With Me, You Will Be Fine!

In the lobby of the hotel, it was already a mess.

Because the exclusive elevator of this presidential suite, they can't press it!

A large group of staff was all around the elevator, including the lobby manager, staring blankly at the elevator.

This is the scene Qin Feng saw when he arrived at the hotel, and his heart suddenly thumped.


Qin Feng gave a loud roar, and a large group of people hurriedly looked back when they heard the voice. When they saw that it was Qin Feng, they all got out of the way.

"Mr. Qin, there were three..."

The lobby manager just wanted to explain something to Qin Feng, but before he could, Qin Feng pressed the elevator button, and the elevator door opened immediately.

Everyone in this place is stunned...

Damn it!

Why can't these dozens of them push the elevator with all their might, and this Mr. Qin just pushed it!

Of course, these people don't know, this button was previously set up by Feng Mao's spiritual barrier, and these ordinary people naturally can't press it.

But for Qin Feng, unravel this barrier, a piece of cake.

The lobby manager wanted to follow him into the elevator, but he was turned back by Qin Feng's eyes. When he saw Qin Feng's cold eyes, he was stunned.

He dare not follow up at all.

The elevator door is closed, all the way up!

Qin Feng's heart is to follow the elevator up and tightly pulled up!

Damn it!

Damn it!

He hit the elevator with his fist, and the whole elevator shook!


When the elevator door opened, Qin Feng rushed out at a very fast speed. When the door of the suite was broken, the heart of Qin Feng was already stopped beating.

He is very clear that if the Seven Stars Gate is looking for their troubles, with the examples of Shen Wan before, they will definitely send the cultivators who are practicing the peaks, and Lin Yuechan's current cultivation is impossible to stop!

He thought that it would take two or three days for the Seven Stars to find them. When he finished the work of Qin Yu, he planned how to deal with it.

But he did not expect that it came so fast!

He hurriedly ran to the suite. When he walked in, the messy scene in front of him made Qin Feng furious.

Seven Star Gate...!

If I don't destroy you, I won't be Qin!

Just as Qin Feng was in extreme anger, a voice came out.


Qin Feng froze, then looked at the source of the sound, open balcony, Qin Chuxue is standing beside the broken glass door looking at Qin Feng with tears.


As soon as he saw Qin Chuxue, Qin Feng couldn't conceal his joy. He ran over and hugged his sister.

"Have you been injured?"

He anxiously looked at his sister, after a quick check, make sure there are no scars on Qin Chuxue's body, Qin Feng's heart was just a little settled, then looked at the open balcony, his mother is fine too.

Just that...

Lin Yuechan...

Blood stained her sportswear and dyed the ground red.

Qin Feng frowned, hurriedly came to Lin Yuechan, took Lin Yuechan from Song Yu, lying on one side was the big black dogs who were still unconscious.

After stepping on Feng Mao and swallowing Kang Ben and Dai An, the big black dog recovered its original black dog look and fainted without saying a word.

"You, you are back."

Yuechan's face went white, and her mouth was covered with blood. Looking at the arrival of Qin Feng, she was weak, just like a gentle gust of wind could blow away her life.

Her eyes can be said to be in this life...

The gentlest one.

Because in the view of Lin Yuechan, this should be the last time in her life.

"Don't talk, and I'll stabilize your injury."

Qin Feng looked at Yuechan like this. He was relieved to see his mother and sister safe, but now he is nervous again.

Even he himself does not know why this is happening.

The Seven Star Gate was started by Lin Yuechan, but now she is also protecting his family.

It is no longer necessary to distinguish between right and wrong, the so-called reason and result, and the so-called debt and kindness, which have long been confused.

"No, no more."

Yuechan Lin actually has been holding her last breath, she had already left the last breath, just to wait for Qin Feng back, in order to look at him again.

In order to make a good farewell with him.

"With me, you will be fine!"

Qin Feng said firmly, and then he searched frantically in the sea of knowledge for all kinds of miraculous spells to cure people but searched everywhere ...I did not find it!

This is also normal. Sun Wukong's life spans all worlds. He relies on strong strength, possesses great magical powers that reach heaven and earth, and has an immortal flesh body. Naturally, he will not practice any therapy.

"I should have died since I was, can, can..."

Lin Yuechan spoke, but he coughed up instantly, and blood fell from the corner of her mouth.

"sister Yuechan!"

Qin Chuxue squatted aside and cried, tears flowing downwards.

Song Yu also closed her eyes and tears fell from the closed corner of her eyes. This kind of separation…She does not want to watch.

"Don't talk, and I said don't talk!"

Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuechan, with a roar of voice, eyes are red!

"Can, can meet you, enough, e-n-o-u..."

Lin Yuechan wanted to raise her hand, wanted to touch the face, but could not. The raised hand was in mid-air. Fell down.

Eyes slowly closed up.


A drop of tears slipped from the corner of her eye. Don't know whether this drop of tears is joy or sadness.

"sister Yuechan!"

Qin Chuxue couldn't help it anymore and burst into tears.

"Not enough!"

Qin Feng roared, his spirit force poured into Yuechan's body continuously, and the great fairy tactic showed its advantages at this moment. The pure spirit force stabilized the last breath of Yuechan!

There is still hope!

The last hope!

"Mom, take sister and Blakie and take a taxi to the Ancient Wood Garden!"

Qin Feng said this sentence, and then picked up the dizzy dead Yuechan, ran to the elevator at breakneck speed!

"Hold on, hold on!"

In the hotel lobby, everyone is watching the exclusive elevator of the Presidential Suite, intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, the elevator let out a "ding," almost all the staff are looking at it, especially the lobby manager, hurriedly to meet up.

But before he even talked, the moment the elevator door opened, Qin Feng held Lin Yuechan, running out with blood, very fast!

Everyone was stunned, especially when they saw Qin Feng covered with blood, and many of them were scared and screamed, and they ran far away.

"Ancient Wood Garden, Immortal Admin, Qi Linger, Zhang Dawei!"

This is the only place where Qin Feng can think of saving Lin Yuechan!

After all, the cultivator's injury cannot be cured in ordinary hospitals. Only cultivators can heal it!

The royal blue Ferrari ran all the way to the western suburbs of Jiangzhou once again at a crazy speed!