The Order of Immortal Court! Back to Xianling Mountain!

The first world of all worlds, the first interface.

Supreme Immortal Court, the fairy mist that fills the air is ethereal.

A few golden lights came out of Immortal Court!

"The Jade Emperor's decree that the 36 underworld Judgers of ten courts, should be presented to the supreme Jade emperor immediately!"

"Pass the decree of the Jade Emperor to thoroughly inform the lord of Qing Yuan Yang Jian, will take five million heavenly soldiers and generals to garrison the boundary river and wait for the emperor's order at any time."

"To spread the decree of the Emperor of the Jade, there are leftover evils in the seventh universe Qiulan, kill them all!"

The boundary river is a heavenly river that wanders at the junction of 36 universes. To guard here makes it possible to land in whichever universe.


Yun Shui interface, Qingzhou, Jiangzhou city.

The dying sun is like blood, in the side hall of the Lodge.