Is that what you rely on?

Soot drifted down from the front of the cigarette lit at the corner of Qin Feng's mouth.

Dead end... Did you set it up!?

When Zhou Hong heard this, he laughed and had doubts in his eyes. "dead end? What is it? What are you talking about, madman?

"Did you take the wrong medicine today? You're talking nonsense here."

Zhou Hong's performance is quite normal, and he can't see any difference.

For Zhou Hong's answer, Qin Feng was not surprised at all. A man who was full of tricks but could lie dormant beside himself for five or six years, and became his best buddy, such a person, his skills of disguise and tolerance are unparalleled in the world.

Of course, Qin Feng will strip his disguise layer by layer!

"Making use of Zhao Zhihong's greed, Qin Yu's jealousy, Sun Yi's jealousy, Wei Hai's useless arrogance, set up a car accident, and then pulled Qin Group into the Tian Jiu project he sets up earlier, ready for Qin's collapse in the real estate. If I'm right, Zhao Zhihong's ambition is also your credit, Zhao Zhihong. In that case, it is impossible to have such a bold strategy.

When Qin Feng said these words, he was very calm and indifferent, just like talking about everyday life.

Word by word, it's clear and well regulated, although short, it's clear and clear.

Take a deep breath of smoke.

Zhou Hong, who was beside him, still had a smile on his face at this time, but instead of the previous one, it turned into a grim one.

Things have been revealed, and it's not useless to continue to disguise.

"what you said is quite right, I will use 'exactly'."

Zhou Hong's voice became cloudy and cold in an instant.

This is the first time that... Qin Feng was full of strangeness when he heard Zhou Hong's tone.

Silence, the silence between the two.

When the cigarette ash falls again...

"Why?! "

Qin Feng turned around in an instant, his hand directly locked Zhou Hong's throat, his mouth is holding a cigarette, eyes with a grim killing!

Zhou Hong didn't panic at all, even if he knew the strength of Qin Feng, even if he was locked in his throat by Qin Feng, even if he knew that it was only a second before Qin Feng would kill him.

He blushed and stroked his glasses with difficulty. "Qin Feng, since you sent yourself at the door, you can't blame me."

Zhou Hong's pupils turned black in an instant!

From Zhou Hong's eyes, black air surged out, and Qin Feng's hand went back.

In front of Zhou Hong, the black air gradually condensed into a person's appearance, wearing the armor of an ancient general, but still unable to see his face, his face was haunted by black air.

"Zhou Hong, I will protect you at the command of my master. As agreed, I will protect you once. The time limit given to you will be reduced by half. The time limit given to you by my master is now only seven days."

"Kill him and I'll be back in three days."

Zhou Hong clenched his fist tightly and spoke in an almost crazy voice.

"As you wish."

The voice in the black air is very confident. As soon as it raises its hand, the black air condenses into a big ax in its hand.

Qin Feng's eyes are extremely cold. He looks at the weird fellow in front of him, who emits the breath of the Pre-foundation period, and sees him chopping at himself with a big ax.

"Die... Die! Go to hell! It's all over!"

Zhou Hong has been a bit insane, so many years of camouflage, so many years of depression, that tense nerves, the brotherhood of the confusion, when all and put aside, he does not need to hide! This time, it turned into a roar!

It turned into madness!


Zhou Hong was stunned.

In front of him, something happened that he never thought of, and he never thought that Qin Feng was so strong!

An ancient golden iron rod in his hand smashed the ax of the ancient general directly.

Then the rod swung on the shoulder of the ancient general, bang!

This ancient general, in the reluctant roar, actually knelt down in front of Qin Feng with a bang. Qin Feng's foot slowly lifted up and stepped directly on the general's shoulder.

A violent stamp!

The ancient general was as stuck to the ground as a toad and could not move at all.

"That's what you depend on?"

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Hong and said.

"It's too weak."

The Magic Cudgel in his hand turns around, and when it stops...


As soon as the stick stood up, it directly exploded the ancient general's Dantian. This strange fellow gave a sad roar, fluttered and convulsed on the ground several times, then completely stopped, and after a few seconds turned into a mass of black air to dissipate.

"There is no spirit power in Dantian..."

Qin Feng frowned and looked up at Zhou Hong, this fellow. What kind of people are you intertwined with? It's so weird!

"Let me ask you one more question. Tell me why?! Why did you do all this! "

Qin Feng, holding the Magic Cudgel, went step by step towards Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong did not withdraw.

He looked at Qin Feng and laughed like a madman.

"Why am I?" Why are you?! Ten years ago, if it hadn't been for Qin Xiao, Chenghuang would have gone bankrupt?! Will my father jump from the building?! Will my mother be schizophrenic?! It's all because of Qin Xiao, it's all because of Qin's! It's you, it's you who destroyed my home and my parents! Destroy all of me!"

Almost roaring, Zhou Hong shouted these words hidden in his heart in an angry gesture!

Listening to these words, Qin Feng stopped, ten years ago. He remembered that in Jiangzhou at that time, there was a consortium called Chenghuang, also known as Zhou Group.

At that time, Cheng Huang Group and Qin Shi Group had great conflicts of interest. However, suddenly, during a period of time, Cheng Huang Group and several subsidiaries were reported to be suspected of fraud. Then, a batch of early products that laid the foundation was reported to have stolen patents. The tower of thousands of miles collapsed on the foundation. Suddenly, the large group fell apart and was declared bankrupt within a short period of two months.

As the chairman of the board, Zhou Chenghuang has carried a lawsuit and debt, almost never seen the day.

The reason why Qin Feng remembered it was that he had heard his father and mother talking about it very clearly.

At that time, he was only eleven years old, playing games in his room.

For this matter, the outside world is basically a rumor that Qin's group did the trick, but the conversation of that day, Qin Feng remember very clearly.

Qin Xiao sighed with regret. He finally found a worthy opponent, Zhou Chenghuang.

But he did not expect that Chenghuang Group should be so doomed.

In Qin Xiao's view, Zhou Chenghuang is a very powerful businessman. He lost when he was just starting out. He was eager for quick success and instant benefits and took a crooked path.

When the group becomes bigger, those past misguided ways will become gravestones.

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Hong, who was almost mad. He did not explain anything for his father.

He knew what Zhou Hong would not believe. He also felt the pain of losing his father. Naturally, he also knew the madness in his heart at the moment.


That's not why he murdered his father!

The murder in Qin Feng's eyes has not decreased at all!