Sudden Sword Light!

Earth Peak, in Qilinger's castle.

Qin Feng changed back his original clothes and looked at what he had just got from the storage ring, Dan medicine, and enough refined medicines for thousands of times. There was a tinge of joy in his eyes.

Gong Sun the old man was good at it. He didn't delay at all. The request made in the morning was ready in the afternoon. They sent people directly to deliver all the things to Qin Feng.

These six medicines, including Qin Feng himself, Qin Feng's mother, sister, Lin Yuechan and Nangong Yiren, even the big black dog was counted.

"Aren't you going to have a class? Why are you leaving?"

Qi Linger, sitting opposite Qinfeng, has also changed into her usual clothes, shorts, white T-shirt, slender white legs on the tea table, and is eating with a bag of potato chips.

"It's up to my mood, when I feel better. By the way, lend me your flying instrument, otherwise, I can't go back."