
Smoke and dust slowly dispersed in the banquet hall.

In the horrified eyes of the people, Tang Yu, whose clothes were broken and whose hair was messy, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and the whole person was already angry at the extreme.

Holding his chest, he spits out blood.

He was only lower Jie Dan, and at the same time, he received three fire-beads that were enough to compare with Jie Dan cultivator's shot. It was lucky for him just to spit blood.

"Your, your honor!"

In the Tang family, all of them changed their faces. Someone wanted to come up and help, but before they run.

"back off!"

Tang Yu screamed, and the prestige of Jie Dan fell on this person. With the sound of 'bang', this person was directly bombarded by the spiritual power, and he shed blood in the crowd.

"How dare you to insult me! If I don't kill you, if don't kill you... I will be ashamed as a human being! "