Never being sluggish!

 Yongchang Gate, above the wall of middle Palace, Qi Hong, dressed in dark robes, looked at Qin Feng, who was getting closer and closer to the corridor. His heavy eyebrows were tightly knit. He wanted to make moves, but when he thinks twice. His hands were shaking and he just dared not go up.

 "Chief, chief, chief commander, We have already died more than one thousand brothers, if we continue ... "

 There was a man beside him. His face was very tense at the moment. He couldn't help braving sweat. More than 1,000 people died in one person's hands.

 He wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes!

 "The seven commanders did not come? Didn't get my order?! "

 Qi Hong was livid. In this palace defense, 9,000 guards were under the command of seven Jiedan cultivators, guarding the seven gates. Under normal circumstances, he did not need to command personally.