Drunkless Swordsman Lu Changyi!

Among the peach forests.

Song Yu fell asleep, her body floated above the Lingquan, with a strong aura condensed into a fog, surrounded by it, this aura will maintain her physical body and soul during the sleep without being damaged.

On the side of Lingquan, Yunling is treating Qin Feng's body injury.

Just at the moment!

Yun Ling's hand stopped and her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"what happened?"

Qin Feng found that Yun Ling stopped, but also stood up.

"Somebody is coming."

Yunling raised her hand, and suddenly there was a peach blossom danced out. In the middle of the air, it condensed into a flower curtain, which reflected the scene outside the peach forest.

In this flower scene, Qin Feng saw the familiar person.

Alcoholic madman, Drunkless!

"He came to me."