin Feng said with a smile.

"No, I can't take your money. Moreover, it's not a small amount."

Nangong Yiren's voice is very firm. For her, one million is the first time in her life.

"Who said you just take it for nothing?"

Qin Feng looked at the scene outside the windshield, and the car stopped at a traffic light.

"You don't need to be a model. I'll find you a new job in a few days. The money will be regarded as the salary in advance."

"What?" What job? "

Nangong Yiren was a little surprised. She didn't expect Qin Feng to find a job for herself.

"You'll know what kind of work you'll have. Use the money first and buy yourself something good. Don't worry about your brother. I'll treat him again in a couple of days, and he'll be cured."

With that, the other end of the phone fell into silence.

But between the vague...He can hear the sound of sobbing.

Nangong Yiren, since her parents died three years ago, she and her younger brother have been left alone. At that time, a weak girl of eighteen was forced to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of her younger brother.

Then came another catastrophe. Her brother had leukemia. She even dropped out of college and kept earning money just to continue her brother's life.

She is also a girl, a beauty, loves to play, has a heart that is yearning for being cared for and loved.

In this indulgent society, never...No one, like Qin Feng, really cared about her and took care of her.

"Thank you."

The voice of the Nangong Yiren came.

"Nothing, not a big deal."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he hanged the phone.

Thinking of the Nangong Yiren, Qin Feng thought of a thing but can not help but feel funny.

He himself saw Nangong Yiren three times, each time acting as an escort, indeed as expected as recorded in Sun Wukong's inheritance.

The Holy Lady is often a woman with a gorgeous appearance, which is extremely attractive to men.

And such a woman is naturally easy to be locked by a lustful man.

The traffic lights are converted, and Qin Feng drives back to the hotel.

Solved Xu Hu, Zhang Kaiyu, Wu Lili, Sun Yi, the rest of the ones will be taken care of one by one!

He wants these people to live in fear!

Moreover, Wei Hai should still be in Qin's group building at this time. As the president of the group, he has many things, many people and many eyes, and Qin Feng cannot solve his there.

Luoting hotel, presidential suite.

When Qin Feng came back, he saw a bizarre scene.

Lin Yuechan, Song Yu and Qin Chuxue all sat cross-legged on the carpet with their eyes closed. Instead, the big black dog lay alone on the sofa with one paw propped up on the head and looked at the three women bored.

"Brother, you are back!"

When Qin Feng came in, Qin Chuxue immediately opened her eyes, and Song Yu also stood up, the big black dog quivered, almost jumped up from the sofa.

Lin Yuechan, there is some twilight on his face.

This expression naturally cannot escape the eyes of Qin Feng.

"Play with the Black first."

Qin Feng caressed Qin Chuxue's head and walked to Lin Yuechan.

"Let's talk about this on the balcony."

Lin Yuechan nodded, then the two went to the balcony.

Big black dog is around behind Qin Chuxue, carefully looked at the back of Qin Feng.

"Little Black, you are so afraid of my brother."

Qin Chuxue squatted down holding the big black dog's neck and rubbed his long hair with joy.

"Men with kitchen knives are too cruel, have to be prepared anytime."

The big black dog said seriously. Last night, the mighty Qin Feng was armed with a kitchen knife. The big black dog remembered clearly.

On the balcony, after Qin Feng listened to Lin Yuechan's words, like Lin Yuechan, he also frowned.

"Can't be Cultivated?"

Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuechan at the moment, the breath and the body of her are escalated to some unspeakable level, is very pure and fresh and delightful, and looks as if more beautiful, this is the effect of Evergreen Spell.

However, Lin Yuechan has carefully taught her understanding of his mother and sister, but everything is not as simple as Qin Feng thought.


This depends on talent!

Qin Feng forgot this!

Among the ten thousand people, he can't find a man who can be cultivated, and even if found, this person's qualification can at most practice Qi, and he cannot build the foundation in his entire life.

However, it is only among millions or even tens of millions of people that one spiritual genius can be born.

Obviously, Song Yu and Qin Chuxue are the most ordinary mortals, and they can't step in the practice.

This matter, Qin Feng will never allow it.

He has Sun Wukong's inheritance. In the future, even if he is immortal, he will not die. He does not want to enjoy this life alone. He wants to let the people he cares about be like himself, share the same lifetime.

"There is only one thing."

Using the majestic Monkey King's inheritance, Qin Feng soon found a kind of Dan medicine that may exist in Earth: named Dust Off Dan.

The purpose of this kind of medicine is to open up the spirit so that those who can't practice can have the qualification to practice.

Of course, this kind of qualification is not very good, but at least, they can enter the door of practice.

"You are talking about Dust Off Dan? Dust Off Dan is a rare medicinal herb in the foundation level. Even my master can't refine it, but now...There is no way to get it. "

Lin Yuexi said with a sigh, she naturally thought of this thing at the beginning.

Just as Qin Feng frowned, his cell phone rang again.

This time,

It is a familiar caller ID, Ye Jiale.