I, Guamo Fengyou, humbly here to meet your majesty!

As time went by, Qin Feng lay on the reclining chair in his room, looking out at the night through the landing window, seemingly quiet, but he was frowning tightly.

From his return to 12 o'clock in the night, Lin Yuechan still disappeared. The more he thought about, the more he felt there was a problem.

There's no need to turn off her cell phone even if she is going out to work.

After thinking twice, Qin Feng decided to go to Qin Chuxue to ask, came to the room of her, he pulled up her, she was still sleeping soundly.

"Brother... What are you doing?

Early Qin Xue was wearing pink rabbit pajamas, rubbing her eyes and looking at his brother with sleepy eyes.

"Where did you go with Yuechan today?"

Qin Feng looked seriously at her.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

At this time, the big black dog lying at the end of the bed was also woken up by Qin Feng, who was barking at him.

"Damn, talk!"