Linhai Port

The square mirror, the bronze mirror reflects the appearance of three people.

"Infiltrate into the square mirror with spiritual power, and think of the person you are looking for. As long as this person is still in the boundary of Jiangzhou, it will appear in this mirror."

Zhang Dawei explained on the side and looked at Qin Feng's eyes with some doubts...

The four square mirrors of Immortal admin are distributed in various places. It is a tool that almost all the cultivators know in the world. Every cultivator knows how to use it.

Qin Feng's cognition and performance of the using the Square mirror is more like a rookie who has just stepped into the cultivation, but how can a rookie easily frighten him?

Looking at Qi Linger on the side of Qin Feng, this girl is laughing, obviously, Qin Feng does not know how to use the square mirror, in her opinion, it became a very funny thing.

After Qin Feng listened, he raised his hand and suddenly had a spiritual power to fall into the square mirror.

At the same time, he thought about the appearance of Wei Hai.

At this moment, the originally calm bronze mirror surface ripples like water.

In this mirror, there is a scene.

Blue waves and blue sky, light winds and light clouds, Jiangzhou faces the sea. This is Jiangzhou's largest port, Linhai Port.

At the moment in this mirror, inside is a huge white three-story cruise ship moored at one of the many ports, its destination, Japan.

At this time, passengers were gradually queuing up to board the ferry. In the VIP boarding area, a fat, short, middle-aged man is in casual sportswear, and he wears a white hat and sunglasses and is holding a beautiful woman's waist to board the ferry.

Wei Hai.

It seems that this guy is very fast. Seems like he has already started to plan to run since he knew the death of Xu Hu and Zhang Kaiyu in the early morning.

However, this guy is really a fucker, running without his parents and children or wife, only with a mistress. He is quite heartless.

Qin Feng looked at the scene in this mirror. From the road signs in this picture, Qin Feng knew that it was the Lin Hai harbor.

Without saying anything, spit out the smoke in his mouth, turned and went out of the hall, Qi Linger still wants to keep up but was pulled by Zhang Dawei.

"When you have a dust-off Dan, come to me, I will never break my promise."

Qin Feng also waved his hand and a voice was into the temple.

"You, what are you doing, why don't you let me catch up!"

Qi Linger was angry and staring at Zhang Dawei.

"Sister, this guy is too dangerous. You'd better stay away from him, let alone you have no idea what he's going to do. What if He's going to kill and set fire to something. It's not good for you to follow as a girl, is it? "

Zhang Dawei said with fear.

"Right? Right my ass! Don't forget, you bet your life to him. "

Qi Linger's mouth was bulging and she wanted to catch up, but Zhang Dawei was holding her back. "It doesn't matter if I give my life to him, my lady, you can't get any harm!"

"You, you, let go!!"

Zhang Dawei is like a dogskin plaster sticking to Qi Linger. Qi Linger can't break free.

At the same time.

Qin Feng has already stepped out of the temple door. The two buddies who are guarding outside the temple door, as soon as they saw Qin Feng, they stood up straight. After what happened just now, they were shocked to see him that they did not dare to underestimate Qin Feng anymore.

Qin Feng got on the Ferrari directly, started the car and drove off.

Linhai port!

The boarding has already started. According to the convention, the cruise ship will leave in half an hour to an hour. For Qin Feng, time is very little and he must be fast!

Qin Feng quickly went out of the ancient garden and had just set up a navigation system to head for Linhai Port.

The phone rang.

Zhou Hong!

Seeing the name of the caller ID, Qin Feng couldn't help but frown. On the night of meeting Sun Wukong, Qin Feng still remembered clearly what several gangsters in the alley said and the message from Zhou Hong.

Last time at Tianma Circuit, he did not try out Zhou Hong's points.

However, it does not mean that Qin Feng will believe that this Zhou Hong...What kind of play is he playing, what is he doing in secret, what is the reason why he has been making friends with him for so many years, pretending for so many years?

Took a deep breath, Qin Feng didn't have time to find out for the time being, and when he finishes all this, he will start to work on Zhou, he adjusted his mood and then connected to the phone.


"Madman, there is something I want to tell you."

At the other end of the phone, Zhou Hong's voice came, as usual, he called the nickname that few people dare to call Feng Qin "madman".

"What is it?"

Qin Feng was driving while talking to Zhou Hong.

"Today, the group in the class, led by Ding Sihai, said they would give you a farewell party. I think this is because Ding thinks you are not well now and wants to punish you intentionally."

"Nothing, let him do it, by the way, help me to inform them, set the time and place, tell me the first time, I, Qin Feng, will be there on time."

"Well, I'll call a few people to go, but ...Haha, you shouldn't need it anymore. Where did you learn Kong Fu? Qigong? I feel like you learned Qigong that day. I was shocked when you were at Tianma Racing Circuit. Now Li Zhuoran, that fucker is still like stupid. "

"It's just a trick. If you want to learn it, I'll teach you."

"No, no, no, no, I've had enough of taekwondo. That's it. I'll tell you when I'm sure. Gotta go."

After the phone hangs up.

A person's appearance flashed through Feng Qin's mind. Ding Sihai is similar to Li Zhuoran. Compared with him, Li Zhuoran is a rich second generation, while this Ding Sihai is the second generation of a high official.

The feud with this Ding Sihai still had to be settled three years ago when they first entered the university. Ding Sihai used her family's power to have a crush on a girl in the class. It happened that Ding Sihai was poor in appearance and Low in character. The girl was really unwilling to be with him.

So this guy wants to use hard ones. The girl's family is just an ordinary one. She was transferred to their noble class because she really didn't want to be in school again. That's why she paid such a high tuition fee. Her family simply couldn't bear Ding Sihai's oppression.

What Qin Feng disliked most was this kind of bullying shit, so Qin Feng beat this Ding Sihai when he met him.

However, Ding Sihai really dare not say anything.

Qin Group was too powerful in Jiangzhou. If Ding Sihai dares to use his father to press Qin Feng, Qin Group will withdraw some capital from a large project in Jiangzhou casually, and Ding's father can not allow that happen.

This is an era of GDP. The achievement depends on this.

Since then, this Ding Sihai has always hated Qin Feng, and now he finally sees the opportunity to severely beat a homeless dog when Qin Feng is down and out.

For this person, Qin Feng ignored, nothing more than a buffoon.

The car, galloping on the Linhai Highway, this road leads directly to the harbor.