Pretend to be something

Donghua street.

One of the most famous shopping streets in Jiangzhou City, intersections are numerous, there are one shopping mall after another, which are some high-end brand stores.

"What are we doing here?"

A Ferrari stopped on the street. Nangong Yiren looked at the busy street with a timid expression on her face.

Of course, she knows where Donghua Street is, and she's always longing for it.

After all, it's called a shopping paradise for women, but she hasn't been here once because she knows she can't afford it.

Every dress here costs tens of thousands of yuan.

For Nangong Yiren, it's a sky-high price!

"Buy, clothes."

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Get out of the car."

"Do you know these brands?"

Qin Feng asks Nangong Yiren who are walking beside him. They walk into a shopping mall. People come and go. The turnaround rate of Nangong Yiren is almost 100%.

Men yearn, women are jealous.

However, these are not the key points, the key point is that Qin Feng looks at these brands which are all unknown, he is a bit embarrassed.

Regarding cars, no matter what model of luxury brands, he always knows them, but he has not studied the brand of women's clothes.

"A few."

Nangong Yiren looks at these stores and has an expectation in her eyes.

It's normal. She's just an ordinary girl. It's human nature to like beautiful clothes.

"That looks good. What brand is it? It's a little familiar."

Qin Feng pointed to a particularly fancy shop in front of him.

"That's Chanel."

Nangong Yiren can see it at a glance.

"Sound familiar, this is it."

Qin Feng put his hands in his trousers pockets and walked towards the Chanel store. Nangong looked at Qin Feng's back. He is still confused. Did he want to buy clothes for women?

To whom? For herself?

Think of here, her face flushed, quickly followed up.

And dozens of meters behind them, there are two more than thirty-year-old, wearing strange clothes, even the head is hidden under the black robe.

In this splendid shopping mall, this dress should be very noticeable, but strangely, the passers-by seem to be unable to see the existence of these two people, passing by them without any change of expression.

The two eyes under the black robe were staring at Qin Feng tightly.

Chanel Shop.

Qin Feng looked at Nangong, who had just come out of the fitting room, a purple dress with a sling, a proud "snow peak", slender white arms, straight and slender jade legs, and an S-figure. It was a visual feast.

But somebody else was unhappy. The shop assistant stood aside and looked at Qin Feng and Nangong Yi people with contempt.

The clerks in this famous brand store are all shrewd. Looking at the clothes brands on Qin Feng and Nangong Yiren, they can conclude that they are two impoverished people who have tried clothes in the brand store for addiction.

In her opinion, such poor people are the most annoying!

"It's a waste of my time to look and not be able to afford it."

There was a murmur, and the voice was not low. It was clearly deliberately to be heard by Qin Feng and Nangong.

Nangong Yiren is simple, and her face is a little embarrassed. Qin Feng just comes to the Nangong with a shallow smile. "Do you like it?"

Nangong Yi looked at herself in the mirror. She didn't need to say what she liked, but she shook her head and said it in a very small voice.

"No, it's too expensive. It's twenty-seven thousand."

"Shit, why are you in the fitting room if you can't afford. It's really speechless."

The shop assistant on the other side looked contemptuously and said in a voice that she thought she could only hear.

"What's the cheapest dress in your shop?"

With a smile, Qin Feng looked at the clerk standing behind him. The woman, who was 27 or 28 years old, looked snobbish.

"Well, that one, 1,999 at a discount, will be taken if it fits or not, and it's none of my business."

The clerk pointed casually at a skirt hanging in the corner.

Qin Feng looked at the grey-red skirt and strolled over, pulling it out of the hanger.

Then he turned his head and went to the checkout counter. The clerk despised him even more.

"If you are poor, you have to do installment!"

The clerk sitting in the checkout position could not help laughing when he saw Qin Feng holding the skirt. The skirt had been put away for several months and nobody wanted it.

"Hello, this skirt..."

The checkout clerk was just about to speak.

Qin Feng patted his clothes on the table. "Please wrap up everything except this dress."

The voice was quiet.

More than a dozen shop assistants in the whole shop were frightened and foolish, especially the shop assistant who despised Qin Feng and looked at Qin Feng foolishly.

Even the customers who are buying are stunned. Wow, the first time I saw such a trench of local tyrants!

"This card has no password. Please pack it quickly."

Qin Feng handed the checkout clerk a card.

One black card!

Suddenly the shop is noisy again and everyone is almost crazy.

What is a black card? This shop assistant has also studied it in the on-the-job training. The so-called black card is a card without credit limit and no upper limit.

That's something the local tyrants can get. Only the really big ones have it!

At that moment, she was completely stunned.

The clerk who checked out took the black card from Qin Feng almost trembling. She guessed it was the first time in her life and probably the last time.

The shopkeeper, who was still greeting other guests, quickly responded. A woman in her forties, who looked beautiful, came to Qin Feng with a happy face.

For her, Qin Feng's purchasing has fulfilled her KPI.

"Sir, do you need any other services? You can tell us the address and the style of clothes.

The shopkeeper said a lot politely, all about clothes, but Qin Feng did not understand a word.

"No, you remember to separate out the clothes that my friend tried just now."

"Yes, yes, do as you say!"

Then the shopkeeper began to arrange the clerk, put the clothes off the shelf, pack them, and she just cannot help but laughed.

As for the former shop assistant who despised Qin, it was ignored by the shop manager, and dismissal was inevitable.

In fact, Qin Feng did not pretend to be something. He planned to do so from the moment he entered the store.

Lin Yuechan, his sister, and his mother, three women have to change clothes, and Qin Feng looked at these clothes and really didn't know how to choose, body and temperament are different, so he just bought them all, bring them home and let them pick up.

For him who became chairman of Qin's board and had 60% of the shares under his name, this money is nothing.