The Holy Lord!

 "Seven Star matrix?! "

 Shi Heng who is condensing the seven-star matrix, seeing the Tianxuan and Tianshu appearing above Qin Feng, he is surprised and stunned.

 Seven Stars, this is the unique skill of the Seven Stars. In addition to the great elder and lord of each generation, there is absolutely no third person in the world to display!

 How did this kid in front of him do it?!

 "How dare a boy who only knows a bit to compete the Lord's seven-star matrix! Really delusional! "

 Shi Heng's face is iron and blue, and his hands are constantly changing and making the spell: "Tian Ji, Tian Quan, Yuheng!"

 In the sky above him, the twinkling of an eye is once again three more bright stars, five stars bright, stars are overflowing.

 "Humph! Kid, you are still young! "