I am your father!

Shang Jiang.

As a whistle sounded, the approaching yacht began to move slowly away from the riverbank. The whole yacht was decorated with magnificent lights on the three floors.

The Shang Jiang parade in the middle of the night is extremely eye-catching.

This is just the appearance of the yacht, the most lively one belongs to the second floor of the yacht, the banquet hall in the middle.

The hall can accommodate thousands of people, the ceiling is hanging with glazed lights, the decoration is magnificent, all kinds of waiters shuttle back and forth, and there are all kinds of wine in the tray.

"Wow, a lot of people!"

Qi Linger stood beside Qin Feng, and there was a deep excitement in her eyes. The young of the Six Families and other cultivation families and celebrities had nearly a thousand people in this banquet hall.

However, we have to say, compared with these people, they both wear too ordinary.