You scumbags!

The high ground of Jiangzhou City.

An ancient golden streamer gallops across the sky!

Qin Feng stood above the 10 meters golden cudgel, and his eyebrows were wrinkled. At this moment, he had no intention to feel the wonderful experience brought by this first flight. Now he is anxious, just want to hurry back to the manor!

"fast… Just a little faster! "

Muttering to himself, the golden cudgel seems to feel the anxiety of Qin Feng, and the speed is increasing again!

However, no matter how fast it is, it is not at full speed. After all, how fast the gold-banded cudgel can fly depends on Qin Feng's profound spiritual power.


Qin Manor, the 500 disciples behind Wuxing are now looking triumphantly at the three women on the banks of the great stone in the clear pool.

More than a dozen people got the order of Wuxing, and they were walking on the clear water surface and heading for the big stone.

"you guys… just… Stop! "