Xiantao Ling!

In the hall, in front of the square mirror.

When Qin Feng looked at the square mirror, he raised his hand, and instantly there was spiritual force pouring into the square mirror.

In the heart of Qin Feng, there is only one idea at the moment, that is, spiritual power.

Sure enough, as he thinks, the scene in this mirror begins to change.

There is a change of place from scene to scene, and finally... Stays in one place.

But this place looks a little desolate. It's not like a place full of spiritual power.

It was a piece of dead wood and gravel, stretching for tens of miles.

There is no breath in it, at least no one can be perceived from the square mirror!

"Xiantao Ling."

Qin Feng knows this place, and this place is very famous. The origin of the name Xiantao Ling is legendary because in ancient times the sky dropped a heavenly peach kernel, the peach kernel fell there and then turned into a peach forest.

So its name is Xiantao(Heavenly Peach).

However, this peach forest only existed for three days and disappeared completely.

Because of the strange meaning of the tomb of the peach forest, the word "mausoleum" is used as a suffix, the full name of Xiantao Ling, which has been handed down to this day.

Nevertheless, despite its great reputation, there have been strict regulations from ancient times to the present. No one is allowed to approach Xiantao Mausoleum, or even 30 miles away from Xiantao Mausoleum. Sentinel posts are set up all the year round so that no one is allowed to approach it.

As for the reason, the official said that this was a minefield left over from the last century, fearing to hurt people by mistake, so it was surrounded by a restricted area.

This statement comes from the official, coupled with the desolation of this place, it really looks like a minefield, but it also deceives ordinary people, Qin Feng does not believe it.

That's it!

Qin Feng also said that he was not sure how high the requirement for spiritual energy was. He could only try the best place chosen by the square mirror. Even if there were some tricky parts, be careful then. After all, the square mirror monitored Jiangzhou. Just now, the mirror showed that there was no one in this place.

With a firm mind, Qin Feng stepped out of the main hall.

As soon as he came out, he saw that Yanqiu just did kicking, and his posture was quite standard.

"Well done, go on."

Qin Feng passed by him and boasted in passing.

Yanqiu was stunned. When he reacted, he looked at Qin Feng again. Qin Feng had already gone over the wall.

Outside the ancient wooden courtyard, a sapphire-blue Ferrari sped away.

Xiantao Ling is on the edge of Jiangzhou and Fufeng, takes at least one or two hours to drive.


A quiet courtyard in the ancient wooden courtyard, where Ho Hua lived.

But at this time, the old Ho Hua, who used to be very arrogant, stood beside a sloppy man and poured wine for him obediently.

"Master Wuzui, have you seen Qin Feng?"

He Hua said excitedly, after all, he found the man.

"Yes, I've seen him. As you said, a genius, the most important thing is that he shares the same temper with me, crankiness. Proud enough! "

The drunken madman laughed and then pulled Ho Hua's hand into the chair next to him.

"Don't stand up. Have a few drinks with the old man."

"Yes, yes."

He Hua first made a respectful salute, and then sat down with a smile.

After three rounds of drinking, He Hua's expression became heavy.

"Master, your reputation deterred Jiuzhou, some words, I hide in the heart for too long, have to talk with you."

The drunken madman smiled freely and put his feet on the chair. There was no demeanor of predecessors, it was not much different from a well-known alcoholic.

"You want to talk about those guys in Immortal Admin?"

The drunken madman laughed disdainfully. "They fight openly and secretly all day long. They are boring. Don't talk about them and drink!"

"Elder, I am not talking about Xiange this time, but the land of Jiuzhou today. Take my small city of Jiangzhou for example. Over the past few months, I have continuously found traces of the remnants of Tianxing Sect. I have presented this matter to Qingzhou Sub-branch several times, but so far there has been no news."

"No need to submit it, they all know, they just don't give a shit, no matter what."

The wine maniac lifted up his wine bottle gourd and poured all the bottles of good wine on the table into the gourd, but the seemingly small wine bottle gourd was filled with three or four bottles in succession.

"Are these remaining evils allowed to make a mess? They are low-key now, but once the riot broke out, the whole of Jiuzhou would be in chaos. Did you forget the chaos of Jiuzhou a thousand years ago? The scene of corpses everywhere, rivers of blood and dark sky! "

He Hua condensate voice said, more say the louder, although this guy is quite old, he is obviously still a cynic.

"Will those guys in Admin listen to these words? As for the chaos of thousands of years ago, it is only a few lines written in ancient books for them. These people don't care about it and say more is useless, when the chaos comes, they will naturally know how to write the word "regret".

"The old man left first, kid, today's wine is good, the old man hasn't cherished you in vain these years."

He said and patted He Hua on the head. The scene was really a bit funny. The drunk madman laughed and turned into a sword shadow and passed through the window directly, breaking away.

Looking at the departing drunken madman, He Hua sighed a long time. Although he had a heart, he was powerless.

What difference can a little foundation cultivator make?

Now in Immortal Admin, the six leaders only attack each other, and the following forces are in their own camps. The remnants of Tianxing Sect are stirring, and there are various seemingly weak and unrelated cults. In fact, they are all secretly communicating with each other. Jiuzhou, which seems to be very calm, may one day lead to chaos in the world.

But besides sighing, He Hua can do nothing.

He will go to Qingzhou Branch tomorrow, he writes a report as usual, hoping that the higher level can pay more attention.


Cars is roaring and galloping, in this night, the lights shine on the front of the highway.

It has been driving for one hour continuously, and Qin Feng has not stopped for a minute.

Half an hour later.

Under the moonlight at night, a bare mountain forest, except for rottenstones, only some withered vegetation.

It's a mausoleum and a bit interesting.

Qin Feng parked the car outside the forest and got out.

When he got out of the car, he looked at the scene in front of him and frowned.

Something wrong! He didn't feel any spiritual power at all, but here is confirmed by the square mirror, there's no reason to make a mistake!

With doubts, he looked at this bare mountain forest. His eyes were set, and his golden eyes appeared, with flames leaping in his eyes.

Originally bare forest, under the golden eyes of fire, was completely changed.

For 30 miles, the peach blossom is luxuriant. Under the moonlight, it is quiet and aesthetic.

The spiritual power is so rich that it almost melts into a mist, which is shrouded in the peach forest.


This fairy peach mausoleum has been imposed magic!

When Qin Feng saw through the illusion of the moment! Qi in his body began to flip, running automatically, with spiritual power began to inhale in his body!

Compared with Jiangzhou Place, it is also several times more abundant!

Took a deep breath, even though he knew this place was a bit strange, but he is already here, and the spiritual power of this place is really rich enough, in a short period of time really can't find a second alternative, Qin Feng still chose to go in.