Chief's Order

Jiangzhou city center, the abandoned warehouse where Zuo Yingjie is located.

Qin Feng has given the position of Chief Technical Officer to Zuo Yingjie in Qin Group. The annual salary is fair enough, which is 3 million yuan does not include bonuses.

But after all, there are a lot of things in this warehouse. These are all the treasures of Zuo Yingjie. He has to tidy up before he can go to work in Qin's Group. What's more... He still has an important thing to do.

He won't leave until this is done.

"Brother Jie, I just found a strange number on Zhou Hong's mobile phone."

The twins were eating instant noodles, but when they saw the light flashing, they both shouted.

"It's just a strange number. It's not the first time. Why are you two just don't shut the fuck up?"

Zuo Yingjie holds sour vegetable beef noodles and walks behind the twins. In front of them, there are more than ten machines of various kinds and a pile of display screens. The data on these display screens cannot be understood by non-professionals at all.

"Not the same, bro!"

The senior one was very excited: "I just did signal tracking and positioning, and found that the number was from Zhao Zhihong's home!"

"Zhao Zhihong is just an old fucker, why you guys are excited like fools .."

Zuo Yingjie takes instant noodles, muttered calmly and suddenly stunned. What? Zhao Zhihong!

What the fuck! Zhao Zhihong!

He put the noodles away and moved his big ass, pushing the senior twin down from his chair and plopping him to the ground.

The junior one on the other side laughed.

"How big is your butt, bro?"

The senior one grumbled up and rubbed his ass.

"You fucking care about my ass?! Let me tell you, not only my butt, my "gun" is bigger! "

As he spoke, he did not stop, pressing the dozens of machines, seven or eight display screens, all kinds of chaotic fluctuation frequencies.

He's going to personally track the source of this strange phone call!

As the result approached, Zuo Yingjie became more and more excited.

Damn it, the fucker finally shows the fox's tail!

Qin Feng let Zuo Yingjie monitor Zhou Hong a few days ago. Zhou Hong never thought that he had been monitored long ago. Qin Feng also had a hacker brother like Zuo Yingjie. Some common anti-surveillance means, cracking it would be a piece of cake.

Come and go without a trace.

It's hard to say that you and your wife are in a hurry at home and want to play some special positions. As long as Zuo Yingjie is willing to, he can connect to the largest live broadcasting platform on the Internet to your camera, a million live broadcast.

"Get it done!"

Zuo Yingjie patted the table and turned to look at the table next to him. He was stunned.

"Shit, where are my noodles?! "

As soon as he looked up, the junior was holding his sour vegetable beef noodles and eating vigorously. There was only soup left in a bucket of instant noodles.

"Don't you have your own?!! Why eat mine?! "

Zuo Yingjie's eyes stared and his face was quivering. He couldn't help it. He'd rather die than lose his noodles!

"Bro, a bucket is not enough, I am so hungry ..."

The junior laughed, and then the whole warehouse echoes the junior's scream of killing pigs, as well as senior's animal-like laughter.



Qin Feng opens his mouth lightly.

The ice flame shrank downward, from five meters to four meters.

The flame is high enough for two people, and the hot temperature makes this two scouts of the ninth branch of the Seven Star Gate Tianshu Tong unbearable. They take off their black robes one after another, they are so panic and thinking: "if you want to kill, just do it".

"we die anyway, just make it quick."

"What's the meaning of pushing like this?" Death keeps approaching. The fear before death is a hundred times worse than death.


Qin Feng smoked a cigarette, and at the same time raised his hand, the Magic Cudgel also returned to his hand and then stuffed it into his ear.


He Rubbed his ears and counting down, sounded like the countdown of death in their hearts.



Flame flew without wind!

From four meters square circle, instantly became three meters square circle!


Shrinkage speed became faster and faster!

At this moment, it directly became two meters square circle. The two men were sweating all over their heads. They don't even know whether the sweat was because of scared or hot.


Flame, instantly shrink, only one meter!

At most a few feet away from the two men, the flames almost splashed on them.

Both of them were shivering all over, and the fear of death had spread deep in their hearts.

After taking a deep breath of smoke, Qin Feng turned around.


Half of the word has just been said.

"Ok, Ok!"

One of them suddenly shouted.

In this instant, the flame poured down, but... It was another man beside him.

The ice flames burned and he cried bitterly. Another man was rolling on the ground. The whole body of the ice flames, that is, four or five seconds, he was completely turned into ashes.

The night breeze blew by, leaving no trace, no residue left.

Seeing his companion's death, the other man was scared to death. He threw himself down on his knees, put his hands on the ground, trembled all over, his face turned pale, and fell to the ground in cold sweat.

"I will say... I will tell you everything! "

"Say it."

Qin Feng stood high, his eyelids were low, his hands were in his trousers pockets, and he looked at the Seven-Star disciple kneeling in front of him with his cigarette in his mouth.

"I, I don't know where the chief is."

The words just came out, Qin Feng's cold eyes suddenly appeared, a force of killing came out, frightened the man quickly kowtowing, it was really kowtowing, banging bang bang, his face was full of blood.

"I really don't know. Sixty-three branch in Seven tongs of Seven Star Gate has never been fixed. We just get orders to do things. Except for certain messengers, we don't know where the chief is!"

"Then why do I keep you alive? Go with your buddy."

As soon as Qin Feng raised his hand, ice flames appeared in his hands.

"No, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The man knocked his head again, knocked his head on the ground and shouted: "I don't know where the chief is, but this morning, the chief's order has been in the hands of the entire branch."

"Chief's order? What did it say?

Qin Feng shook hands and the ice flame dissipated.

"Chief, he let all the people on and off the branch prepare to assemble, the day after tomorrow at 6 a.m., Qingyan North Suburb Warehouse."

The man hastily opened his mouth and said, fearing that it would slow down and make Qin Feng unhappy.

"The day after tomorrow..."

Qin Feng looked at the guy on the ground and shivering, waved his hand, and a spiritual force directly penetrated his sea of knowledge.

Then the fellow fainted and did not know whether the news was true or not. In these two days, he had to tie the fellow up and use the fellow to send back all the stable news to the chief so as not to frighten the snake.