Qingyan City, North Suburb Warehouse!

In the peach grove, flowers are dancing down.

Reflecting the moonlight and stars, it is very quiet and beautiful.

"Try it yourself first."

In front of the vessel, Yunling waved her hand and immediately the peach-colored flame dispersed inside.

The first step in alchemy is to learn how to control fire.

Qin Feng frowned, what Yu Yunling told to him, he is sciolistic, he raised his hand with spiritual power and began to gather in the vessel, the spirit is very concentrated.


He growled!


The vessel made a muffled noise, just like the frying pan, but only one spark burst out, and then there was no reaction at all.

"Don't be frustrated. It's normal. It's not easy to condense sparks for the first time."

Yunling said.

Qin Feng nodded his head. The failure just now gave him a little more insight. Then he began to try again and again.

Yunling on one side did not disturb but watched quietly on the other side.

No idea how many attempts have been made. With another muffled sound and a ray of fire in the vessel, it finally appears in the vessel. Although the fire is not strong, it is finally successful. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it will be much easier later.

"Half an hour to achieve this step, your alchemy talent is satisfying, at least better than me, I spent a full afternoon to do, my teacher scolded me a lot that day ."

Yunling smiled, the smile is really so beautiful that let a person drunk.

"Only because you teach me well."

Qin Feng also laughed, then waved his hand, removed the fire, and then collected the Si Hai Vessel.

Looking up at the sky, it's about the time, the horizon has been slightly hazy, apparently near the early morning.

It will take some time to get to Qingyan City from here.

"It's only 5: 15 in the morning. Don't you continue to practice?"

Yunling saw that Qin Feng was about to leave and asked.

"There are still some things to be done. Thank you my lady for teaching the method of alchemy and fire control today."

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

"Nothing, anyway, I have nothing to do all day in this peach grove."

Yunling stepped. "By the way, I noticed an unusual smell on you. It's not harmful to you. It's more like a sign. But you didn't have it the day before, so you should pay more attention to it."

When Qin Feng heard this, he understood what Yunling was talking about. It was the ghost that Big Black Dog had found on Ge Tong before.


It seems that he has now been on the blacklist of the Ghost Flag, but also a problem that can not be thrown away. Qin Feng's eyes are slightly cold since they can not be thrown away, they will all be destroyed in the future.

"Thank you for your reminder."

Qin Feng made a salute: "I'll say goodbye first."

After that, he walked out of the peach forest. When he took about twenty steps, Yunling's voice came from behind.

"You... Are you coming tomorrow?"

When Qin Feng heard this, his feet stagnated slightly. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he will go to Xianling College with Qilinger, which is not in Jiangzhou, and it will take two or three days at least.

"There's something important to do the next day. I'll visit you my lady in a few days."

After that, Qin Feng went straight away.

He couldn't bear to stay here more. He knew that Yunling was very lonely. His appearance made her feel a trace of fireworks in the world. She could have more people who could speak.

If possible, Qin Feng really wants to take her out forcibly and let her enjoy the prosperity of the world.

Yunling watched the shadow of Qin Feng leaving, standing in place, there is expectation in her eyes, peach blossoms fluttering in the wind beside her, and long hair is waving up.

Loneliness has long been a habit.

Twenty minutes later, on the nearest road outside the forest, a dark Lamborghini sped away with a deep roar.

Target, Qingyan North Suburb Warehouse!

Seven Stars Gate, Paradise, Ninth Rudder!


Qingyan City, North Suburb Warehouse.

Here used to be a factory site, full of weeds, wasted for 20 years, now there are a total of two or three hundred people concentrated in the factory's largest warehouse, no matter what the clothes look like, without exception, on the outermost one...

There is a word on each cuff.

"Shu" and "Nine"!

Tian Shu Tong, ninth branch!

"Hey, hey, brothers, stand up straight, here comes the chief!"

A bald man rushed over and shouted loudly. Suddenly, these guys were all refreshed when they heard the chief coming. They are in accordance with their respective classes, standing behind their deacons, fully arranged in 16 lines, a line of 10 to 15 people.

A Mercedes-Benz slowly drove into the old factory site and into the warehouse gate. After the car stopped, Zhu Long stepped down from the car.

A black suit, with two gorgeous women around him, he is not dressed like a friar, but more like a gangster.


All the sixteen members, except the sixteen deacons who took the lead, were kneeling on one knee.

"Brothers, today we have only one purpose."

Zhu Long glanced the sixteen lines of people kneeling in front of him and said in a low voice. There was a vicious poison in his eyes. "We gonna kill someone."

The sound echoed in the empty warehouse.

"This man's name is Qin Feng, who has killed Shen Wan, Feng Mao, Kang Ben, and Dai An, these four deacons in a row. His sins are unforgivable."

As soon as the words came out, many people who had never known him were pale and shocked.

After all, these four people, apart from Shen Wan, are all the peaks of practice. They even died in the same person's hands. No wonder the chief would come out in person.

"The man who killed men of our Seven Stars has never had other options besides death! The whole family will be annihilated!"

Zhu Long paced back and forth, and his voice fell into the ears of every seven-star disciple present. Except for him, no one dared to breathe in the air.

"Qin Feng, I will kill him myself, and all his relatives and friends will be handed over to you, young and old, but everyone you see, kill the last one of them!"

"Yes sir!"

The sixteen deacons stooped almost at the same time.

"Yes sir!"

Sixteen lines of people shouted at the same time, and the voice echoed in the warehouse.

When Zhu Long finished speaking, he walked back into the car. The two women wearing short skirts were closely following him. Obviously ... A fierce three-person car movement is about to begin.

"Everyone, rest and prepare on the spot and leave on time at 6 o'clock!"

Cheng Bo went forward and continued to convey Zhu Long's orders.

At the same time.

On a national road between Jiangzhou and Qingyan City, the deep roar sounded through the starry night. Qinfeng's Lamborghini almost ran at an average speed of 250, he didn't give a damn to speed cameras.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, Qin Feng's eyes were cold.

The ninth branch of Seven Star Tian Shu Tong.

It's time to settle our grievances.