Three Souls Vanished!

On the outskirts of Jiangzhou City, where Yuan Cheng and Fan Jiang are located.

In one corner of the manor, there are four wooden stakes that were originally used to lock dogs, but now there are four people tied.

He Hua, Lei Qiong, Yan Qiu, Zhang Dawei.

At the moment, the four people were bruised and the blood was stained their clothes.

Dantian was scrapped and the scapulas were penetrated.

Even as a mortal, they will be a waste of a lifetime.

The disciples who were tortured were also tired at this time, and now they are chatting together in twos and threes.

"Da Wei..."

He Hua looked at Zhang Dawei, who was tied to the wooden stake next to him. At this moment, Zhang Dawei almost fainted.

"Elder, Elder He?"

Zhang Dawei heard the voice of He Hua, messy hair dripping with blood, looked up to He Hua.

"Swa... swallow this."

He Hua is very weak, and in his hand, there is a jade white Dan medicine.

Ling Yuan Dan!