1.3 billion compensation!




Qin Feng passed, and the people on both sides bowed to show respect.

When Qin Feng walked to the front of the crowd, Zhang Yongmeng turned around. When he saw Qin Feng, he subconsciously trembled. After all, he was beaten in the morning and still remembers it.

Qin Feng squinted at Zhang Yong's feet, and the staff who were beaten with blood had anger and chill in his eyes.

"You are Qin..."

Zhang He the old man also saw Qin Feng. The word "chairman" behind "Qin" did not come out. Qin Feng raised his hand and suddenly Zhang Yong, who was behind Zhang He, was like a dead dog and leans forward.

Like the dog, he squatted on the ground and was pulled by the spirit power to the foot of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng raised his foot and stepped on Zhang Yong's head.

"Let him go!"