I killed three of them!

Jiangzhou Lodge.

Qi Linger and Zhang Dawei waited at the gate, and when they saw Qin Feng's car, Qi Linger was very happy and she laughed.

"Come on, the old man is waiting!"

Qi Linger shouted loudly.

"Thanks to him."

Zhang Dawei on the side saw Qin Feng's car coming, but he twitched his mouth.

The car stopped at the side of the two.

"get in."

Qin Feng squinted at Qi Linger, and Qi Linger was very happy to open the door, and then the car drove inside the ancient wooden courtyard.

Zhang Weiwei remained in the same place with a stupid face...


"Why do I have to come out with her, she can get in the car, I have to run in!"

Cold wind pounded on his face, the big mole on Zhang Dawei's corners of the mouth was more obvious, and the black hair on it danced in the wind.

The side hall of Sifang Hall is the place where Jiangzhou lodge is used for deliberation.