The nine holy servants are out!

 Xianling College.

 The morning light of the sunrise emerged from the hidden clouds and fell on the five peaks of the college. In the early morning, the mountain bell sounded. Tens of thousands of students went out of their pavilions and began to travel to different parts of the peaks to take their own courses.

 In the top of the Earth peak, the castle originally belonged to Qi Linger, but now it is the place where the barrier is isolated.

 Soul-killer cross-legged in the center of the barrier, above the ruins of the castle, opened his eyes and looked at the front, he smiled lightly, in the area directly in front of the barrier, there is a phantom figure appeared here.

 The hundreds of celestial guards who were guarding around were not aware of the appearance of this person.

 "Soul-locker, you look really shitty. It seems that you have lost a lot in the Qi family."

 Soul-killer smiled and looked at the illusory figure and made a sound.