Two Choices, Sign or Die!

Qin Feng took his hand back and continued to put it back into his trouser pocket.

Looking at Fucker Qin who tidied up his clothes, the women around him also hurriedly tidied up their clothes and then leaned on Qin Hao.

"All fuckers, stop! And turn on the lights!"

Qin Hao took the microphone around him and screamed with great arrogance.

The sound echoed throughout the private room.

They may not listen to others, but Fucker Qin's words, these younger brothers have to listen. After all, they play with him just for fun and women, whoever is "working" or singing, all stopped.

With a click, the dim light in the compartment faded and turned to bright light.

There are fifteen pairs of sharp eyes, and these people are staring at the Qin Feng, slowly approaching over.

As for the ladies, they went back one by one, gathered together, looked at the encircled Qin Feng, and guessed the identity of Qin Feng.

Although Qin Feng used to be the son of a wealthy family, he was really really good at play. No one can match him in the world of playing in Jiangzhou. However, one thing is that Qin Feng plays with cars and balls, but he never plays with women.

He is a person who takes love very seriously, which is exactly like his father, Qin Xiao.

The father and son, apart from their appearance, are only similar in this character.

So Qin Feng has hardly ever been to the "Night Time" club called Jiangzhou No.1 nightclub in the past. Naturally, these young ladies do not know who Qin Feng is.

"Well well well, how come today you come to find your little brother? Wouldn't it be borrowing money? "

Qin Hao's expression was very exaggerated. After that, he laughed loudly. The other fifteen shitheads were laughing too. Many of them knew the existence of Qin Feng.

They also know that the current Qin Feng is a 'funny dog, homeless dog.'

It's a must-have skill for a villain to play with a homeless dog.

It is evident that these guys are all 100% villains.

Qin Hao looked at his cousin in front of him. After a few minutes of the psychological suggestion, he chose to use this kind of complete arrogance to hide his awe and fear of Qin Feng.

He even regarded his past cowardliness and fear as a humiliation and turned it into a more arrogant gesture.

Qin Feng smoked, but he looked at his cousin indifferently, down-to-earth social dross.

"I came here to ask you to sign for me."

The voice is very dull. As soon as he raises his hand, a document appears in hand, and the equity transfer book appears.

"Sign it, and you will be fine."

Looking at the document in Qin Feng's hand, Qin Hao, no matter how silly, knew what it was and laughed at it immediately.

"What shit, I am fine? Qin Feng, are you fucking out of your fucking mind? Who do you think you are?! I'm telling you, it's not that I'm fine, it's that you're not fucking fine from now! "

His eyes widened, and he snorted: "Fuck up him!"

The fifteen people had already prepared for it, and they got the words of Qin Yu, and they rushed to the Qin Feng.

What happened next.

Describe it in a very appropriate word that is, bloom!

Like chrysanthemums in full bloom in summer!

These fifteen people who rushed up, like the flowering petals, smashed out!

One by one was blown away, either on the wall or on the table. Except for the different landing places, everyone's misery and shrieks were almost the same.

They were half-dead and covered in blood, crying loudly on the ground. They were almost shouting the name of their father and mother.

"Ah ah ah!!!"


These twenty women, seeing this scene, saw that the people who were rolling around, especially the pungent bloody smell floating in this room, was shocked and started screaming.

Some women subconsciously want to open the door to go out, only to find that the door can't be opened, one by one is not panic, can only lean on the wall, shivering at the back of Qin Feng.

"You, you, what are you doing?!"

Fucker Qin is terrified in an instant!

In the final analysis, he is a coward who only knows how to play with women. He used to be and still is! No changes will happen because of changes in identity.

Qin Hao glanced at his 15 brothers, all of whom were half dead lying on the ground. Many of them even fainted directly and looked like a dead man.

Although these people's physical quality is poor, he, a man with kidney deficiency who has been hollowed out by women all the year round, will not get any better.


Qin Feng is still smoking, his hands in his trouser pockets, and he looks like he has never looked at him.

"I, I can't sign!"

Qin Hao looked at the agreement, and he knew very well what he would represent once he signed his name. His tens of billions would leave him.

"You have two choices, first, sign, second, like them, even, die."

Qin Feng said very calmly as if what happened around him had nothing to do with him.

"I won't sign it, and I won't sign it if I die!"

Qin Hao shook his head desperately and wanted to go backward. Qin Feng suddenly had a cold face, and his eyes showed fierce light. His hand lifted and slammed the neck of Qin Yu.

"Then die, friendly reminder, I only need one second to strangle you. For the sake of you being my cousin, I'll give you seven seconds. You can sign before seven seconds. After seven seconds, you will go to the underworld to collect your tens of billions."

The four women around Qin Hao were all scared and ran away screaming.

His hand was exerting little by little.


Qin Hao was pinched by the neck, continually struggling, face flushed bright red, the whole body is shaking.

He realized that...Qin Feng, will really kill him! The fear of death is shrouded!

The first second.

Next second, third second...

When the fourth second.

He, compromised! Or, it's fearful! For such a pleasure-seeking person like him, nothing is more important than life!

"sign…I'll sign."

He struggled to say out the word "sign," Qin Feng's hand slowly loosen down.

Qin Hao suddenly cough, exhaled gasped, looking at the document in front of his eyes, signed his name in trembling.

When he signed his name, Qin Feng raised his hand and directly fainted him.

Although Qin Hao is not the right person, he did not participate in the murder of Qin Xiao. Qin Feng kills people, but he does not kill people indiscriminately. It is clear between right and wrong that injustice has its head and debt has its owner.

The crime lies with his father. Naturally, his father will bear the burden.

This night, Qin Hao must sleep soundly and cannot have any contact with Qin Yu.

Because tomorrow morning, Qin Feng will give Qin Yu a surprise gift.

Shareholders' meeting...

Qin Feng collected the equity transfer agreement signed by Qin Hao.

Tomorrow, I will see how you hold the shareholders' meeting!

To become the chairman, you must have the consent of half of the equity holders, which is 50%!

Qin Feng now has Wei Hai, Sun Yi, Qin Hao, three people with a combined 29% stake, while the other two partners of the company group, one 15%, one 10%, of course, these two people will not agree with Qin Yu as chairman.

And this occupies 54%!

A cold light flashed through his eyes. The cigarette on Qin Feng's mouth just burnt out now from the moment he came in.