The main event! It really started!

 The land of the five peaks of Xianling, under the inexhaustible air bombs, the pavilion is almost destroyed!

 The same is true of Xianling Tai. Apart from this blue crystal column, the rest of the land is broken!

 Smoke was rolling up the sky!

 "What the hell, what happened?!

 "I do not know…"

 "Nothing can be seen clearly... It happened too soon! What about master Qin? ! "

 "Great smoke!"


 Among the blue crystal columns, the students of Xianling looked at the situation outside, but they could not see anything, and the smoke covered everything.

 They don't know what happened just now.

 And at the moment... But there is a voice of roar resounding!

 That is the roar of soul-killer!

 Above the crystal column, the soul-killer's body is already straight and falls to the ground, with his eyes wide open, and 100% died.