
 "Is that you..."

 Qi Linger's soul is suspended in mid-air by five chains at the moment. All over the body, the spikes pierces into the soul. The ice and fire are changing over and over.

 pain… Especially painful!

 painful... Already met the extreme!

 It hurts that Qi Linger is already numb in the pain.

 It is difficult for Qi Linger to know where she is.

 But at this moment... Her eyes suddenly glazed, looking at the direction of the temple door, her eyes were filled with tears for the first time.

 She seems to have heard his breathing.

 It's like being in the ear, it's so clear.

 It's you…

 It's you...

 Is that you…

 You came.

 "What now?" Still want someone to save you? "

 The soul-locker saw the appearance of Qi Linger, and there was vicious in his eyes. He raised his hand and a black whip appeared in his hand. This is a whip that is specially used to beat the soul!