How are you lately? !

 The stars are bright in the night.

 Qi family's, above the walls of the Inner Palace City.

 Looking around here, the Qi family's City is unobstructed, and the Jingye City in the distance is full of neon lights.

 Qin Feng stood alone, leaning against the city wall, watching the starry sky, enjoying the night wind and smoking a cigarette, and he was quietly staying, he was emptying himself.

 There have been too many things happening in these two days, starting from the Luo family, Jiangzhou refining city, Qi family's civil strife, Xianling College ... After all, it can be said that there has been no rest for a while.

 "I know you are here."

 Just then, Lin Yuechan walked along the wall.

 "How is Xue?"