Qin Feng returns! !

 The morning light is slight, and the warm sun rises from the east and falls in the mountains.

 The wind swept through the eyelids and scattered strands of hair.

 The five peaks of Xianling were shrouded in the barrier of the blue, and outside this barrier, there was a person standing at the moment, and the flames flickered in those eyes.

 Qin Feng... is back!

 At the moment of Qin Feng's eyes, he sees through this barrier directly, what happened in the barrier, Qing Feng sees them all.

 The main peak of Xianling, the tens of thousands of men in black wearing armor masks.

 Xianling Tai! Tens of thousands of people were imprisoned in the crystal column, and the soul of the students of Xianling college was mourned!

 He saw a white wolf who was imprisoned in the air by nine chains and struggled to roar!

 He saw everything that happened above the crystal column.

 He saw Lin Yuechan...

 He saw... Qin Chuxue!