Four hundred and seventy-one bundles of celestial ropes!

 "Master, Jiangzhou..."

 472 people, all of whom belong to Lian Shuang's immediate team in the branch.

 The lowest of them is the foundation cultivator. If qi cultivators also count, there are nearly 5,000 direct students.

 At the moment, Lian Shuang scanned across Jiangzhou, frowning tightly. The situation in Jiangzhou was even worse than he thought.

 If you want to recover, you are afraid to spend a lot of money.

 and… He didn't know what was going on here.

 According to the news given by Zhang Dawei, Jiangzhou only has five thousand seven-star and ghost flags. If the two team's disciples are united, although there will be casualties, they can definitely settle!

 But at the moment, he cannot see a disciple across Jiangzhou!

 Of course, he can't see it because all are dead!

 "Master, somebody is there!"

 Lian Shuang was not alone in his doubts, as were several Jiedan around him.