Supreme Infinite barrier!

Qin's Manor.

Qin Chuxue is wearing a little white dress today. Although she is underage, the slender legs under this skirt are already quite charming.

Lin Yuechan was wearing casual sportswear with long hair hanging freely. Although the clothes were ordinary, they could not hide her charm.

The warm sun is shining, when the two are chatting in the garden in front of the villa, trimming the flowers and plants.

Most of the time, Qin Chuxue is speaking, Lin Yuechan is quietly listening, basically said that Qin Chuxue and his brother's past life.

"Sister, the shape you cut is really nice! Have you studied with a floral master? "

Qin Chuxue looked at a plant and flower under the scissors of Lin Yuechan, all of which were magnificent in appearance, exquisite and gratifying, and then look at her own cuts, and she is sorry for these flowers and plants.

"Don't worry, Xue, take your time, I will teach you."